The World Trade Organization and its Powers

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This booklet tries to reflect the complex and dynamic nature of trade and the WTO’s trade rules. It highlights the benefits of the trading system, but it doesn’t claim that everything is perfect. Were it a perfect system, there would be no need for further negotiations and for the system to evolve and reform continually.
2. The world is complex. The World Trade Organization
is complex. This booklet is brief, but it tries to reflect
the complex and dynamic nature of trade and the WTO’s
trade rules. It highlights benefits of the trading system,
but it doesn’t claim that everything is perfect. Were it
a perfect system, there would be no need for further
negotiations and for the system to evolve and
reform continually.
Nor does this booklet claim that everyone agrees about
everything in the WTO. That’s one of the most important
reasons for having the system: it’s a forum for countries
to thrash out their differences on trade issues.
That said, there are a number of reasons why we’re
better off with the system than without it.
What’s the WTO’s view on …?
The WTO is its members. With over
150 members, the WTO has over 150
views — probably more than that, too.
3. 10 things the
WTO can do
The WTO can ...
1 … cut living costs and raise living standards 2
2 … settle disputes and reduce trade tensions 10
3   … stimulate economic growth and employment 14
4 … cut the cost of doing business internationally 20
5 … encourage good governance 26
6 … help countries develop 30
7 … give the weak a stronger voice 36
8 … support the environment and health 40
9 … contribute to peace and stability 46
10 … be effective without hitting the headlines 50
4. The WTO can ...
5. We are all consumers.
The prices we pay for our
food and clothing, our
necessities and luxuries,
and everything else in
between, are affected
by trade policies.
6. The European Union, which, through the
1 ... cut living costs creation of its single market undertook the third
major liberalization at the turn of the century,
and raise living says the gains from the wider variety of goods
and services available to the average European
standards consumer are in the range of €600 a year,
in addition to the gains from lower prices.
Food is cheaper if protection is reduced.
When you protect your agriculture, food is
artificially expensive. When protection is
particularly high — as when market prices
are naturally low — the impact can be huge.
Protectionism is expensive: it raises prices.
The WTO’s global system lowers trade barriers Protecting agriculture raised food prices by
through negotiation and operates under the an estimated $1,500 per year for a family of
principle of non-discrimination. four in the European Union in 1997 and by
the equivalent of a 51% tax on food in Japan
The result is reduced costs of production (1995). In just one year (1988), US consumers
(because imports used in production are had $3 billion added to their grocery bills just
cheaper), reduced prices of finished goods to support sugar.
and services, more choice and ultimately
a lower cost of living. But there is also a paradox. Protection
and subsidies in rich markets raise prices
Elsewhere, we look at the challenges that domestically but force down prices externally
imports can present. Here the focus is on in world markets and particularly in poorer
the impact on us, as consumers. countries. If reform in the developed world
raises world prices, consumers in the poorer
Overall incomes can rise. Trade opening countries may suffer, but their farmers receive
since 1945 has boosted US annual incomes more realistic prices, encouraging them to
by $1 trillion, or $9,000 per household, produce more and improving supplies within
according to the US government . Two major the country.
trade agreements of the 1990s — the WTO
Uruguay Round and the North American Free Negotiating agricultural trade reform is
Trade Agreement between the US, Canada, therefore a complex undertaking. Governments
and Mexico — generate increased purchasing are still debating the roles agricultural policies
power of $1,300 to $2,000 per year for the play in a range of issues from food security to
average American family of four, it says. environmental protection.
But WTO members are now reducing the
subsidies and the trade barriers that are the
worst offenders. And they are negotiating
to continue the reform in agriculture.
7. These issues have now been incorporated
into a broader work programme, the Doha
Development Agenda, launched at the fourth
WTO Ministerial Conference in Doha, Qatar,
in November 2001.
Clothes are cheaper. Like agriculture, trade
in garments and textiles has been reformed Protecting agriculture raised food
although some protection remains. At times prices by an estimated $1,500 per
of peak protection, the costs to consumers year for a family of four in the
were high. European Union in 1997
In the US, import restrictions and high
customs duties combined to raise US textiles
and clothing prices by 58% in the late 1980s 2012
during the early years of the negotiations that
produced global reform — the Uruguay Round 1945
talks that created the WTO.
UK consumers paid an estimated £500 million
more per year for their clothing because of
these restrictions. For Canadians, the bill was
around C$780 million. For Australians, it would
have been A$300 annually per average family
Trade opening since 1945 has
if Australian customs duties had not been
boosted US annual incomes by
reduced in this period.
$9,000 per household
Reform of the textiles and clothing trade
under the WTO was completed in 2005.
The programme included eliminating
restrictions on quantities of imports.
Before tax After tax
Even now, the import duties on cheaper
essential products can be a disproportionate
burden on the neediest. $ 2 1 0 0 0 $ 3 0 0 0 0
If customs duties on textiles and clothing
were also to be eliminated, economists
calculated that the result could be a gain
to the world of around $23 billion, including
$12.3 billion for the US, $0.8 billion for Canada,
$2.2 billion for the EU and around $8 billion In the Republic of Korea,
for developing countries. protectionism in the car industry
adds around 43% to the cost of
an imported car
8. The same goes for other goods … More broadly, according to ITU data, regions
For example, it is estimated that at their peak that have liberalized telecoms more slowly and
in the early 1980s, quotas on cars imported less fully — the Middle East and Africa — show
into the US were transferring $5 billion a year higher average price levels than regions such
in additional profits to Japanese car makers as Europe, the Americas and Asia, which
(and additional costs to consumers), who could embraced reform earlier.
sell their quota-limited cars at a premium.
And businesses as well as citizens benefit.
Despite this protection, the US car industry Price reductions and affordability resulting
continued to lose market share. Foreign from market opening around the world mean
producers simply jumped over the trade barrier that telecoms services reach more small and
and began manufacturing cars in the US. medium-sized enterprises too.
Many other countries have also protected their
car industries. In the Republic of Korea,
for example, the combination of an 8% tariff
and taxes on engine size add about $9,000
to the price tag of a $30,000 imported car.
… and services. In Africa, Tanzania, Uganda
and Mozambique were among the countries
with the highest price drops for telephone,
Internet and other forms of communications
services in 2008-10. So were Bhutan and
Bangladesh in Asia, according to calculations
by the International Telecommunications
Union (ITU). Recent market opening in
least-developed countries is beginning
to show dividends.
From 2008 to 2010, Internet broadband
prices in developing countries (as a proportion
of gross domestic product or GDP) declined
much more rapidly, by 52%, than in rich
countries, at 35%. Today, hardly any countries
still allow Internet services to be provided
under monopoly rights.
9. Tariffs often hurt the poor. According to And so it goes on. The system now entrusted
studies in the United States, higher tariffs to the WTO has been in place for over 60 years.
are charged on a number of products that
are bought by lower-income sections of the In that time, there have been eight major rounds
population. These include sports shoes, of trade negotiations. Trade barriers around
underwear, T-shirts and much more — meaning the world are lower than they have ever been
these consumers pay tariff rates five to ten in modern trading history. They continue to fall,
times higher than middle-class or rich families and we are all benefiting.
pay in upmarket shops. Poorer exporting
countries, such as Cambodia and Bangladesh,
are also hurt: they face tariffs 15 times higher
than those applied to wealthy nations and
oil exporters.
According to critics of agricultural
protectionism, consumers and
governments in rich countries have
paid $350 billion per year supporting
agriculture — enough to fly their 41
million dairy cows first class around
the world one and a half times.
10. Differing points of view:
food security
Food security is the elephant in the room which
the WTO must address. Trade did not feed the
hungry when food was cheap and abundant,
and is even less able to do so now that prices
are sky-high. Global food imports shall be worth
$1.3 trillion in 2011, and the food import bills
of the least developed countries have soared
by over a third over the last year. The G-20 has
acknowledged that excessive reliance on food
imports has left people in developing countries
increasingly vulnerable to price shocks and food
shortages. The WTO must now do the same.
— Olivier De Schutter, Special Rapporteur on the Right to
Food, “Food security hostage to trade in WTO negotiations –
UN right to food expert”, Office of the UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights website, 16 November 2011
First, trade isn’t – and never was – a silver
bullet. Not for food security or really any other
purpose. Trade offers important advantages,
and when it works well, it reduces costs,
improves consumer options, and assists in
managing risks. But over-reliance on trade
– either as importers or exporters – has real
economic and food security risks.
— Gawain Kripke, Oxfam America Director of Policy
and Research, “Finding some focus: Trade and food
security, the politics of poverty”, Oxfam America
website, 6 June 2012
11. I fundamentally disagree with your assertion that
countries need to limit reliance on international
trade to achieve food security objectives. On the
contrary, there is agreement among most UN-led
experts that international trade is part of the
package of solutions to achieve food security.
The UN High Level Task Force on the Global
Food Security […] noted that ‘more liberalized
international markets would contribute to global
food and nutrition security through increased
trade volumes and access to diverse sources
of food imports.’ […]
The Inter-agency report for the G-20 stated, for
example, that ‘trade is an essential component
of any food security strategy’ and that ‘policies
that distort production and trade in agricultural
commodities potentially impede the achievement
of long run food security’. […]
Indeed, our members negotiate towards a more
level playing field in agriculture in order to
enhance their ability to achieve food security.
— Pascal Lamy, WTO Director-General,
letter to Olivier De Schutter, 14 December 2011
12. The WTO can ...
13. More trade, more traded
goods and services and
more trading countries
— they bring benefits but
they can also increase
the potential for friction.
The WTO’s system deals
with these in two ways.
One is by talking:
countries negotiate rules
that are acceptable to all.
The other is by settling
disputes about whether
countries are playing by
those agreed rules.
14. Well over 400 disputes have been brought to the
2 ... settle disputes WTO since it was set up in 1995. Without a means
of tackling these constructively and harmoniously,
and reduce trade some could have spiralled into more serious
political conflict.
tensions The fact that the disputes are based on WTO
agreements means that there is a clear basis for
judging who is right or wrong. Once the judgement
has been made, the agreements provide the focus
for any further actions that need to be taken.
The increasing number of disputes brought to
Closer relationships have huge benefits but the WTO does not reflect increasing tension in
they can also bring friction: more trade increases the world. Rather, it reflects the closer economic
the possibility of disputes. In the past, such ties throughout the world, the WTO’s expanding
disputes have erupted into serious conflict. membership and the fact that countries have faith
But today, international trade tension is reduced in the system to solve their differences.
because countries can turn to organizations, in
particular the WTO, to settle their trade disputes. Sometimes the exchanges between the countries
in conflict can be acrimonious, but they always aim
Before World War II, there was no forum for to conform to the agreements and commitments
global trade negotiations, and no legal procedure that they themselves negotiated.
for settling disputes.
After the war, the world’s community of
trading nations negotiated trade rules which OVE
are now entrusted to the WTO. Settling ... were brought to the WTO
their differences by talking and by agreeing DISP from 1995 to 2011.
on rules is vital for reducing tension. UTE
S... Less than half resulted in the
establishment of dispute panels.
Those rules also include an obligation for
A large number were resolved
members to bring their disputes to the WTO
through discussions between
and not to act unilaterally. the parties and never reached
the panel stage.
Dispute settlement is sometimes described as
the jewel in the WTO’s crown. It’s the central More than 90% of rulings
pillar of the multilateral trading system, and the have been complied with by the
WTO’s unique contribution to the stability of the responding countries, less than
global economy. 4% resulted in sanctions by the
complaining countries.
WTO dispute settlement focuses countries’ The average time taken in panel
attention on the rules. Once a verdict has been proceedings is 10 months.
announced, countries concentrate on complying In other international organizations
with the rules, and perhaps later renegotiating or even national courts, the time
them — rather than declaring war on each other. taken can be two to five years.
15. Developing countries are more active in WTO disputes
The annual number of disputes has declined overall. Developing
countries are active, reflecting their increasing participation in trade.
However, their share of disputes — either in initiating complaints or
being complained against — has fluctuated over the years.
Complaints by developing / developed countries
Annual number of cases
19 10 By developing countries
By developed countries
5 23
36 18
24 17
19 19 7 10 10
14 6 7
12 7
10 10 9
7 7 7 6 4
Complaints against developing / developed countries
Annual number of cases
21 Against developing countries
Against developed countries
31 13
29 29
6 10
19 19 6 9
17 16
14 9 11
13 7
11 11 6 7
10 3
5 7 7 6
Sources: WTO dispute settlement data; Raúl A. Torres, “Use of the WTO Trade Dispute Settlement
Mechanism by the Latin American Countries — dispelling myths and breaking down barriers”, WTO Staff
Working Paper ERSD-2012-03, February 2012.
16. The WTO can ...
17. The relationship
between trade and jobs
is complex. It is true that
trade can create jobs,
but it is equally true that
competition from imports
can put producers under
pressure and lead them
to lay off workers.
The impact of
competition from foreign
producers varies across
firms in a sector, across
sectors of the economy
as well as across
countries. So does the
impact of new trade
18. have access to a wider range of high-quality,
3 ... stimulate affordable inputs. They also have access to
technology and know-how they could not obtain
economic growth in a closed economy. Access to technology
and quality inputs can boost innovation and
and employment creativity in the workplace.
Moreover, competition in the marketplace
can be a powerful stimulus to companies
seeking new ways of making things better and
more cheaply. An infusion of new ideas from
other countries can make companies more
productive. So can enhanced access to export
Achieving higher living standards, full markets. But doing things more productively
employment and sustainable development often means doing more with less and that
is the aim of the WTO’s member governments, can mean using fewer workers. Inevitably, this
as expressed in the WTO’s founding Marrakesh means that some workers in some industries
Agreement. The means for achieving this will lose their jobs.
include the “substantial reduction of tariffs
and other obstacles to trade”. This is part of what economists call
“churn” and what the Austrian-American
This process of trade opening takes place in economist Joseph Schumpeter termed “creative
the framework of WTO rules, which take into destruction”. It has been part of economic life
account the fact that some countries are better for centuries and it can bring pain. But history
equipped than others to open their markets tells us that countries seeking to block incoming
widely. Some countries, for instance, have a goods, services or ideas often find their
more advanced legal, regulatory and physical economies stagnating.
infrastructure than others. Generally speaking,
it is easier for developed countries to open their It is important to acknowledge that while
markets than for many developing countries. trade holds real benefits for most people,
As a result, average tariffs (import duties) in most of the time — consumers as well as
developed countries, at least for manufactured producers — there are people who are hurt by
goods, are much lower than in developing trade. Recognizing that trade can be a threat
countries — although this is not true in every is important socially and politically. Workers
case or for every product. who have lost their jobs need support and polls
strongly suggest that people are far more likely
Open economies tend to grow faster and to favour trade opening if they know that such
more steadily than closed economies and support will be available.
economic growth is an important factor in job
creation. Profitable companies tend to hire This is why governments need to maintain
more workers than those posting a loss. Trade effective social programmes that can protect
can also be a catalyst for greater efficiency workers who lose their jobs through trade
and productivity. This is because companies and help train them to find new jobs.
19. Imports are no longer
linked to job losses
The chart below suggests that
imports and the jobless rate might
have been linked from 1970 to
1990. But since 1990, these lines
have diverged sharply and 20 years
later any linkage between the two
has faded
Import penetration (% of GDP)
Unemployment rate
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
The 23 countries are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany
and West Germany (until 1991), Iceland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New
Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, US.
Source: Newfarmer, R. and Sztajerowska M. (2012), “Trade and Employment in a Fast-Changing World”,
in OECD (2012), Policy Priorities for International Trade and Jobs, Douglas Lippoldt (ed.), OECD, Paris
20. But if the link between trade and jobs is In the information and communications
complex, one thing is straightforward: technology sector, developing countries such
protectionism does not protect jobs, or does as Malaysia, Mauritius and Egypt have benefited
so at a very high cost which can adversely enormously from opening their markets, achieving
impact employment elsewhere in an economy. high levels of employment in this area. Developed
This is particularly true today in our ever more countries such as Finland, Sweden and Ireland
interconnected global economy. have followed a similar approach, leading to
economic growth and new job opportunities.
The proliferation of global value chains means
that production and sourcing now take place While trade can put some jobs under
across many frontiers. Products are rarely made threat, most economists believe technological
in a single country but rather are assembled advances contribute far more than trade to job
using parts and services from many countries. loss, particularly for low-skill jobs. When the
automobile was invented, it was bad news for
Participation in these chains would be seriously blacksmiths and horse breeders. The electric
undermined if the goods and services needed light was problematic for candle makers. But
to make these products were rendered more of course these innovations created millions
expensive or harder to find. of jobs in the automobile and lighting sectors.
Moreover, there are many jobs in all countries The OECD has charted the impact of imports
that are directly related to imports, particularly on the jobless rate in 23 countries. While
in industries like retail, shipping, express the correlation between the rate of import
delivery and logistics. The adage that exports penetration and unemployment may have
are good and imports are bad has always been suggested a linkage between the two during
a dubious one and today this is more clear-cut the period 1970-90, the last 20 years have
than ever before. been a different story. Beginning in 1990,
these lines diverged sharply and today any
linkage between the two has faded.
Governments need
to maintain effective
social programmes
to protect workers
who lose their jobs.
21. +34% 1975
In Sub-Saharan Africa, those
working in export-oriented In 1975, 60% of the people in Asia
companies collect a 34% wage lived in absolute poverty. Today,
premium over the average wage. that number is less than 20%.
Jobs that are tied to trade tend to pay better As we said at the beginning, the relationship
than those that are not. In Western Europe, between trade and employment is complex and
those working in export-oriented companies the impact of trade on employment cannot be
collect a 10%-20% wage premium over assessed in a vacuum. Many other factors are
the average wage. In the United States, the tied to sustainable job creation. In some cases,
premium is 6% and in Sub-Saharan Africa rapid opening of trade may be the wrong policy.
the figure is 34%. Without adequate physical, institutional and
legal infrastructure, the benefits of more open
Overall, wages in economies that are open are trade can be lost.
higher than in closed economies. Workers in
the manufacturing sector in open economies And yet greater openness has helped many
earn three to nine times more than those in countries in reducing poverty. In Asia today,
closed economies. less than 20% of the people live in absolute
poverty. In 1975, it was 60%. In Africa today,
But as with most things, the picture is neither for the first time, fewer than half the people live
all black nor all white. Trade promotes greater in such poverty. Trade has been an important
productivity, and higher productivity leads to component in the development and poverty
larger salaries. But there is also strong evidence alleviation in both regions.
suggesting that wages in some sectors in
advanced countries are suppressed when those Trade is an important tool and we know that
sectors are exposed to competition from lower- without it, growth, job creation and development
wage countries. There is research that shows, are more difficult to attain. But trade is not
as well, that in some cases trade can contribute a panacea.
to greater income inequality in some sectors.
22. The WTO can ...
23. Many of the benefits
of the trading system
are more difficult to
summarize in numbers,
but they are still
They are the result of
essential principles at the
heart of the system, and
they make life simpler for
the enterprises directly
involved in trade and for
the producers of goods
and services.
24. or locally produced. Life for the company would
4 ... cut the cost be much simpler. Sourcing components would
become more efficient and cost less.
of doing business Non-discrimination is just one of the
internationally key principles of the WTO’s trading system.
Others include:
–– transparency (clear information about policies,
rules and regulations)
–– increased certainty about trading conditions
(commitments to lower trade barriers and
to increase other countries’ access to one’s
Trade allows a division of labour between markets are legally binding)
countries. It allows resources to be used more
–– simplification and standardization of customs
efficiently and effectively for production. But the
procedure, removal of red tape, centralized
WTO’s trading system offers more than that.
databases of information, and other measures
It helps to increase productivity and to cut costs
to simplify trade, known as “trade facilitation”.
even more because of important principles
enshrined in the system, designed to make life
Together, they make trading simpler, cutting
simpler and clearer.
companies’ costs. That, in turn, means more jobs
and better goods and services for consumers.
Imagine a situation where each country
sets different rules and different customs duty
“Trade facilitation” has become an important
rates for imports coming from different trading
subject in the Doha Round negotiations. Red
partners. Imagine that a company in one country
tape and other obstacles are like a tax on trade.
wants to import raw materials or components —
The saving from streamlining procedures could
copper for wiring or touchscreens for electronic
be 2%–15% of the value of the goods traded,
equipment, for example — for its own production.
according to estimates by the Organisation for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
It would not be enough for this company to look
The Peterson Institute for International Economics
at the prices offered by suppliers around the
estimates that it could add $117.8 billion to the world
world. The company would also have to make
economy (global GDP). The World Bank says that
separate calculations about the different duty
for every dollar of assistance provided to support
rates it would be charged on the imports (which
trade facilitation reform in developing countries,
would depend on where the imports came from),
there is a return of up to $70 in economic benefits.
and it would have to study each of the regulations
that apply to products from each country. Buying
Africa is already seeing major improvements.
copper or touchscreens would become very
For example, under an investment project in the
complicated. That, in simple terms, is one of the
East African Community, delays at border crossings
problems of discrimination.
have been slashed from three days to three hours,
allowing goods to move much faster between
Imagine now that the government announces
Mombasa port and neighbouring countries.
it will charge the same duty rates on imports
It’s no surprise that some business leaders have
from all countries, and will use the same
even said they consider trade facilitation to be the
regulations for all products, whether imported
top priority in the Doha Round.
25. Streamlining trade
–– Reducing the
costs of cross-
border trade
–– Simplification –– Standardization
of customs of customs
clearance procedure
–– Less –– Removal of
paperwork red tape
–– Centralized
databases of
26. ‘Made in … where?’
The Boeing Dreamliner aircraft may be
made in America, but with essential imports
sourced from so many other places that
it’s difficult to know where to begin.
Automated System Processor
passenger doors from Canada
from France
Engine exhaust
nozzle from Mexico
Rolls-Royce Trent
engine from UK
and France
There’s the Integrated Surveillance System And there’s a turbine engine exhaust nozzle,
Processor and an Integrated Navigation Radio, brought in from Mexico from titanium sheets
from Canada. made in China. Those are just the first three
telling examples that show up from a glance
There’s also a Valve Control Unit from Germany through US Customs records – with each
– passengers can thank that for keeping their import necessary to the American workers
cabin air pressure within tolerable limits. in places like Everton.
27. Integrated
Navigation Radio Horizontal stabilizers
from Canada. from Italy
Titanium sheets
from China
Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries’ wing
from Japan
That doesn’t even get to the big-ticket items: The Dreamliner is as cosmopolitan as the
the Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engine, the American people. Boeing’s American workers
testing in wind tunnels in the UK and France; should love imports, because their jobs depend
the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ wing; Italian upon them.
horizontal stabilizers, doors from France, and
other critical components from Sweden, India, Source: Greg Rushford, “Made in America?”, 21 February
South Korea – it’s a very long list. 2012, Rushford Report,
28. The WTO can ...
29. Transparency — shared
information and
knowledge — levels
the playing field.
Rules reduce
arbitrariness and
for corruption.
They also shield
governments from
lobbying by narrow
30. protection, the government can deflect the
5 ... encourage good pressure by arguing it needs a broad-ranging
agreement that will benefit all sectors of the
governance economy. Governments do just that, regularly.
The rules include commitments not to
backslide into unwise policies. Protectionism
in general is unwise because of the damage
it causes domestically and internationally.
Particular types of trade barriers cause
additional damage because they provide
opportunities for corruption and other forms
Governments need to be armed against of bad government.
pressure from narrow interest groups, and the
WTO system can help. One kind of trade barrier that the WTO’s
rules try to tackle is the quota — for example,
Historically, protectionism has taught us about restricting imports or exports to no more than
the damage that can be caused if narrow a specific volume each year.
sectoral interests gain a disproportionate
share of political influence. Restrictive policies Because quotas limit supply, they artificially
turned into trade wars, which no one won and raise prices, creating abnormally large profits for
everyone lost. companies selling inside this quota (economists
talk about “quota rent”). Such circumstances
The WTO system helps governments take a create serious market distortions and these
more balanced view of trade policy. They are extra profits can be used to influence policies
better-placed to defend themselves against because more money is available for lobbying.
lobbying from narrow interest groups by These conditions can also provide opportunities
focusing on trade-offs that are made in the for corruption — for example, in the allocation
interests of everyone in the economy. of quotas among traders. That is unfortunately
all too common around the world.
Restricting imports can look like an effective
way of supporting an economic sector. In other words, quotas are a particularly bad
But it biases the economy against other sectors way of restricting trade. Governments have
which shouldn’t be penalized — for example, agreed through the WTO’s rules that their
if you protect your agriculture, everyone else use should be discouraged.
has to pay for more expensive food, which
puts pressure on wages in all sectors. Nevertheless, quotas of various types remain
in use in most countries, and governments
The WTO system covers a wide range of argue strongly that they are needed. But they
sectors. If, during a negotiation, one pressure are controlled by WTO agreements and there
group lobbies its government and pleads to are commitments to reduce or eliminate
be considered as a special case needing many of them.
31. Many other areas of the WTO’s agreements products, and non-discrimination also help
can also help reduce corruption and bad by reducing the scope for arbitrary decision-
government. making and cheating.
One that has a direct impact via the public Quite often, governments use the WTO as a
sector is the Government Procurement welcome external constraint on their policies:
Agreement. This disciplines how participating “We can’t do this because it would violate the
governments make their purchases, and opens WTO agreements.”
major parts of the procurement markets to
foreign competition. In December 2011, a new Internationally, the WTO is working closely
deal worth an estimated $80–100 billion per with other international agencies to improve
year was struck under the agreement, the way global issues are tackled. Around 140
improving the disciplines and expanding intergovernmental organizations are observers
access to these markets. in WTO committees and councils. The WTO is
formally an observer in several agencies. The
Transparency (such as making available to the WTO Secretariat works with almost 200 of
public all information on trade regulations, them in activities such as statistics, research,
fees and required paperwork), greater harmony standard-setting, and technical assistance and
between countries on other aspects of “trade training. The extent of the cooperation varies,
facilitation”, clearer criteria for regulations and it continues to evolve so as to help member
dealing with the safety and standards of governments with their economic policies.
WTO agreements can
help to reduce corruption
and bad government.
32. The WTO can ...
33. Underlying the WTO’s
trading system is the
fact that more open
trade can boost
economic growth and
help countries develop.
In that sense, commerce
and development are
good for each other.
In addition, the WTO
agreements are full of
provisions that take into
account the interests of
developing countries.
34. 6 ... help countries
Over three-quarters of WTO members are
developing or least-developed countries. All of
those in the queue to join are likewise developing
countries. Whether the interests of developing
countries are well enough served in the WTO is a
subject of continuing debate. But even the most
critical developing countries acknowledge that
the system offers them benefits.
In fact, few economists dispute that properly
handled, trade is essential for development.
All WTO agreements contain special
provisions for developing countries, including
longer periods to implement agreements and
commitments, measures to increase their trading
opportunities and support to help them build the
infrastructure for WTO work, handle disputes,
and implement technical standards. Least-
developed countries receive special treatment,
including exemption from many provisions.
The needs of developing countries can also be
used to justify actions that might not normally
be allowed under the agreements – for example,
governments giving certain subsidies.
And the negotiations and other work launched
at the Doha Ministerial Conference in November
of WTO members
2001 include numerous issues that developing are developing
countries want to pursue.
36. The WTO only cares
about trade
Well, it is the World
Trade Organization
“But what about poverty and the
“What about them?”
“What’s the WTO doing to help the poor and
protect the environment? The way I see it,
trade makes the rich richer, and the poor “And what about WTO patent rules that
poorer. And even worse, the WTO actually allow big pharmaceutical companies to earn
allows rich countries to pay huge subsidies huge profits by making their medicines so
to their farmers. So cheap tomatoes and expensive the poor can never buy them?
wheat flood developing countries’ markets
and put local farmers out of business.” “There’s plenty of room in the WTO rules on
patents for governments to get medicines to
“But that’s what the WTO is trying to stop. the poor. But there are lots of other obstacles
If it were allowed to do its job properly, to overcome too. And we need incentives so
trade would help the poor to be fed. It that new medicines are invented.”
would even fill in the gaps when there are
local shortages. It would help poor farmers “I’m still not convinced.”
produce and sell more without having to
compete with cheap subsidized produce. “Well, just imagine what it would be like
And the WTO is actually cutting those with no world trade. How would developing
subsidies gradually.Without the WTO they countries get the food they need when they
could be much higher.” are hit by drought or floods? Like it or not,
the world depends on trade and the WTO’s
job is to make the rules as fair as possible
for everyone.”
37. Finally, although the WTO is not an aid Both donor and recipient countries have
agency, it does have a role to play, particularly responded to these efforts. Donor countries
as a forum and clearing house for information have committed an average of $40 billion a
on trade-related development aid. year to trade-related development programmes
while recipient countries have had success
Aid for Trade. The debate over whether in pinpointing the specific areas where aid is
developing countries need aid or trade is needed and in mainstreaming trade into their
at an end. development strategies.
Today, there is widespread recognition that Better communications. The WTO has
developing countries need both. But WTO set up reference centres in over 100 trade
agreements do not guarantee increased ministries and regional organizations in
trade flows: they provide opportunities. capitals of developing and least-developed
Some countries are better placed than others countries, providing computers and internet
to grasp those opportunities. Some need help: access to enable ministry officials to keep
“Aid for Trade” and various other tools are abreast of events in the WTO in Geneva
aimed at enhancing the capacity of developing through online access to the WTO’s immense
countries to participate more effectively in the database of official documents and other
global marketplace. material. Efforts are also being made to
help countries that do not have permanent
The WTO is the coordinating agency for representatives in Geneva.
the “Aid for Trade” programme and as such
regularly brings donors, development agencies,
recipient governments and the private sector
together. This dialogue helps to highlight what
is being provided and what is needed while
encouraging the development of more
suitably designed projects.
countries need
both aid and
38. The WTO can ...
39. Small countries would
be weaker without the
WTO. Differences in
bargaining power are
narrowed by agreed
rules, consensus
decision-making and
coalition building.
Coalitions give
developing countries
a stronger voice in
negotiations. The
resulting agreements
mean that all countries,
including the most
powerful, have to play
by the rules. The rule
of law replaces might-
40. There wouldn’t be much point in a “multilateral”
7 ... give the weak trading system if that weren’t the case.
a stronger voice One important point about the WTO is
the practice of reaching decisions by
consensus. Every country has to be convinced
before agreement can be reached. Compromise
is key: whatever is proposed has to be refined
until it is acceptable to everyone or more
precisely until it is objectionable to no one.
Consensus means there are no dissenters.
Another is the agreed rules. All countries,
WTO geopolitics are evolving. In recent big or small, weak or powerful, have to follow
years, developing countries have become broadly the same rules. There are exceptions,
considerably more active in all areas of the delays or flexibilities for poorer countries,
WTO’s work. They made sure development but they are still the same package of rules —
would be at the heart of the Doha Round talks the flexibilities are just a way of allowing these
and submitted an unprecedented number of poorer countries to play by the rules.
proposals on agriculture and other subjects.
The rules are the result of negotiations and
They are active in all WTO councils and consensus decisions , and have been ratified
committees. They have set up numerous in members’ parliaments. The negotiation that
coalitions to increase their bargaining power, set up the WTO, the Uruguay Round (1986-
particularly in negotiations. Some of these are 94), was only possible because of a bargain.
developing country coalitions; some are mixed, Developed countries agreed to reform trade
working on shared interests that cut across in textiles and agriculture — both issues were
developed-developing country boundaries. important for developing countries.
Until the mid-1990s, the “Quad” — the US, EU,
Japan and Canada, then the largest traders
— were seen as the most powerful consensus-
brokers. Now, any attempt to break a major
deadlock has to include at least some of the
major emerging economies and representatives
of various coalitions, including the least-
developed countries.
41. Once the rules have been agreed, all countries And then there’s assistance
are equal under them. That also applies to the
dispute settlement system, which is similar to a Technical assistance and training. This is
court. This century, except in a handful of years, an area where the WTO is actively involved in
developing countries have filed complaints in aid. The WTO trains officials from developing
at least half of all legal disputes, sometimes countries so that they can work more effectively
considerably more. And their complaints in the system. That includes training on how
are against both developed and developing to negotiate effectively within the rules. Each
countries. Without the WTO, these smaller year, the WTO organizes around 100 seminars,
countries would have been powerless to act workshops and other training sessions for these
against their more powerful trading partners. officials. They also come to Geneva for longer
trade policy courses.
Legal advice. Not part of the WTO but
associated with it is an Advisory Centre on WTO
Law in Geneva. The centre gives low-cost legal
advice and training on WTO law to developing
The WTO trains officials countries, and supports them in WTO dispute
from developing countries settlement proceedings at discounted rates.
The centre enables these countries to fully
so that they can work more understand their rights and obligations under
effectively in the system. WTO law and to have an equal opportunity
to defend their interests in WTO dispute
settlement cases (
Academic institutions. A Chairs Programme
set up by the WTO aims to help academic
institutions in developing countries increase
trade knowledge and contribute to the
development of trade policy (see
42. The WTO can ...
43. An often-heard
accusation is that the
WTO system treats
trade as the priority,
at the expense of
environmental and
humanitarian objectives.
This is untrue.
44. to stress that WTO members can, should and do
8 ... support the take measures to protect endangered species
and to protect the environment in other ways.
environment and The importance of these concerns is
health enshrined in the rules. The Marrakesh
Agreement Establishing the WTO includes
among its objectives optimal use of the world’s
resources, sustainable development and
environmental protection.
“The Parties to this Agreement [recognize] that
Trade is nothing more than a means to their relations in the field of trade and economic
an end. It could never be more important than endeavour should be conducted with a view
protecting the environment or raising the quality to raising standards of living, ensuring full
of life. What WTO agreements do is to try to employment and a large and steadily growing
make trade support the things we really want, volume of real income and effective demand, and
including a clean and safe environment, and to expanding the production of and trade in goods
prevent governments using these objectives and services, while allowing for the optimal use
as an excuse for introducing protectionist of the world’s resources in accordance with the
measures. objective of sustainable development, seeking
both to protect and preserve the environment
How this works is not always understood. and to enhance the means for doing so in a
Take a WTO dispute ruling that says a measure manner consistent with their respective needs
designed to protect the environment is illegal and concerns at different levels of economic
under WTO rules. Often, this is misinterpreted development …”
Preamble to the
to mean the measure is illegal because it   Marrakesh Agreement
conflicts with trade. Establishing the WTO
In fact, the ruling would say that the action
violates trade rules. Typically this could be This is backed up by a range of provisions in the
about discrimination: the measure is tougher WTO’s rules. For example, they allow countries
on products from some countries than from to curb trade to protect human, animal or plant
others or is tougher on products coming from life or health, and conserve exhaustible natural
other countries than from domestic producers. resources. They allow subsidies for environmental
If it were equally tough (or equally lenient) on protection. These provisions can be found in
goods from all sources, it would be legal. more general rules and in specific agreements
on product standards, food safety, intellectual
That was the basis of a ruling in a WTO legal property protection, and so on.
dispute about gasoline in the 1990s. The same
applied in a case dealing with shrimp imports Reforms under the rules, such as cutting
and the protection of sea turtles, when the industrial and agricultural support, help to
WTO’s Appellate Body went out of its way reduce waste and environmental damage,
and encourage efficient use of resources.
45. Other points The WTO, like all other institutions, has
of view its shortcomings. But the main objections
cannot be addressed by the WTO itself.
The task of the WTO is to lay down ground
rules for international trade; it is not
designed to pursue other social goals.
Globalization is not a policy choice – it is a fact. So the trouble is thus not really with
But all of us face a choice.We can work to shape the WTO, but with the lack of similarly
these powerful forces of change to the benefit powerful and effective institutions devoted
of our people. Or we can retreat behind walls to these other social goals. Indeed, the
of protection – and get left behind in the global most fundamental problem of the present
economy. We must build a trading system for global order is that the production of
the 21st century that honours our values as it private goods has taken precedence
expands opportunity.We must do more to make over social development – i.e. the
sure that this new economy lifts living standards provision of public goods.
around the world, and that spirited economic
competition among nations never becomes a Not only is the WTO not designed to
race to the bottom in environmental protections, deal with environmental protection,
consumer protections and labour standards. food safety, human rights and labor
We should level up, not level down.Without such rights, but its modus operandi is
a strategy, we cannot build the necessary public unsuitable for the provision of public
support for the global economy.Working people goods. The strength of the WTO lies in
will only assume the risks of a free international its enforcement mechanism which states
market if they have the confidence that this are willing to accept because they
system will work for them. want the benefits of trade. They will
not, however, accept it in other areas.
— Bill Clinton, 50th anniversary of the
multilateral trading system, Geneva — George Soros, “Fixing, not
Sinking, the WTO”, Project Syndicate,
In the 50 years of the GATT [General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade] we have
surely learnt enough – despite the de facto exclusion of many, many developing
countries – to vastly improve on the management of the world trading system to
the mutual benefit of all nations and people.We are firmly of the belief that the
existence of the GATT, and now the World Trade Organization, as a rules-based
system, provides the foundation on which our deliberations can build in order to
improve. However, to realize the aspirations of all requires wise work to be done.
The WTO came into existence precisely as a response to the need for a more
effective regulatory, supervisory and enforcement environment for world trade and
investment than the GATT could then provide. But now we can see that the success
of the system agreed to in Marrakesh in 1994 will depend on the wisdom with
which it is implemented and taken forward.
— Nelson Mandela, 50th anniversary of the
multilateral trading system, Geneva
46. The same applies to health. Here, the Opinions differ on whether the balance is right.
greatest attention has been on pharmaceutical The present consensus agreement — including
patents. The intellectual property (“TRIPS”) a rule change in 2003 — is the result of
agreement is all about balance. In public health, compromises on all sides. Meanwhile, the WTO,
it protects inventors’ rights for a limited period the World Intellectual Property Organization and
in order to encourage research into new and the World Health Organization are collaborating
more effective treatments, but it also allows to improve our knowledge of how to make
governments room to manoeuvre so that the patenting and other policies work better
treatments are affordable. Developing new together in the interests of public health.
medicines and allowing governments some
flexibility both contribute to better health. Then there’s the question of whether traded
goods are safe. An agreement on food
safety and animal and plant health (sanitary
and phytosanitary measures) deals with
The WTO’s intellectual
property agreement protects
inventors’ rights and allows
governments room to make
treatments affordable.
47. governments’ actions on contaminants in food
and the spread of disease, and how to prevent
these from being excuses for protectionism.
Another on technical barriers to trade includes
issues such as food labelling and product
safety standards.
Broader, more complex issues such as food
security, handled by the Agriculture Agreement,
are also important for health. And finally, dispute
settlement rulings have also confirmed that
WTO agreements give priority to health and
safety over trade, such as one that upheld
a ban on asbestos products.
Product labelling
A WTO agreement on
technical barriers to trade
covers issues such as
food labelling.
Nutritional Ingredients Dietary Country
Facts list facts of origin
48. The WTO can ...
49. This is an under-reported
benefit of the WTO’s
trading system.
Trade helps to sustain
Trade rules stabilize
the world economy by
discouraging sharp
backward steps in policy
and by making policy
more predictable. They
deter protectionism; they
increase certainty. They
are confidence-builders.
50. Sticking to these is self-interest because
9 ... contribute to countries want their trading partners also to play
by the rules and stay within their commitments
peace and stability — and just in case pressure from domestic
interests is too great, the information on raised
trade barriers is shared globally through regular
monitoring. By and large, peer pressure works.
Two of the most fundamental principles of the
trading system are at work here: helping trade
to flow smoothly, and providing countries with
a constructive and fair outlet for dealing with
disputes over trade issues.
When the world economy is in turmoil,
the multilateral trading system can contribute Before: when protectionism backfired.
to stability. Some would argue that this can The early 1930s saw a devastating trade war.
even contribute to international peace. History In the Great Depression, fear that imports would
is littered with examples of trade disputes throw more people out of work led governments
escalating into armed conflict. to raise their trade barriers, thus setting off a
vicious cycle of retaliation. This simply worsened
It’s a claim that should not be exaggerated, unemployment. The world economy spiralled
but there is truth in it. If we understand why, downwards, eventually contributing to the
we have a clearer picture of what the system outbreak of World War II. Protectionism can
actually does. easily plunge us into a situation where no one
wins and everyone loses.
Why was the system set up? Essentially,
it was for two reasons. One was the big-picture After: restraint and confidence. Post-war,
need to avoid a repeat of the destructive trade under the GATT/WTO system trade surged.
tensions before World War II. The other was More importantly, it has been much more stable,
countries’ pragmatic desire for their producers even during economic crises. Agreed rules and
to trade more easily. confidence-building are key.
The result was the General Agreement on Confidence helps to avoid the no-win
Tariffs and Trade (GATT), created in 1948, trade wars witnessed in the 1930s. When
immediately after the war. Its success led governments believe that others will keep their
to further reforms, and the World Trade trade barriers within agreed limits, they will do
Organization (WTO) emerged in 1995. the same. They will be in a much better frame of
An ever-increasing number of countries have mind to cooperate with each other.
agreed on trade rules that are now almost
global. They are committed to the legally The WTO trading system plays a vital role
binding limits on their trade barriers and in creating and reinforcing that confidence.
subsidies that they have also negotiated. Particularly important are negotiations that lead
to agreement by consensus and a focus on
abiding by the rules.
51. Before ... Monthly value of world trade, 1929–33
$ billion
Protectionism drained away
two-thirds of world trade
from 1929–33 $3.0
Without a multilateral trading system
and agreed rules, countries did not
trust each other to keep their markets
open. Nor could they resist lobbying
by narrow domestic interests.
During the Great Depression,
competition to raise trade barriers
and protect domestic production and
employment contributed to a slump
in trade from about $3 billion per
month in January 1929 to less than
$1 billion by March 1933. Two-thirds
of world trade had been wiped out,
with a devastating effect on the jobs
and industries that were supposed Jan 1929 Mar 1933
to be protected.
… and after Value of world trade, 1948–2010
$ trillion, current prices
History has not been
Even the financial crisis of 2007 Trade would have
saw a quick rebound. There was fallen to this point if
some protectionist pressure around protectionism of 1930s
the world in the belief that it would had been repeated and
protect jobs. But by and large, two-thirds of trade had
governments resisted. They were been wiped out.
bound by their obligations in the
WTO, and because they knew
others were similarly bound, they
were confident that the system
would remain stable. If anything
like two-thirds of world trade had
been wiped out, the picture would
have looked very different, and
the damaging effect would have
GATT ‘48 $0.06 WTO ‘95
been immense.
1948 1958 1968 1978 1988 1998 2008
52. The WTO can ...
53. Negotiations and
disputes are news-
makers, but a lot of vital
WTO work takes place
out of the limelight to
help trade flow smoothly,
for the benefit of the
world economy and for
all of us.
54. –– disciplines on how they can react when imports
10 effective increase sharply or the prices of imports tumble
–– limits on harmful agricultural subsidies
without hitting the –– access to services markets
headlines –– intellectual property protection.
They also want to know that other countries
are keeping their promises too — that’s a right
in addition to their own obligations to keep to
the rules. And often they want to see how other
countries are putting the rules into practice
The negotiations are over. The chairperson because they can learn from each other.
has gavelled the deal through. Ministers have
signed it. Parliaments have ratified it. It’s taken Much of this work is technical and detailed.
years and now most of the media have left. It involves countries sharing information with each
other and with the public, on anything within the
But for the WTO and its member governments, WTO’s scope, from “anti-dumping” investigations
this is just the start. to labels listing food ingredients, from copyright
law to measures taken to combat bird flu.
The deal consists of the agreements or “rules”.
They aim to help bring us safe food to eat, a It also includes opportunities for countries to
good choice of clothing to wear and telephone comment on each other’s actions and sometimes
services with which to call our friends and to influence the final outcome.
relatives, and effective medicines at affordable
prices. WTO rules can even make it easier to In the WTO’s first 16 years, governments sent in
have fun travelling or being entertained in our over 10,000 “notifications” just on their regulations
own homes. for food safety and animal and plant health — very
detailed, very technical, but very important for
WTO agreements can only do that if they are specialists, essential for trade and for health.
put into practice effectively — they have to be
implemented and monitored. Years of essential, This does not make headlines — when it works,
unglamorous work lie ahead. few people notice. When there is a problem,
that’s when it becomes news. So when the WTO
What governments have agreed to put into is not in the headlines, it’s likely that things are
practice includes: going well, at least as far as day-to-day trading
is concerned.
–– lower trade barriers
–– trimming red tape in customs and trade That, in a nutshell is what the WTO’s routine
work is about. Without it, the negotiations would
–– justifications for restricting imports on health, be pointless.
safety and environmental grounds that are
rational, not arbitrary
55. The WTO process
Still a problem?
Dispute Talk,
settlement negotiate
Problem with
application / Result?
shared information,
discussion in
Are they
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Established: 1 January 1995
Created by: Uruguay Round GATT negotiations (1986–94)
Membership: 159 countries* on 2 March 2013
Budget: 197 million Swiss francs for 2013
Secretariat staff: 634 (at end 2013)
77 nationalities
53% women, 47% men
Head: Roberto Azevêdo (Director-General)
Functions: • Administering WTO trade agreements
• Forum for trade negotiations
• Handling trade disputes
• Monitoring national trade policies
• Technical assistance and training
for developing countries
• Cooperation with other international
* In this booklet, the word “country” is used to describe WTO members. However, a few members are
officially “customs territories” and not necessarily countries in the usual sense of the word.
57. © World Trade Organization
ISBN: 978-92-870-3831-9
Written by the Information and
External Relations Division, WTO
Designed by BergHind Joseph
Printed by Atar Roto Presse SA
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