The Age of Exploration and its Impacts

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In this study material, you will learn about the Age of Exploration. Beginning in the 1400s, European explorers went on great voyages of discovery. Their voyages had a major impact on Europe and on the lands they explored.
1. The Age
of Exploration
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2. Introduction
n this reading, you will learn about the Age of Why did explorers brave such dangers? In
I Exploration. This period of discovery lasted
from about 1418 to 1620. During this time,
this reading, you will discover some of the rea-
sons for the Age of Exploration. Then you will
European explorers made many daring voyages learn about the voyages of explorers from
that changed world history. Portugal, Spain, and other European countries.
A major reason for these voyages was the You will also learn about the impact of their
desire to find sea routes to east Asia, which discoveries on Europe and on the lands they
Europeans called the Indies. When Christopher explored.
Columbus sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean,
he was looking for such a route. Instead, he land-
ed in the Americas. Columbus thought he had
reached the Indies. In time, Europeans would
realize that he had found what they called the
”New World.” European nations soon rushed to
claim lands in the Americas for themselves.
Early explorers often suffered terrible hard-
ships. In 1520, Ferdinand Magellan set out with
three ships to cross the Pacific Ocean from South
America. He had guessed, correctly, that the
Indies lay on the other side of the Pacific. But
Magellan had no idea how vast the ocean really
was. He thought his crew would be sailing for a
few weeks at most. Instead, the crossing took
three months. While the ships were still at sea,
the crew ran out of food. One sailor wrote about
this terrible time. “We ate biscuit… swarming
with worms…. We drank yellow water that had
been putrid [rotten] for days... and often we ate
sawdust from boards.”
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3. Reasons for the
Age of Exploration
hy did European exploration begin to to spread Christianity. Both Protestant and
W flourish in the 1400s? Two main reasons
stand out. First, Europeans of this time had sever-
Catholic nations were eager to make new con-
verts. Missionaries followed the path blazed by
al motives for exploring the world. Second, explorers, sometimes using force to bring native
advances in knowledge and technology helped peoples into their faiths.
make voyages of discovery possible.
Advances in Knowledge and Technology The
Motives for Exploration For early explorers, one Age of Exploration began in the midst of the
of the main motives for exploration was the Renaissance, a time of new learning. A number
desire to find new trade routes to Asia. By the of advances made it easier for explorers to ven-
1400s, merchants and crusaders had brought ture into the unknown.
many goods to Europe from Africa, the Middle One key advance was in cartography, the art
East, and Asia. Demand for these goods and science of mapmaking. In the early 1400s, an
increased the desire for trade. Italian scholar translated an ancient book called
Europeans were especially interested in spices Guide to Geography from Greek into Latin. The
from Asia. They had learned to use spices to help book had been written by Ptolemy in the second
preserve food during winter and to cover up the century C.E. Printed copies of the book inspired
taste of food that was no longer fresh. new interest in cartography. European mapmak-
Trade with the East, however, was expensive ers used Ptolemy’s work to draw more accurate
and difficult. Muslims and Italians controlled the maps.
flow of trade. Muslim traders carried goods to Discoveries by explorers gave mapmakers
the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Italian new information to work with. The result was a
merchants then brought the goods to Europe. dramatic change in Europeans’ view of the world.
Problems arose when Muslim rulers sometimes By the 1500s, globes showed Earth as a sphere,
closed the trade routes from Asia to Europe. or ball. In 1507, a German cartographer made the
Also, the goods went through many hands, and first map that clearly showed North and South
each trading party raised their price. America separated from Asia.
European monarchs and merchants wanted to In turn, better maps helped explorers by
break the hold that Muslims and Italians had on making navigation easier. The most important
trade. One way to do so was to find a sea route to Renaissance geographer, Gerardus Mercator, cre-
Asia. Portuguese sailors looked for a route that ated maps using improved lines of longitude and
went around Africa. Christopher Columbus tried latitude. Mercator’s mapmaking technique was a
to reach Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic. great help to navigators.
Other motives also came into play. Many An improved ship design also helped explor-
people were excited by the opportunity for new ers. By the 1400s, Portuguese and Spanish ship-
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knowledge. Explorers saw the chance to earn builders were making caravels. These ships were
fame and glory as well as wealth. Some craved small, fast, and easy to maneuver. Their shallow
adventure. And as new lands were discovered, bottoms made it easier for explorers to travel
nations wanted to claim the lands’ riches for along coastlines where the water was not deep.
themselves. Caravels also used lateen (triangular) sails, an
A final motive for exploration was the desire idea borrowed from Muslim ships. These sails
4. Reasons for the
Age of Exploration
could be positioned to take advantage of the wind Questions
no matter which way it blew. 1. What were some key motives for Europeans
Along with better ships, new navigational tools during the Age of Exploration?
helped sailors to travel more safely on the open 2. Which motive do you think was the strongest
seas. By the end of the 15th century, the compass for encouraging European exploration? Why?
was much improved. Sailors used compasses to 3. What key advances in knowledge and technol-
find their bearing, or direction of travel. The astro- ogy allowed Europeans to explore these new
labe helped sailors figure out their distance north areas?
or south from the equator. 4. Which advance do you think was the most
Finally, improved weapons gave Europeans a important? Why?
huge advantage over the people they met in their
explorations. Sailors could fire their cannons at
targets near the shore without leaving their ships.
On land, the weapons of native peoples often were
no match for European guns, armor, and horses.
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5. European Exploration
and Land Claims, 1488–1610
European Exploration and Land Claims, 1488–1610
Á Malacca
Questions 6. Which country had explorers who led expedi-
1. Which explorer was the first to establish a sea tions into the lands of the Aztecs and Incas in
route to Asia? For which European country did North and South America? Who were these
he sail? explorers?
2. Which explorer was the first to sail to the east 7. By 1600, on which continents did Spain claim
coast of South America? For which European territory?
country did he sail? 8. Which European countries during this period
3. By 1600, on which continents did Portugal sent explorers to North America’s east coast?
claim or control territory or cities? Name three of these explorers.
4. Which explorer was the first to sail to what are
today the Caribbean Islands, between North
and South America? For which European
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country did he sail?
5. Which explorer was the first to lead a voyage
that eventually went around the world? For
which European country did he sail?
6. Portugal Begins the Age
of Exploration
he Age of Exploration began in Portugal. This In 1500, Pedro Cabral set sail for India with a
T small country is located on the southwestern
tip of Europe. Its rulers sent explorers first to
fleet of 13 ships. Cabral first sailed southwest to
avoid calms (areas where there are no winds to fill
nearby Africa and then around the world. sails). But he sailed so far west that he reached the
east coast of present-day Brazil. After claiming
Key Explorers The key figure in early Portuguese this land for Portugal, he sailed east and rounded
exploration was Prince Henry, the son of King Africa. Arriving in Calicut, he established a trad-
John I. Nicknamed “the Navigator,” Henry was ing post and signed trading treaties. He returned
not an explorer himself. Instead, he encouraged to Portugal in June 1501 after battling several
exploration and directed many important Muslim ships.
Beginning in about 1418, Henry sent explorers The Impact of Portuguese Exploration Portugal’s
to sea almost every year. He also started a school explorers changed Europeans’ understanding of
of navigation where sailors and mapmakers could the world in several ways. They explored the
learn their trades. His cartographers made new maps coasts of Africa and brought back gold and slaves.
based on the information captains brought back. They also found a sea route to India. From India,
Henry’s early expeditions focused on the west explorers brought back spices like cinnamon and
coast of Africa. He wanted to continue the cru- pepper and goods such as porcelain, incense,
sades against the Muslims, find gold, and take jewels, and silk.
part in trade. After Cabral’s voyage, the Portuguese took
Gradually, Portuguese explorers made their way control of the eastern sea routes to Asia. They
farther and farther south. In 1488, Bartolomeu seized the seaport of Goa in India and built forts
Dias became the first European to go around the there. They attacked towns on the east coast of
southern tip of Africa. Later, Dias died in a storm Africa. They also set their sights on the Moluccas,
at sea. or Spice Islands, in what is now Indonesia. In
In July 1497, Vasco da Gama set sail with four 1511, they attacked the main port of the islands
ships to chart a sea route to India. Da Gama’s and killed the Muslim defenders. The captain of
ships rounded Africa’s southern tip and then sailed this expedition explained what was at stake. If
up the east coast of the continent. With the help of Portugal could take the spice trade away from
a sailor who knew the route to India, they crossed Muslim traders, he wrote, then Cairo and Makkah
the Indian Ocean. “will be ruined.” As for Italian merchants, “Venice
Da Gama arrived in the port of Calicut, India, will receive no spices unless her merchants go to
in May 1498. There he obtained a load of cinna- buy them in Portugal.”
mon and pepper. On the return trip to Portugal, Portugal’s control of the Indian Ocean broke
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da Gama lost half of his ships. Many of his crew- the hold of Muslims and Italians on Asian trade.
members died of hunger or disease. Still, the valu- The prices of Asian goods like spices and fabrics
able cargo he brought back paid for the voyage dropped, and more people in Europe could afford
many times over. His trip made the Portuguese to buy them.
even more eager to trade directly with Indian During the 1500s, Portugal also began to
merchants. establish colonies in Brazil. The native people of
7. Portugal Begins the Age
of Exploration
Brazil suffered greatly as a result. The Portuguese Questions
tried to get the native people to give up their reli- 1. What contributions did each of these individu-
gion and convert to Christianity. They also forced als make to Portuguese exploration?
them to work on sugar plantations. Missionaries • Prince Henry “the Navigator”
sometimes tried to protect them from abuse, but • Bartolomeu Dias
countless numbers died from overwork and • Vasco da Gama
European diseases. Others fled into the interior • Pedro Cabral
of Brazil. 2. What impact did Portuguese exploration have
The colonization of Brazil also had an impact on the people of these continents?
on Africa. As the native population of Brazil • Africa
decreased, the Portuguese needed more laborers. • Asia
Starting in the mid 1500s, they turned to Africa. • the Americas
Over the next 300 years, ships brought millions of
enslaved West Africans to Brazil.
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8. Spain’s Early Explorations
n the late 1400s, King Ferdinand and Queen between Europe and Asia. One of these people
I Isabella of Spain were determined to make their
country a powerful force in Europe. One way to
was Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer.
Magellan believed he could sail west to the
do this was to sponsor explorations and claim new Indies if he found a strait, or channel, through
lands for Spain. South America. The strait would connect the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, allowing ships to
Key Explorers It was Ferdinand and Isabella who continue on to Asia.
sponsored the voyages of Christopher Columbus. Magellan won Spain’s backing for a voyage to
The Italian-born Columbus thought that the Indies, find the strait. In August 1519, he set sail with five
or eastern Asia, lay on the other side of the ships and about 250 men.
Atlantic Ocean. He believed sailing west would Magellan looked for the strait all along South
be the easiest route to the Indies. America’s east coast. He finally found it at the
When Columbus failed to win Portuguese sup- southern tip of the continent. Today it is called the
port for his idea, he turned to Spain. Ferdinand Strait of Magellan.
and Isabella agreed to pay for the risky voyage. After passing through the strait, Magellan
They wanted to beat Portugal in the race to control reached the Pacific Ocean in November 1520. It
the wealth of Asia. They also wanted to spread took another three months to cross the Pacific.
Christianity. During the crossing, Magellan’s men ran out of
In August 1492, three ships left Spain under food and were plagued by disease and thirst. They
Columbus’s command. For the crew, venturing reached an island in the western Pacific just in
into the open ocean was frightening. As the weeks time.
went by, some of the men began to fear they Continuing west, Magellan visited the
would never see Spain again. Philippines. There he became involved in a battle
Then, on October 12, a lookout cried “Land!” between two local chiefs. In April 1521, Magellan
Columbus went ashore on an island in the was killed in the fighting.
Caribbean Sea. Thinking he had reached the Magellan’s crew sailed on to the Spice Islands.
Indies, Columbus claimed the island for Spain. Three years after the expedition began, the only
For three months, Columbus and his men ship to survive the expedition returned to Spain,
explored nearby islands with the help of native loaded with cloves. The 18 sailors on board were
islanders, whom the Spanish called Taino. the first people to circumnavigate the globe.
Thinking they were in the Indies, the Spanish
soon called all the local people “Indians.” The Impact of Early Spanish Exploration Early
In March 1493, Columbus arrived back in Spanish exploration changed Europeans’ view of
Spain. He proudly reported that he had reached the world. The voyages of Columbus revealed the
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Asia. Over the next 10 years, he made three more existence of the Americas. Magellan’s expedition
voyages to what he called the West Indies. He opened up a westward route to the Indies. It
died in Spain in 1506, still insisting that he had showed that it was possible to sail completely
sailed to Asia. around the world. And it proved that Columbus
Many Europeans, however, believed that had indeed found a “New World”—one they
Columbus had actually found a land mass that lay hadn’t realized was there.
9. Spain’s Early Explorations
Columbus’s voyages were the beginning of Questions
Spanish settlement in the West Indies. Spain 1. What contributions did each of these individu-
earned great wealth from its settlements. Settlers als make to early Spanish exploration?
mined for precious minerals and started sugar • Christopher Columbus
plantations. The Spanish also sent Europe new • Ferdinand Magellan
crops, such as sweet potatoes and pineapples. 2. What impact did early Spanish exploration
For the native people of the West Indies, have on the people of these continents?
Spanish settlement was devastating. Priests forced • Europe
many of them to become Christians. Native people • the Americas
were forced to work as slaves in the mines and on
the plantations. When the Spanish arrived, perhaps
1 or 2 million Taino lived on the islands. Within
50 years, fewer than 500 were left. The rest had
died of starvation, overwork, or European diseases.
Like Portugal, Spain looked to West Africa for
new sources of laborers. From 1518 through the
mid 1800s, the Spanish brought millions of
enslaved Africans to work in their American
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10. Later Spanish Exploration
and Conquest
fter Columbus’s voyages, Spain was eager to Aztecs’ native enemies. Third, their horses, armor,
A claim lands in the New World. To explore and
conquer “New Spain,” the Spanish turned to
and superior weapons gave the Spanish an advan-
tage in battle. The Aztecs had never seen any of
adventurers called conquistadors (conquerors). these things before. Fourth, the Spanish carried
The conquistadors were allowed to establish set- diseases that caused deadly epidemics among the
tlements and seize the wealth of natives. In return, Aztecs.
the Spanish government claimed one fifth of the Aztec riches inspired Spanish conquistadors to
treasures they found. continue their search for gold. In the 1520s,
Francisco Pizarro received permission from Spain
Key Explorers In 1519, Spanish explorer Hernan to conquer the Inca Empire in South America. The
Cortes and a band of conquistadors set out to Incas ruled an empire that ran along most of the
explore present-day Mexico. From native people, Andes Mountains. By the time Pizarro arrived,
Cortes learned about the Aztecs. The Aztecs had however, a civil war had weakened the empire.
built a large and wealthy empire in Mexico. In April 1532, the Inca emperor, Atahualpa,
With the help of a native woman named greeted the Spanish as guests. Following Cortes’s
Malinche, Cortes and his men reached the Aztec example, Pizarro launched a surprise attack and
capital, Tenochtitlan. The Aztec ruler, Montezuma, kidnapped the emperor. Although the Incas paid a
welcomed the Spanish with great honors. Deter- roomful of gold and silver for Atahualpa’s ransom,
mined to break the power of the Aztecs, Cortes the Spanish killed him the following year. Without
took Montezuma hostage. their leader, the Incas’ empire quickly fell apart.
Cortes now controlled the Aztec capital. In
1520, he left Tenochtitlan to battle a rival Spanish The Impact of Later Spanish Exploration and
force. While he was gone, a group of conquista- Conquest The explorations and conquests of the
dors attacked the Aztecs in the midst of a religious conquistadors transformed Spain. The Spanish
celebration. In response, the Aztecs rose up rapidly expanded foreign trade and overseas colo-
against the Spanish. The soldiers had to fight their nization. For a time, wealth from the Americas
way out of the city. Many of them were killed dur- made Spain one of the world’s richest and most
ing the escape. powerful countries.
The following year, Cortes mounted a siege of Besides gold and silver, ships brought corn and
the city, aided by thousands of native allies who potatoes from the New World to Spain. These
resented Aztec rule. The Aztecs ran out of food crops grew well in Europe. By increasing the food
and water, yet they fought desperately. After sev- supply, they helped spur a population boom.
eral months, the Spanish captured their leader, and Conquistadors also introduced Europeans to new
Aztec resistance collapsed. The city was in ruins. luxury items, such as chocolate and tobacco.
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The mighty Aztec Empire was no more. In the long run, gold and silver from the
Four factors contributed to the defeat of the Americas hurt Spain’s economy. Inflation, or an
Aztec Empire. First, Aztec legend had told of the increase in the supply of money compared to
coming of a white-skinned god. When Cortes goods, led to higher prices. Monarchs and the
appeared, the Aztecs welcomed him because they wealthy spent their riches wastefully instead of
thought he might be their god Quetzalcoatl. building up Spain’s industries.
Second, Cortes was able to make allies of the The Spanish conquests had a major impact on
11. Later Spanish Exploration
and Conquest
the New World. The Spanish introduced new ani- Questions
mals to the Americas, such as horses, cattle, sheep, 1. What contributions did each of these individu-
and pigs. But they also destroyed two advanced als make to later Spanish exploration and
civilizations. The Aztecs and Incas lost much of conquest?
their culture along with their wealth. Many • Hernan Cortes
became laborers for the Spanish. Millions died • Francisco Pizarro
from disease. In Mexico, for example, there were 2. What impact did later Spanish exploration
about 25 million native people in 1519. By 1605, and conquest have on the people of these
this number had dwindled to 1 million. continents?
• Europe
• the Americas
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12. European Exploration
of North America
pain and Portugal dominated the early years of that is now called Hudson Bay. He spent three
S exploration. Rulers in rival nations wanted
their own share of trade and new lands in the
months looking for an outlet to the Pacific, but
there was none.
Americas. Soon England, France, and the After a hard winter in the icy bay, some of
Netherlands all sent expeditions to North America. Hudson’s crew rebelled. They set him, his son,
and seven loyal followers adrift in a small boat.
Key Explorers Explorers often sailed for any Hudson and the other castaways were never seen
country that would pay for their voyages. The again. Hudson’s voyage, however, laid the basis
Italian sailor John Cabot made England’s first for later English claims in Canada.
voyage of discovery. Cabot believed he could
reach the Indies by sailing northwest across the The Impact of European Exploration of North
Atlantic. In 1497, he landed in what is now America Unlike the conquistadors in the south,
Canada. Believing he had reached the northeast northern explorers did not find gold and other
coast of Asia, he claimed the region for England. treasure. As a result, there was less interest at first
The next year, Cabot set out on another voyage in starting colonies.
with five ships. The fate of this expedition is Canada’s shores did offer rich resources of cod
uncertain. Cabot may have returned to England, and other fish. Within a few years of Cabot’s trip,
or he may have been lost at sea. fishing boats regularly visited the region.
Another Italian, Giovanni da Verrazano, sailed Europeans were also interested in trading with
under the French flag. In 1524, da Verrazano Native Americans for otter skins, whale oil, and
explored the Atlantic coast from present-day North beaver and fox furs. By the 1600s, Europeans
Carolina to Canada. His voyage gave France its had set up a number of trading posts in North
first claims in the Americas. Like many explorers, America.
however, he met an unhappy end. On a later trip English exploration also contributed to a war
to the West Indies, he was killed and eaten by between England and Spain. As English ships
native people. roamed the seas, some captains, nicknamed “sea
Sailing for the Netherlands, English explorer dogs,” began raiding Spanish ports and ships to
Henry Hudson journeyed to North America in take their gold. Between 1577 and 1580, Francis
1609. Hudson wanted to find a northwest passage Drake sailed around the world. He also claimed
through North America to the Pacific Ocean. Such part of what is now California for England, ignor-
a water route would allow ships to sail from ing Spain’s claims to the area.
Europe to Asia without entering waters controlled The English raids added to other tensions
by Spain. between England and Spain. In 1588, King Philip
Hudson did not find a northwest passage, but II of Spain sent an armada, or fleet, to invade
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he did explore what is now called the Hudson England. With 130 heavily armed vessels and
River. Twenty years later, Dutch settlers (people about 31,000 men, the Spanish Armada seemed an
from the Netherlands) began arriving in the unbeatable force. But the smaller English fleet
Hudson River valley. was fast and well armed. Their guns had a longer
The next year Hudson tried again, this time range, so they could attack from a safe distance.
under the flag of his native England. Searching After several battles, a number of the armada’s
farther north, he sailed into a large bay in Canada ships had been sunk or driven ashore. The rest
13. European Exploration
of North America
turned around but faced terrible storms on the way Questions
home. Fewer than half of the ships made it back to 1. What contributions did each of these individu-
Spain. als make to the European exploration of North
The defeat of the Spanish Armada marked the America?
start of a shift in power in Europe. By 1630, Spain • John Cabot
no longer dominated the continent. With Spain’s • Giovanni de Verrazano
decline, other countries—particularly England and • Henry Hudson
the Netherlands—took an active role in trade and 2. What impact did the European exploration of
colonization around the world. North America have on the people of Europe?
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14. The Impact of Exploration on
European Commerce and Economies
Major European Trade Routes, About 1750
Netherlands INDIAN
0 1,500 3,000 miles OCEAN
Trade routes
0 3,000 kilometers S
he voyages of explorers had a dramatic impact Another aspect of the capitalist economy con-
T on European commerce and economies. As a
result of exploration, more goods, raw materials,
cerned the way people exchanged goods and serv-
ices. Money became more important as precious
and precious metals entered Europe. Mapmakers metals flowed into Europe. Instead of having a
carefully charted trade routes and the locations of fixed price, items were sold for prices that were
newly discovered lands. By the 1700s, European set by the open market. This meant that the price
ships traveled trade routes that spanned the globe. of an item depended on how much of the item was
New centers of commerce developed in the port available and how many people wanted to buy it.
cities of the Netherlands and England, which had Sellers could charge high prices for scarce items
colonies and trading posts in faraway lands. that many people wanted. If the supply of an item
Exploration and trade contributed to the was large and few people wanted it, sellers low-
growth of capitalism. This economic system is ered the price. This kind of system is called a
based on investing money for profit. Merchants market economy.
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gained great wealth by trading and selling goods Labor, too, was given a money value. Increas-
from around the world. Many of them used their ingly, people began working for hire instead of
profits to finance still more voyages and to start directly providing for their own needs. Merchants
trading companies. Other people began investing hired people to work in their own cottages, turning
money in these companies and shared in the raw materials from overseas into finished prod-
profits. Soon this type of shared ownership was ucts. This growing cottage industry was especially
applied to other kinds of business. important in the making of textiles. Often entire
15. The Impact of Exploration on
European Commerce and Economies
families worked at home, spinning wool into Questions
thread or weaving thread into cloth. Cottage 1. Define the following terms associated with the
industry was a step toward the system of factories commercial revolution in Europe:
operated by capitalists in later centuries. • capitalism
A final result of exploration was a new eco- • market economy
nomic policy called mercantilism. European rulers • cottage industry
believed that piling up wealth was the best way to • mercantilism
build their countries’ power. For this reason, they 2. In what ways did the Age of Exploration help
tried to reduce the things they bought from other spur the commercial revolution in Europe?
countries and increase the items they sold.
Having colonies was a key part of this policy.
Nations looked to their colonies to supply raw
materials for their industries. They profited by
turning the materials into finished goods that they
could sell to other countries and to their own
colonies. To protect the valuable trade with their
colonies, rulers often forbade colonists from trad-
ing with other nations.
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16. Summary and
Processing Assignment
Summary Processing Assignment
In this reading, you learned about the Age of Draw heads and facial expressions representing
Exploration. Beginning in the 1400s, European the feelings that European monarchs, European
explorers went on great voyages of discovery. explorers, and European merchants might have
Their voyages had a major impact on Europe and had about the Age of Exploration. Add thought
on the lands they explored. bubbles above the heads showing what each group
European explorers sought wealth, land, might be thinking.
knowledge, and adventure. They also wanted to Then draw heads and facial expressions repre-
spread Christianity. A number of advances in senting the feelings that Africans, Asians, and
knowledge and technology made their journeys Americans might have had about the Age of
possible. Exploration. Add thought bubbles above the heads
The Portuguese explored Africa’s coasts, chart- showing what each group might be thinking.
ed a sea route to Asia, and claimed Brazil. The
voyages of Christopher Columbus led to Spanish
colonization in the Americas. England, France,
and the Netherlands sent explorers to North
Millions of people living in the Americas died
as a result of European colonization and conquest.
The Inca and Aztec Empires were destroyed. West
Africans suffered greatly when they were brought
to the Americas to work as slaves. For the
Europeans, the Age of Exploration vastly
increased their knowledge of the world.
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17. Guide to Questions
Reasons for the Age of Exploration 2. Which explorer was the first to sail to the east
1. What were some key motives for Europeans coast of South America? For which European
during the Age of Exploration? country did he sail?
Europeans were interested in spices from Asia, Cabral was the first explorer to sail to the
but Muslims and Italians controlled the trade east coast of South America. He sailed for
routes from Asia to Europe. People were also Portugal.
looking for new knowledge, wealth, fame, and
adventure. Nations wanted to claim new lands 3. By 1600, on which continents did Portugal
and riches for themselves. A final motive was claim or control territory or cities?
the desire to spread Christianity.
By 1600, Portugal had claimed territory or
cities on South America, Africa, and Asia.
2. Which motive do you think was the strongest
for encouraging European exploration? Why?
4. Which explorer was the first to sail to what are
Answers will vary. today the Caribbean Islands, between North
and South America? For which European
3. What key advances in knowledge and technol- country did he sail?
ogy allowed Europeans to explore these new
Columbus was the first explorer of this period
to explore the islands between North and South
One key advance was in cartography, or map-
America. He sailed for Spain.
making. Europeans began to view the Earth as
a sphere. Navigation was made easier with
5. Which explorer was the first to lead a voyage
new maps and tools. There were also improve-
that eventually went around the world? For
ments made to the design of ships and
which European country did he sail?
Magellan was the first explorer to lead a
4. Which advance do you think was the most voyage that eventually went around the world.
important? Why? He sailed for Spain.
Answers will vary.
6. Which country had explorers who led expedi-
tions into the lands of the Aztecs and Incas in
European Exploration and Land Claims,
North and South America? Who were these
1. Which explorer was the first to establish a sea
route to Asia? For which European country did Spain had explorers who led expeditions into
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he sail? the lands of the Aztecs and Incas. The explor-
ers were Cortes and Pizarro.
Da Gama established the first sea route to
Asia. He sailed for Portugal.
18. Guide to Questions
7. By 1600, on which continents did Spain claim 2. What impact did Portuguese exploration have
territory? on the people of these continents?
By 1600, Spain had claimed territory on North • Africa
America, South America, and Asia. After the native population of Brazil decreased,
millions of Africans were brought to Brazil as
8. Which European countries during this period slaves.
sent explorers to North America’s east coast?
Name three of these explorers. • Asia
The Portuguese seized the seaport of Goa in
England, France, and the Netherlands sent
India and built forts there. In 1511, they
explorers to North America’s east coast.
attacked and killed all the people defending the
Among them were Cabot, sailing for England;
main port of the Spice Islands. Portugal broke
da Verrazano, sailing for France; and Hudson,
the hold that Muslims and Italians had on
sailing for both England and the Netherlands.
Asian trade. Prices of Asian goods dropped.
Portugal Begins the Age of Exploration
• the Americas
1. What contributions did each of these individu-
The Portuguese established colonies in Brazil
als make to Portuguese exploration?
and tried to convert the native people to
• Prince Henry “the Navigator” Christianity. Native people were forced to work
Prince Henry started a school of navigation on sugar plantations. Many died from over-
where sailors and mapmakers could learn their work or European diseases.
trades. His cartographers made updated maps
with new information. His expeditions also Spain’s Early Explorations
explored the west coast of Africa. 1. What contributions did each of these individu-
als make to early Spanish exploration?
• Bartolomeu Dias
• Christopher Columbus
Dias became the first European to sail around
Columbus sailed west, not east, to find the eas-
the southern tip of Africa.
iest route to Asia. He landed on an island in
the Caribbean Sea and claimed it for Spain.
• Vasco da Gama
He found a world that was new to Europe.
Da Gama sailed to India and brought valuable
spices back to Portugal.
• Ferdinand Magellan
Magellan also sailed west to find a route to
• Pedro Cabral
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Asia. He sailed around South America and
Cabral sailed to present-day Brazil and
eventually sailed to the Philippines. He died,
claimed its lands for Portugal. In India, he
but his crew continued and they were the first
established a trading post and signed a trading
to circumnavigate the globe.
19. Guide to Questions
2. What impact did early Spanish exploration • the Americas
have on the people of these continents? New animals, like the horse, were introduced.
At the same time, two advanced civilizations
• Europe
were destroyed. Many native people became
Europeans learned of a new world and that it
laborers for the Spanish and millions died from
was possible to sail completely around the
European diseases.
globe. Spain earned great wealth from settle-
ments in the “New World.” New crops were
European Exploration of North America
introduced to Europeans.
1. What contributions did each of these individu-
als make to the European exploration of North
• the Americas
Many native peoples were forced to become
Christians. They were also forced to work • John Cabot
as slaves in mines or on plantations. Many He landed in Canada and claimed it for
died from overwork, European disease, or England.
• Giovanni de Verrazano
Later Spanish Exploration and Conquest His exploration of the North American coast
1. What contributions did each of these individu- gave France its first claims in the New World.
als make to later Spanish exploration and
conquest? • Henry Hudson
He tried to find a northwest passage to Asia,
• Hernan Cortes
but instead explored the Hudson River. Later,
Cortes conquered the Aztec Empire and
he explored Hudson Bay and claimed it for
claimed its land and riches for Spain.
• Francisco Pizarro
2. What impact did the European exploration of
Pizzaro kidnapped the Inca emperor, which led
North America have on the people of Europe?
to the empire’s downfall.
Trading posts were established in North
2. What impact did later Spanish exploration America. Europeans traded for fish, otter
and conquest have on the people of these skins, whale oil, and beaver and fox furs.
continents? English exploration contributed to a war
between England and Spain.
• Europe
Spain rapidly expanded foreign trade and
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overseas colonization. It became one of the
world’s richest and most powerful countries.
New crops were introduced and contributed
to a population boom. Eventually, though,
Spain’s economy suffered from inflation and
from wasteful spending.
20. Guide to Questions
The Impact of Exploration on European Commerce 2. In what ways did the Age of Exploration help
and Economies spur the commercial revolution in Europe?
1. Define the following terms associated with the
Answers will vary, but could include the fol-
commercial revolution in Europe:
lowing: As a result of exploration, more goods,
• capitalism raw materials, and precious metals entered
Capitalism is an economic system based on Europe. Trade routes expanded. New centers of
investing money for profit. commerce developed.
• market economy
A market economy is a type of economy in
which prices are determined by the buying and
selling decisions of individuals in the market-
• cottage industry
Cottage industry is a small-scale business in
which people work mostly at home.
• mercantilism
Mercantilism is an economic policy by which
nations try to gather as much gold and silver
as possible by controlling trade and establish-
ing colonies.
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