Learning Parts Of Speech: Articles

Articles are used in a sentence to indicate whether something is specific or not. The English language has three articles: “a”, “an”, “the”. This quiz has questions covering articles “a” and “an”. The students are required to use the correct articles between the given sentences. Various images and different types of questions are used in the quiz to engage students and make it easy for them to learn about articles.

Start Quiz

Complete the sentence with the correct article.

There is ##a## cat in our garden.

a an

Complete the sentence with the correct article.

This is ##a## great car.

an a

Complete the sentence with the correct article.

##An## apple ##a## day keeps the doctor away.

An A an a

Complete the sentence with the correct article.

Is there ##an## orange left in the basket?

a an

Complete the sentence with the correct article.

I want ##a## burger.

an a

Complete the sentence with the correct article.

A teacher is ##an## important person in everyone’s life.

a an
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Learning Parts Of Speech: Articles
Questions: 6
Contributed by:
Fun Learning