Where is water found on earth?

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The Earth is rich in natural resources that we use every day. These resources are any valuable material of geologic origin that can be extracted from the earth. This pdf contains different bodies of water on earth.
1. 1 Where Is Water Found on Earth?
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt • Image Credits: ©EpicStockMedia/Shutterstock
Water is found in many places on Earth.
By the End of This Lesson
I will be able to identify where water is
found on Earth. I will be able to describe
characteristics of bodies of water.
2. Bodies of Water
Water can be found in many places
on Earth. Look at the pictures to explore
some bodies of water.
Explore online.
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lakes river
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ocean pond
Can You Explain It?
Which body of water is closest to where
you live? Describe what it is like.
Lesson 1 • Where Is Water Found on Earth?
3. Lakes and Ponds
Explore online.
Look at the pictures to explore
lakes and ponds.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt • Image Credits: (b) ©chbaum/Shutterstock; (t) ©Arpad
Lakes are bigger and deeper than ponds,
but lakes and ponds are alike in many ways.
Lakes and ponds are both surrounded by
Benedek/E+/Getty Images
land. The water in both does not flow. The
bottoms of lakes and ponds are covered
with mud. Most lakes and all ponds have Go to the
fresh water. These features are patterns online
because they show what lakes and ponds for tips.
have in common.
4. How are lakes and ponds alike?
A They are both very deep.
Go to the online
B They are both surrounded handbook for tips.
by land.
C They are both made up
of salt water.
Apply What You Know
Measure 1 gallon of water and 1 tablespoon
of water. The gallon stands for all water on
Earth. The tablespoon stands for all fresh
water that people can drink. How does the total
amount of water on Earth compare to the amount
of water that people can drink?
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Lesson 1 • Where Is Water Found on Earth?
5. Rivers and Oceans
Explore online.
Look at the pictures to explore
rivers and oceans.
river ocean
Most rivers contain fresh Oceans are the largest
water. Rivers may be wide bodies of water on Earth.
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or narrow. They all have Ocean water is salty.
land on two sides. Rivers Oceans cover most of
begin on high ground. They Earth’s surface and hold
flow downward into other almost all its water. These
Shutterstock; (b) ©FlowVideo/Shutterstock
rivers, lakes, and oceans. features are patterns
These features are patterns because they show what
because they show what oceans have in common.
rivers have in common.
Write oceans or rivers to complete the
following sentence:
There are different bodies of water.
flow into .
6. Label each picture using the terms in the box.
lake ocean pond river
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(tr) ©Shutterstock; (bl) ©JJMedia/Shutterstock; (br) ©Yarr65/Shutterstock
Apply What You Know
Evidence Notebook • How
does this map show that Go to the online
most water on Earth is handbook for tips.
salt water? Use evidence
to support your answer.
Record it in your Evidence
Notebook. Compare your
answer with a partner.
Lesson 1 • Where Is Water Found on Earth?
7. Liquid or Solid
Explore online.
Look at the pictures to explore how
bodies of water can be liquid or solid.
liquid at 71 °F solid at 26 °F
In warm places, bodies of water are liquid. In cold
places, ponds, rivers, and lakes may freeze if the
temperature is low enough. Fresh water freezes at
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt • Image Credits: (t) ©Getty Images; (b) ©Corbis
32 degrees Fahrenheit (32 °F). Ocean water freezes
at about 28 °F. An ocean will never freeze completely.
It is too big and salty, and it moves too much. These
features are patterns because they show what oceans
have in common.
Do the Math! • You can use symbols to
compare temperatures of a warm ocean
and a cold ocean. Compare the numbers.
Write >, <, or =. Use Symbols
71 °F 26 °F Go to the online
handbook for tips.
8. Explore online.
Look at the pictures to explore a
lake in the summer and in the winter.
summer winter
Getty Images; (br) ©@ upsa-daisy/Moment/Getty Images; (cr) ©David Silva/Flickr
Flash/Getty Images; (cl) ©Dwight Nadig/iStockPhoto.com
Temperatures are warmer in
summer and cooler in winter. This Patterns • Evaluating
is a pattern. Sometimes it gets Information Go to the
online handbook for tips.
cold enough that water freezes.
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Write liquid or solid to classify each body of water.
Lesson 1 • Where Is Water Found on Earth?
9. Apply What You Know
Does the temperature stay the same
from day to day? Use a thermometer to Data
measure temperature at the same time Go to the
each day for one week. Use your data handbook
to complete the graph. Would fresh or for tips.
salt water freeze at these temperatures?
As a class, discuss patterns you see.
Temperature in Your Area
Temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit)
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10. Name
Hands-On Activity
Locate Bodies of Water
Ask a Question
Test and Record Data Explore online.
Step 1
Make a plan to research bodies of water where you live.
Step 2
Record your data.
Bodies of Water Characteristics
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Lesson 1 • Where Is Water Found on Earth?
11. Step 3
Use your data to make a poster about bodies of
water near where you live. Include a simple map
that shows where the bodies of water are located.
Step 4
Share your poster with the class.
Make a claim that answers your question.
What is your evidence? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
12. Explore more online.
Take It Further
• How Can We
People in Science & Engineering • Conserve Earth’s
John G. Ferris Water?
Explore online.
John G. Ferris was a scientist. He worked hard
to take care of groundwater. Groundwater is
water under Earth’s surface between pieces of
soil and rock. Groundwater is important. People
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drink it. People also use it to water crops. Ferris
studied problems with groundwater, such as how
to store it and how to keep it clean. He taught
people how to care for groundwater.
Lesson 1 • Where Is Water Found on Earth? 197
13. Exploring Groundwater
Water on Earth moves from Earth into Information
the air and back again. This movement Go to the
is called the water cycle. This cycle handbook
includes groundwater. for tips.
The sun heats the water and Explore online.
turns it to a vapor. Water
vapor rises into the sky and The water droplets
becomes water droplets. form clouds. When
the droplets become
too heavy, it rains.
Rain falls from
clouds onto
Earth’s surface.
The water flows into bodies Much of the rainwater
of water and becomes seeps into the soil and
surface water. The water becomes groundwater.
cycle starts again.
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Read, Write, Share! • How has Dr. Ferris’s work
with groundwater helped make our lives better?
14. Lesson Check Name
Explore online.
Can You Explain It?
Which body of water is closest to where
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt • Image Credits: ©De Agostini Picture Library/
you live? Describe what it is like.
Be sure to
• Name the body of water.
• Tell whether it is a pond, a lake, a river, or an ocean.
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• Explain where it is located.
Lesson 1 • Where Is Water Found on Earth? 199
15. Self Check
1. Which is true of rivers?
A They are made up of salt water.
B They flow from a low place to a high place.
C They can be short or long. They can be narrow
or wide.
2. Which has land all around it? Choose all
correct answers.
A ocean
B lake
C pond
3. Which flows into other bodies of water?
A river
B lake
C pond
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16. 4. Which is true of oceans?
A They flow into rivers.
B They are smaller than lakes.
C They are made up of salt water.
5. Write solid or liquid to describe each body of water.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt • Image Credits: (br) © Hero Images/Corbis; (tl) ©David
Silva/Flickr Flash/Getty Images; (tc) ©Dwight Nadig/iStockPhoto.com
6. What happens to a lake
when it is very cold outside?
A Ice changes to liquid water.
B Liquid water changes to ice.
C Liquid water stays the same.
Lesson 1 • Where Is Water Found on Earth? 201