Learning Different Types Of Sentences

In this quiz, questions related to different types of sentences like simple sentences, compound sentences are asked. Various types of questions are asked in the quiz to make it more engaging for the students.

Start Quiz

Read the sentence given below. What kind of sentence is this?

Victoria likes to play badminton.

a statement

a command

a question

Read the sentence given below. What kind of sentence is this?

Wow, that was a great match!

a statement

an exclamation

a question

Read the sentence given below. What kind of sentence is this?

Don’t run on the road!

a statement

a command

an exclamation

Read the sentence given below. What kind of sentence is this?

Where are you?

a statement

a command

a question

Select the subject of the given sentence.

My mother went to the market to buy ice cream for me.

My mother

went to the market

Select the subject of the given sentence.

Emily loves to wear high heels.


Emily loves

Select the complete predicate of the given sentence.

Your cat scratched me.

Your cat

scratched me

Select the complete predicate of the given sentence.

The mayor will visit our school.

will visit our school

The mayor will visit

Is the given sentence a compound sentence?

My job is very difficult, but I really enjoy going to work every day.



Is the given sentence simple or compound?

He is my best friend.

Simple sentence

Compound sentence

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Learning Different Types Of Sentences
Questions: 10
Contributed by:
Fun Learning