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social studies grade 7 united states tutorials
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America
Constitution, Grade 7, United States, Social Studies
The Constitution Convention and the Passing of the Constitution
Constitution, Grade 7, United States, Social Studies
Foundations of the American Revolution
American Revolution, Grade 7, United States, Social Studies
The federal Court System in the United States
Government, Grade 7, United States, Social Studies, Political Science
The Five Themes of Geography and their Description
Geography, Grade 7, United States, Social Studies
United States of America and its Constitution
Constitution, Grade 7, United States, Social Studies
The Right to Vote and the Rise of Democracy
Democracy in United States, Grade 7, Social Studies, Voting Laws
The Legacy of Woman Suffrage for their Voting Rights
Democracy in United States, Grade 7, Social Studies, History, Voting Laws
The End of World Order and American Foreign Policy
Social Studies, Grade 7, United States, Economics
Presidential Election Process: Process of Electing a Government
Government, Grade 7, United States, Politics, Social Studies
The Main Principles of the US constitution
Constitution, Grade 7, United States, Social Studies
Civil Rights in America: Racial Voting Rights
Social Studies, Grade 7, United States, Racism, Voting Laws
Foreign Policy and its Aspects: US Government
Social Studies, Grade 7, United States, Political Science, Government
Public Opinion Poll: Methods of Measuring Public Opinion
Social Studies, Grade 7, United States, Government, Political Science
The First Arrival : First Americans
Cultural Diversity, Grade 7, United States, Social Studies, History
The Legislative Branch of the United States Government
Government, Grade 7, United States, Social Studies
Juvenile Delinquency: Story about Juvenile Crime
Crime, Grade 7, United States, Juvenile Justice System, Social Studies
Study of Geography : Continents, Oceans, Hemispheres
Geography, Grade 7, United States, Physical Geography, Social Studies
The World Trade Organization and its Powers
Trade Tariffs, Grade 7, United States, Social Studies, Economics
History of Voting in America
Social Studies, Grade 7, United States, History, Early Voting
Economics of Supply and Demand in the Market
Economics, Grade 7, United States, Supply and Demand, Social Studies
The federal budget of the United States of America
Social Studies, Grade 7, United States, Democracy in United States, Budget
The Early People of the North America
Social Studies, Grade 7, United States, History
Government: What does it do? Why do we need it?
Social Studies, Grade 7, United States, Politics, Government