Phrases: What are Idioms?

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Idioms are groups of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words.

1. Idioms are phrases which people use in
AT Z0(e\Y Uae which do not make
sense literally but we understand what
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2. An idiom is an expression that has a meaning apart
from the meanings of its individual words. we :
= Forexample: — ce Ets literal meaning suggests
that cats and dogs are falling from the sky. We interpret it to mean
that it is raining hard.
* Other Examples:
en oee en RO Ale RN Au mrlmM olen ulenet
bit dangerous. A similar idiom that is used for slightly more
dangerous situations is to "go out ona limb." In both idioms, the idea
| is that you put yourself in a vulnerable position.
eee al la i a alee sealer (Seda ALAN ep LA
Saeco Umea ute LALeL
means something similar is "get the ball rolling."
nner <originally used when referring to horses since gums recede with age.
So the longer the teeth a horse has, the older it is said to be.
4 To nave a cho on one's snoulder Is tsuellly an eqoression 9
Cl ye ll ol Mee Laue CeCe 8/9 say, rudely or aggressively, but
also ina manner that could be described as "aggressively defensive."
The person seems always ready for a fight.

3. Food for thought
These idioms are all about food. Can you explain what they really
» Taking two bits of
mest Tae aL aon
= Going bananas
= Pick up your ears
= Wear your heart on
Welle sar

4. Taking two bits of the cherry
Selling like hot cakes
Going bananas
ed(ea] om elU Lm =t= LES}
Wear your heart on your sleeve

5. Feel like a fish out of water
Be like a fish out of water
Feel uncomfortable because you are in an unfamiliar situation.
If you feel like a fish out of water, you feel awkward or uncomfortable
because you are in an unusual or unfamiliar situation.
eT ely
| don't like going to the big parties they have. | always feel like a fish out of
| water there.
Todd is a country boy raised in a small town in Northumberland and was like
a fish out of water when he visited bustling London.
6. What does this mean really?

7. And this?

Hang on means to
wait awhile. Hang ona
minute. | need to talk
to you. Hang on. Let
me catch up with you.

8. And what about this one?
Someone Off

9. Numbers up
BS Moe lL Mle eel a ore mal
missing numbers in these says. What do they mean?
= Dressed up to the
= Talking ___ to the dozen
| One ina
= Playing fiddle

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10. Dressed to the nines
Talking nineteen to the dozen
COTM Mu cela)
Playing second fiddle
Tamla malcs-WCo10

11. Animal Crackers

It’s raining and dogs!
I’ve got a in my throat
Those are just rele
He’s taken the Sale)
| can smell a

12. It's raining cats and dogs.
I’ve got a frog in my throat.
Those are just crocodile tears.
CR el Ta alm ela mlarc lace
| can smell a rat.

13. Pick up Listen
yourears.§ carefully.
Saimple Project

14. To openly
and freely
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Saimple Project