Learning Parts Of Speech: Prepositions

A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. In this quiz, the students are required to answer the questions with correct prepositions. Various types of questions are included in the quiz like multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks to make the quiz more interactive for the students.

Start Quiz

Select the best preposition to match the picture.

The dog is ##under## the table.

under in above

Select the best preposition to match the picture.

The fishes are swimming ##in## the aquarium.

in under on above

Select the best preposition to match the picture.

The parrot is sitting ##on## the branch.

in by on

Select the best preposition to match the picture.

We are travelling ##in## our car.

behind in to on

Select the best preposition to match the picture.

The boy is playing ##with## the toy.

in front of under with in

Select the best preposition to match the picture.

The cat is sitting ##on## the table.

outside behind on in

Match the sentences with the correct preposition for the given sentences.

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Learning Parts Of Speech: Prepositions
Questions: 7
Contributed by:
Fun Learning