Fun and Learning with English

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‘Fun and Learning with English’ is designed for Year 4 primary school learners who are introduced to the English language for the first time at school. It embraces the principles and directives stated in the Curriculum of English for Primary Education, for Years 4, 5, and 6 basic education.
It aims not only at exposing young learners to the target language but also at raising their awareness of diversity and respect for others. Hence, promoting positive attitudes and values such as tolerance, mutual help, and active citizenship, is a crucial part of this program.
Department of Primary Education
Primary Directorate of curriculum Standards and Pedagogy
Have Fun, Learn English
Songs Videos
3. Contents
Scope and sequence
Life Skills and values map
Unit I : Introducing Myself
Unit II : Describing my School
Unit III : Describing my Family
Unit IV : Talking about my Daily Routines
Unit V : Describing my Pets
4. 1. Introduction
‘Have Fun, Learn English’ is designed for Year 4 primary school learners who are introduced to
the English language for the first time at school. It embraces the principles and directives stated in
the Curriculum of English for Primary Education, for Years 4, 5 and 6 basic education.
It aims not only at exposing young learners to the target language but also at raising their awareness
of diversity and respect for others. Hence, promoting positive attitudes and values such as tolerance,
mutual help and active citizenship, is a crucial part of this program.
Bearing in mind the characteristics of young learners, the authors have opted for a wide variety
of activities that are hopefully appealing and motivating. They purport to cater for all learners’ needs
and main learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic).
Apart from acquiring the target language, learners, who are encouraged to be active and
autonomous, will have the opportunity to interact through pair work and group work, to learn how to
evaluate themselves and their peers and to master a number of strategies and life skills.
It is organized into 5 units, each with a particular thematic focus. The 5 units are :
1. Unit I : Introducing Myself
2. Unit II : Describing my School
3. Unit III : Describing my Family
4. Unit IV : Talking about my Daily Routines
5. Unit V : Describing my Pets
Within each Unit, there are 6 lessons. Each offers a repertoire of activities intended to get
learners talking in class and outside it. Our goal isto make every lesson better and more student and
teacher-friendly. In addition to the Lesson Activities, there is a range of material that the teacher
can use according to his/her students' needs and the time and resources available :
The Teacher's Book suggests different ways of exploiting the activities depending on the level of
the target class. It is meant to help teachers succeed in setting their learners firmly on the path to
increase their proficiency. However, as teachers are addressing starters, they are required to make
instructions crystal clear by using very simple words, by gesturing whenever possible, and by
breaking down series of instructions into smaller units. They shouldn’t pressure learners into
speaking before they have had plenty of opportunity to listen to the teacher using it. Teachers have
to consider what they say and grade their language accordingly. Beginners need much repetition
and drilling, especially as they get to grips with the sounds of the new language. It’s strongly
recommended to equip learners with classroom language that will help them follow the progression
of the lesson.
This teacher’s guide is very detailed, but it is by no means prescriptive. We do believe there is
always room for creativity and innovation. Teachers are required to tailor other extra material and
teaching aids in order to respond to learners’ specific needs. To be able to stick to the curriculum
principles and guidelines while doing so, teachers need to have a copy of the Curriculum of English
for Primary Education as a framework to refer to.
5. To conclude, the authors have worked hard to design the appropriate tools for Year 4 primary
students. Being a diverse group (inspectors, primary scool teacher advisors and primary school
teachers) was really enriching and helped us work smoothly as a team. We made lots of efforts to
come up with teaching tools that may “ create a high level of interest among learners, motivate them
to carry on studying English in subsequent cycles and help them gain pleasure and fulfillment from
language activities fostering a dynamic and forward-thinking mindset that helps them thrive in the
21st century”. (Curriculum of English for Primary Education)
We rely on teachers for constructive feedback once these tools are put into practice. Their
remarks are very welcome. Coming from practitioners with whom we share one common goal,
which is quality education, they can definitely enrich this new program.
Scope and sequence
Unit I : Introducing Myself
Lesson Vocabulary Grammar Life skills and values
1. Hello ! Hi/hello/good My name is…
morning/good afternoon/good I’m …
evening/good night
2. My Name is… Name/My/Your/The alphabet What’s your name? Value targeted :
What is your name? Respect (turn taking)
My / Your Life skill developed :
Active listening.
3. My Age Numbers from zero to 10 I am+age/I’m+age Life skill developed :
Turun taking.
4. I’m from … Where/From Where are you Life skill developed :
from? Communication
I’m/am from… . Active listening
I/You/She/He Cooperation
‘to be’: am /’m /are Value targeted :
/’re /is /’s
5. I like… Pizza/Sandwich/Milk/Carrots/ What do you like?
Bananas/Apples/Orange/ Do you like?
Cheese/ Yes, I like.
Cake/Chocolate/Red/Yellow/ No, I don’t like.
6. All about Me End product: learners draw a picture of themselves,
prepare a puppet, a TV set frame, create a
microphone and introduce themselves.
6. Unit II : Describing my School
Life skills and
Lesson Words Grammar
1. My Schoolbag Schoolbag / Book / Pen / What’s in…? / There Life skill developed ::
Pencil / Scissors/Glue/ is…/ There are…/ is Concentration
Cover / Rubber / there…? /are there…?/
Sharpener / Ruler / my/ your
Crayons / Slate / Marker
2. My Classroom Classroom/Teacher/Door/ It + to be+ adjective Life skill developed :
Window/Board/Bin/Desk/ Time management
Chair / Pupil / Big / Small / Creativity
Nice/Clean/ Dirty
3. My School School subjects / Arabic / What’s / are your
Subjects English / French/ Maths/ favourite subject/s?
Science / P.E/ Arts/Music /
Favourite/ Monday /
Tu e s d a y / We d n e s d a y /
Saturday / Sunday /
Before / After
4. My Classmates Classmate / Boy / Girl / Personal pronouns : Life skill developed :
Friendly / Kind/Smart/ He, She Collaboration
Helpful / Tidy ‘to be’ with he and she
This is + name.
He/She + is + boy/girl.
He/She + is + my
friend/ classmate.
He/She is + adjective
5. My School Classroom / Courtyard / is + adj /there is/there Life Skill developed :
Garden / Playground / are/has got/hasn’t got Active listening.
Flowers / Office/ Abiding by the rule
Headmaster / Accepting failure
Headmistress / Flag / Value targeted :
6. My Dream School End product : learners create a miniature, draw, cut Life skill developed :
and paste their dream school…and present it. Creativity
The authorset
7. Unit I
Lesson 1
Objectives :
Upon completion of this lesson, the learners will be able to :
• greet a peer.
• respond to greeting.
• say their names.
Language in focus :
Greeting :
• Hi /Hello
• Good morning
Introducing oneself :
• My name is…= I’m…
1. Students listen to the song. Then, they sing it. (10 min)
Lyrics of the song :
Hello, hi
Sun up high
Bird in the sky
Good morning, girl
Good morning, guy!
Good afternoon, good bye
Good evening, you and I!
Time for a pie
watch videos Good night, shut-eye! A day has gone by!
8. 2. The teacher shows flashcards and the learners say the corresponding greeting. (10 min)
Then, in pairs, learners :
A : chooses a card and shows it.
B : says the greeting.
3. Cut, paste and say. (10 min)
The teacher asks the learners to cut the greetings, paste them in the appropriate bubble. Then,
the learner says the greeting.
9. Hi Hello Bye Goodbye
10. 4. Trace. Circle the letter ‘h’. (7 min)
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good night
a. The teacher asks the learners to draw their hands with a pencil on a cardboard sheet.
N.B The teachers asks the learners to bring cardboard sheets.
b. The learners cut and paste the traced greetings on their drawn hands. They draw a smiling
smiley in the middle (in the palm of the hand). (10 min)
11. Extra activities
1. Colour and say. (15 min)
12. Lesson 2
My Name is...
Objectives :
Upon completion of this lesson, the learners will be able to :
• ask and answer questions about themselves.
• introduce themselves and give personal information (names).
• use possessive adjectives – my, your – appropriately.
• spell names.
Language in focus
• What’s your name ?
• My name is….
• The alphabet.
1. Students listen to a song and sing it. (10 min)
Lyrics of the song :
Hello, hello
Hello, what’s your name?
My name, My name
My name is…
Hello, hello
Hello and how are you?
I’m fine. I’m fine
all songs
Nice to meet you
2. Name Game. The teacher seats the learners in a circle. S/he points to him/herself and says his/
her name "I'm ………………."/ “My name is……….”. The teacher uses a ball to pass around
the circle. The learner who receives the ball around the circle says his/her name : as each
student says his/her name, his/her peers greet him/her. (15 min)
Value targeted : Respect (turn taking)
Life skill developed : Active listening.
13. 3. What’s your name ? (10 min)
a) Learners listen to the alphabet song (audio).
2. Then, they sing it. The teacher shows flashcards corresponding to the letters listened to in the
audio. (05 min)
4. a) The teacher asks the learners to circle the letters in their names.
b) The teacher asks the learners to cut and paste the letters that correspond to their names.
(10 min)
Life skill developed : Active listening.
4. Trace. Circle the letter “a”. (5 min)
I am.
What’s your name?
My name is …………
My name’s………….
14. Lesson 3
My Age
Objectives :
Upon completion of this lesson, the learners will be able to :
• tell /say numbers from 0 to 10.
• tell/say their age.
Language in focus :
• I am + age
• Interrogative form: How old are you ?
• Numbers: oh/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/ten
1. Students listen to a song. Then they sing it. (10 min)
Lyrics of the song :
How old are you?
How old are you?
Are you one or two?
How old are you?
Are you three or four?
How old are you?
Are you five or six?
How old are you?
Are you seven or eight?
watch videos
How old are you?
Are you nine or ten?
I’m ten! That’s right!
I’m caring and bright!
2. Learners listen to numbers 0 – 10 (audio). The teacher shows flashcards corresponding to the
numbers listened to in the audio. (05 min)
15. 3. Learners listen to an audio of jumbled numbers, touch the appropriate number on the following
poster (the number worm) and say the number.
4. Enact a role play (consolidation: greeting, name, age). (15 min)
- Hello
- Hi
- What’s your name ?
- My name is …………. And you ?
- I’m …………………………………….
- How old are you ?
- I am ………………….. and you ?
- I’m …………………………………….
Life skill developed : Turn taking.
Lesson 4
I'm from...
Objectives :
Upon completion of this lesson, the learners will be able to :
• saywhere they are from.
• demonstrate recognition of the letters of the alphabet.
• pronounce the letters of the alphabet accurately.
Language in focus :
where – from
Interrogative form : Where are you from?
Personal pronouns : I – You – He – She
‘to be’ : am – ’m – are – ’re – is – ’s
16. 1. Listen to a song. Then sing it. (10 min)
Lyrics of the song :
Where areyou from?
Where are you from?
I’m from Tunisia
I am Tunisian
I’m from Tunisia
I am Tunisian
Where’s Tunisia?
Where’s Tunisia?
Tunisia is in Africa
Tunisia is in Africa
2. Map activity. (25 min)
The teacher displays a poster of the map of Tunisia
bearing the names of the different governorates. S/
he asks the learners questions such as :
Ahmed is from a town that starts with an “S”.
Where’s Ahmed from?
Learners check the map and answer: Ahmed is
from Sousse / Ahmad is from Seliana.
Assil is from a town that starts with a “K”. Where’s
Assil from?
Learners check the map and answer: Assil is from
Kairouan / Assil is from Kef...
(It is possible also to ask about towns that finish
with a given letter: “x”, “a”….)
This activity offers an opportunity to work on the
17. Life skill developed : Communication - Active listening
3. Game : Where are you from? (20 min.)
The teacher gives learners folded pieces of paper with different governorates' names. Then, s/he
puts them in groups of four or five.
Learners ask each other :
• Where are you from?
• I’m from….
• Nice to meet you.
• Nice to meet you, too.
All the learners should have the chance to ask and/or answer the questions.
Life skill developed : Communication – cooperation – active listening
Value targeted : Respect
Lesson 5
I like ...
Objectives :
Upon completion of this lesson, learners will be able to:
• talk about likes and dislikes
• name some food and drinks
• name main colours
Language in focus :
What do you like?
Do you like …?
Yes, I like…
No, I don’t like …
Target vocabulary :
pizza / sandwich / milk / carrots / bananas / apples / orange / cheese / cake /chocolate / red/
yellow green / blue / white / black.
The teacher asks the learners to watch the cartoon video and listen. (3 min)
18. Peter -I like pizza.
Ana -Humm! It’s delicious. I love it
Peter -Do You like bananas?
Ana - No, I don’ t like bananas.
Peter -What do You like?
Ana - I like apples.
1. Enact the dialogue : In pairs, the learners enact the conversation between Peter and Ana.
(10 min.)
2. Remember and trace. Circle the letter “a”. (7 min)
Peter Anna
Pizza Pizza
Bananas Bananas
Apples Apples
N.B : The learners trace just the food that the speaker in the cartoon video likes.
3. Colour the food. Say it. (10 min)
19. 4. Do You like ... ? (20 min)
The teacher shows flash cards of food such as : bananas, apples, sandwich, chocolate, milk,
carrots, oranges, cheese, cake, …. and asks a number of pupils :
- Do You like bananas/…?
- The pupil answers: Yes, I like …/No, I don’ t like…
5. A. The teacher asks the learners to colour the food.
B. The teacher asks : What colour is the apple?
The learner answers : the apple is red.
C. Then, learners, in pairs, ask each other.
Extra activities :
1. Model what you like to eat. (15 min)
The teacher guides the learners through the following procedure :
a. Cut shapes from colour paper to form your favourite food.
b. Finish cutting out all the shapes.
c. Stick your paper shapes on a sheet of paper to make a Food Picture.
d. Stick your pictures on the wall.
2. What colour is it ? (10 min.)
Trace, read and match.
20. 3. Find and circle the words. Say them. (10 min)
milk – ice cream – pizza – cheese – chocolate – banana – carrot –
apple – carrot – orange – sandwich – cake
Life skill developed : problem solving.
Unit II
Lesson 1
My Schoolbag
Objectives :
Upon completion of this lesson, the learners will be able to :
• name school supplies
• ask and answer questions about school supplies
• identify the maincolours
• pronounce school supplies accurately
Language in focus :
• Vocabulary related to school supplies : schoolbag / book / pen / pencil /scissors / glue /
cover / eraser / sharpener / ruler / crayons / slate / marker
• Grammar : What’s in…? / There is… / There are… / is there…? /are there…? / my / your
21. 1. Learners listen to the song. Then, they sing it. (10 min.)
Lyrics of the song :
What’s in your schoolbag?
What’s in your schoolbag?
Let’s discover
A pen, a sharpener and a rubber
A pencil case, glue and a cover
What’s in your schoolbag?
What’s in your schoolbag?
Let’s have a look
Scissors, a ruler, a slate and a book
A pencil, crayons and a notebook
What’s in your schoolbag?
2. Learners listen to the audio and point : (7 min)
22. 2. Word search : learners circle the six school supplies in the word search. (7 min)
Find :
3. Listen and repeat. (5min)
Learners watch a video/or listen to an audio listing a number of school supplies and are asked to
repeat (chorally) for accurate pronunciation. Then, the teacher designates a number of learners
to repeat individually.
N.B. If it is an audio the teacher shows flashcards of the targeted school supplies
5. Matching Exercise : (15 min.)
a. Learners are asked to match words with pictures of school supplies.Then, they say them.
1. Schoolbag
2. Book
3. Pen
4. Pencil
5. Scissors
6. Glue
7. Cover
8. Eraser
23. 9. Sharpener i)
10. Ruler j)
11. Crayons k)
12. Slate l)
13. Marker m)
1 :… 2 : …. 3 : …. 4 :…. 5 :…. 6: …. 7 : …. 8 : …. 9 : …. 10 : …. 11 : …. 12 : …. 13 : ….
b. Learners ask one another questions about school supplies in their bags using “Is there” or
“Are there” and provide answers using “ Yes, there is” or “No, there isn’t” , “ Yes, there
are” or “ No, there aren’t” (10 min)
6. Tracing Activity : (5 min)
Learners are asked to :
• trace the words.
• circle the letter ‘b’.
24. 7. Formative Evaluation : (3 min)
Learners are asked to tick ( ) the right box in order to evaluate themselves.
YES Not sure NOT YET
8. Guessing game : (10 min)
25. The teacher provides an opaque bag with all the school supplies. She/he invites the learners one
by one to come and touch one of the items, guess what the item is; then takes it out of the bag
to check whether they have guessed right.
Teacher : Is it …….?
Learners : Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t
Extra activities :
1. Pair work : (15 min)
Student A : - Bring me the …, please. Put it in my bag. Thank you.
Student B : -You’re welcome.
Then, they swap roles.
2. Vanishing Classroom Objects Game. (10 min.)
The teacher lays various school things on the desk : a book, a school bag, pens, pencils, a
rubber, a notebook, a pencil case, a ruler, a sharpener, scissors, gives the learner a minute
to look at the desk. Then, asks him / her to leave the room… The teacher then hides one object
and asks the learner to come back. She / He has to guess the missing object and say it. It is
possible to ask the learner who guesses the missing object first to hide the next object.
Life skill developed : Concentration.
3. Mini project :
A Pictionary/picture dictionary : have learners create their own picture dictionaries. They can
draw and stick pictures, cut and paste or give them a ready-made one to complete.
Lesson 2
My Classroom
Objectives :
Upon completion of this lesson, the learners will be able to :
• use previously introduced vocabulary related to school supplies
• identify items in a classroom
• describe their classroom
26. Language in focus :
• Classroom/teacher/door/window/board/bin/desk/chair/pupil/big/small/nice/clean/dirty
• It + to be + adjective
• There is/there’s
• There are
1. Learners listen to the song. Then they sing it. (10 min)
Lyrics of the song :
In my classroom, there’s a teacher
There’s a teacher
In my classroom, there’s a board
There’s a board
In my classroom, there’s a desk
There’s a desk
In my classroom, there’s a window
There’s a window
In my classroom, there’s a bin
There’s a bin
2. Learners are asked to listen, point and colour. (15 min)
(desk – board – chair – window – door – books – pens – notebook - bin)
27. 3. Ask and answer the question : What’s on the desk ? (10 min)
The teacher puts a number of real items on the desk. The learners look at the desk and ask/
answer the question.
3. Ask and answer the question : What’s on the desk ? (10 min)
The teacher puts a number of real items on the desk. The learners look at the desk and ask/
answer the question.
Extra activities :
1. A game :
a. Stick the Flashcards into the Classroom Objects. (20 min)
- Hold up the door flashcard and then walk over to the door and stick the card to it. Say “door”
as you do so.
- Learners are encouraged to do the same thing.
b. Retrieve the flashcards of the classroom objects. (10 min)
- The teacher gives individual instructions to the learners to go and get an object, each time,
and place it in front of them.
Teacher : Sami, bring back the “door card”, please.
- The learner stands up and goes towards the door. He names it and hands the card to the
- Teacher : Thank you
- Learner : You’re welcome
2. Word Tennis : Pair work (15 min)
- Learner A starts by naming a classroom object (e.g. door)
28. - Learner B responds with another object (desk). The learners must not repeat the same words.
When a learner can’t think of another word for ten seconds, the other learner wins.
Life skill developed : Time management
3. Puzzle Game: match and say. (10 min)
29. Schoolbag
30. Pen
Lesson 3
My School subjects
Objectives :
Upon completion of this lesson, learners will be able to :
• name the days of the week
• identify school subjects
• express preferences
Language in focus :
School subjects /Arabic/ English / French/ Maths /science/ P.E/ Arts /Music /Favourite/
Monday /Tuesday /Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday/ before / after
What’s /are your favourite subject/s ?
31. 1. Learners listen to the song. Then, they sing it. (10 min)
Lyrics of the song :
There are seven days. There are seven days
There are seven days in a week
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
2. Learners listen, point and repeat. (15 min)
The learners watch the video entitled “School subjects”, point to the appropriate flash card and
repeat the word for accurate pronunciation.
3. Week roulettes ! (10 min)
The teacher draws 2 roulettes with the names of the days of the week on a cardboard.
32. After Before
The teacher pronounces a day e.g. Wednesday.
Learner 1 shows and says the day before it : Tuesday.
Learner 2 shows and says the day after it : Thursday.
4. An exchange : What’s your favourite subject ? (10 min)
• What’s your favourite subject Mohamed ?
• My favourite subject is English.
Extra activities
1. Cut, paste and say. (15 min)
The teacher provides learners with stickers or word cards, he/she asks them to cut and paste the
word cards in the right column; then read aloud the school subject.
Art Maths Science French
Music P.E English Arabic
33. Lesson 4
My classmates
Objectives :
Upon completion of this lesson, the learners will be able to :
• introduce others
• use “to be" appropriately with “he” and “she”
• describe others (character)
Language in focus :
• Personal pronouns : he, she
• “to be” with he and she
• classmate / boy/girl / friendly / kind / smart / helpful / tidy
• This is + name.
• He/she + is + boy/girl.
• He/she + is + my friend / classmate.
• He/she is + adjective.
1. Learners listen to the song. Then, they sing it. (10 min)
Lyrics of the song :
One, two, three
My classmates are with me
We’re busy like a bee
Four, five, six
We learn, we share and play tricks
Seven, eight, nine and ten
We sing, we dance and count to ten
2. Cut and paste activity (pair work) (15 min)
The learners listen and repeat. Then, they cut the word cards and stick each one under the
corresponding picture.
34. Smart Helpful Tidy Friendly Kind
Life Skill : Collaboration
3. Game : Board rush. (25 min)
The teacher writes the names of a number of the learners on the board. S/he selects two learners.
S/he says one of the names written on the board. The two learners run to the board and touch
the name. The first who touches the names introduces his/her classmate : Hello! X is my
classmate, he/she is ….. (age), he/she is from…, he/she likes…., his/her favourite subject is…,
he/she … (adj : smart/friendly…)
Variation : It’s also possible that the pupil whose name starts/finishes with the same letter rushes
to the board afterwards.
4. Trace. Circle the letter “e”. Pronounce the word.
Extra Activities :
1. Learners are asked to tick ( ) the appropriate box. (10 min.)
35. Values targeted : Consideration
Hard work
36. 2. Speaking (15 min)
The teacher takes a photo of the class, invites learners one by one to introduce their favourite/
close friends.
3. Role play. (20 min)
In groups of three: two learners and a new classmate. learner A, introduces the new classmate
to learner B.
37. Smart
38. Lesson 5
My School
Objectives :
Upon completion of this lesson, the learners will be able to :
• identify school premises
• describe their school
Language in focus :
Vocabulary :
classroom / courtyard / garden / playground / flowers / office / headmaster / headmistress /
flag / clean / big / small
Grammar :
is + adj. /there is/there are/has got/hasn’t got
1. Learners listen to the song. Then, sing it. (10 min)
Lyrics of the song :
I love to go to school
School life is cool
Listen, speak, read and write
Do not fight
I love to go to school
School life is cool
Have fun, jump and run
Be kind, be cool
I love to go to school
School life is cool
39. 2. Learners listen, point and repeat. (10 min)
classroom – teacher – office – headmaster – headmistress – courtyard
– playground – garden – flowers
Life Skill : Active listening.
3. Board game. (20 min)
Learners roll the dice, name the picture and pronounce the word correctly.
2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10 11
40. 12
TO 4
13 14 15 16
Life Skills : turn taking, accepting failure
Values : respect for others
4. School tour. (15 min)
The teacher takes the learners on a tour in the school. They visit all the parts of the school, name/
practise them in English and work on accurate pronunciation. They describe the parts of the school
e.g. the classroom is big/the office is small/The courtyard is clean…
Life Skill : abiding by the rules, being orderly
Extra activities
1. Listen, draw, colour and tape. (15 min.)
The teacher asks the learners to get blank sheets, pencils and colour pencils. They listen to the
words one by one. After each word, the teacher pauses the audio for the pupils to draw the item
and colour it. Then, have students create a collage of the items they drew.
flag – classroom – flowers – teacher – playground
Life Skills : Active listening - Cooperation
2. Tracing : (5 min)
a. Trace the words
b. Circle the letters ‘f’ and‘s’