English Colonization- Survival of Jamestown Colony

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This booklet helps students to learn about the English colonization and also discusses the survival and various aspects of Jamestown.
1. Unit: English Colonization
MYP Unit Question: How does where we live affect
how we live?
Focus Question: How did Jamestown
colony survive?
Tuesday, October 23rd, Focus Activity:
2019 Hand in HW (pg. 6)
 Happy National
iPod Day! 
1. STUDY!! Extra help
Reminders: tomorrow morning,
1. 13 Colonies map
quiz on Thursday,
October 24th
2. After Roanoke, English gentlemen
still wanted to return to North
America to create another colony. If
you were living in England at this
time, would you think that this is a
good idea? Explain why or why not.
3. King James I
4. Royal Charter Rights
One right was that the settlers
were guaranteed specific land
to settle on. Another right was
that the settlers in the New
World would have the same
rights as English citizens.
7. Similarities/Differences
One similarity was that the
English wanted to find gold.
Another similarity was that
the English wanted to find a
NW passage. One difference
was that only the English
want to find the lost
11. The Jamestown Colony
12. Most of the people who came to Jamestown were wealthy men who
never had to work in England. These settlers were more interested
in searching for gold and silver than in planting crops for food.
• D: Captain John Smith, a young
soldier and explorer, set up rules that
forced colonists to work if they
wished to eat.
13. Captain John Smith
14. Settlers feared the local Powhatan Indians
• C: Captain John Smith, a young soldier
and explorer, visited nearby Powhatan
Indians and asked their leader, Powhatan,
to supply corn to the English. This began
a friendship that lasted for some time
(later, whenever the natives refused to
help, the English used force to make
them help- this often led to wars).
17. The real story of Pocahontas?
19. Disease and lack of food killed 2/3 of settlers in the first few
months. Land of the settlement at Jamestown was swampy
and filled with mosquitoes. The water was unhealthy to
• B: The Powhatan tribe taught the
English how to farm and work with
the land, and traded with them. The
natives helped the English learn how
to adapt to their environment to
20. Chief of the
21. After two years, there were about 500 settlers in Jamestown. However they
suffered a very harsh winter and about 80% of the settlers died of starvation,
exposure to the cold and disease. This period of time is known as “the
starving time.”
• E: After 1612, colonists began growing
tobacco, which they learned about from
the Powhatans.
• Tobacco saved the Jamestown colony and
helped the English succeed in the New
• More women came to the colony. The
population grew.
22. A letter from the Virginia Company, 1621
“We send you in this ship one widow
and eleven maids [unmarried
women] for wives for the people of
Virginia…and you may assure such
men as marry those women that the
first servants sent over by the
Company shall be consigned
[assigned to work] for them, it being
our intent to preserve families and to
prefer married men before single
24. Colonists were annoyed by the strict rule of the Virginia Company governor. Harsh
laws imposed the death penalty even for small offenses, like stealing an ear of corn.
• A: The king appointed a governor for control
• In 1619, the Virginia Company set up the
House of Burgesses = the first representative
government in the English colonies
• White, landowning men elected
representatives (burgesses) to help make
decisions for the colony
25. Representative Government
A government in which people choose leaders
(representatives) to make decisions for them.