Basic Information about the Nervous System

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The nervous system controls everything you do, including breathing, walking, thinking, and feeling. This system is made up of your brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves of your body.
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The Nervous System
 Millions of interconnected neurons form the nervous
 Human nervous system two major parts: central
nervous system and peripheral nervous system
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Nervous System Organization
Central Nervous System
 Brain
 Spinal cord
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Nervous System Organization
 All neurons outside the Peripheral Nervous System
– 31 pairs spinal nerves
– 12 pairs of cranial
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The Brain - 3 Major Areas
 Cerebrum (telencephalon, diencephalon,)
 Cerebellum
 Brainstem (midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata)
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 Composed of Telencephalon (Cerebral
Cortex) and Diencephalon
 Cerebral Cortex is gray matter because
nerve fibers lack white myelin coating
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Cerebral Cortex - 4 Major
 Parietal
 Frontal
 Temporal
 Occipital
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Functions of the Cerebral
 Intellectual processes: thought, intelligence.
 Processes sensory information and integrates with past
experience to produce appropriate motor response.
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Diencephalon - 2 Major Parts
 Thalamus
– Relays stimuli received from all sensory neurons to cortex
for interpretation
– Relays signals from the cerebral cortex to the proper area
for further processing
 Hypothalamus
– Monitors many parameters
 temperature, blood glucose levels, various hormone levels
– Helps maintain homeostasis
– Signals the pituitary via releasing factors
– Signals the lower neural centers
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 Located behind the
 Helps monitor and
regulate movement
 Integrates postural
maintenance of
equilibrium, perception
of speed, and other
reflexes related to fine
tuning of movement.
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 Composed of midbrain, pons, and medulla
 Maintains vegetative functioning
– Where is respiratory control center?
– Where is cardiovascular control center?
 Reflexes
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Brain Stem
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Spinal Cord
 Containsboth gray and white matter
 Gray matter is H-shape in core of cord
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Gray Matter
 Regions of brain and spinal cord made up
primarily of cell bodies and dendrites of
nerve cells
 Interneurons in spinal cord
– small nerves which do not leave the spinal cord
 Terminal portion of axons
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White Matter
 Contains tracts or pathways made up of
bundles of myelinated nerves
 Carry ascending and descending signals
– Ascending nerve tract from sensory receptors
through dorsal root, up cord to thalamus, to
cerebral cortex
– Pyramidal tract transmits impulses downward
eventually excites motoneurons control muscles.
– Extrapyramidal originate in brain stem descend to
control posture.
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Descending Nerve Tracts
Descending: lateral, ventro-
Ascending: dorsal medial tracts
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Peripheral Nervous System
 Thirty-one pairs of spinal
nerves & 12 pairs of
cranial nerves.
 Each spinal nerve is a
mixed nerve containing:
– Somatic afferent
– Visceral afferent
– Somatic efferent
– Visceral efferent
 Which is a motor fiber?
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Somatic Nervous System
 Somatic afferent
(sensory): carry
sensations from periphery
to spinal cord. Includes
exteroceptive (pain,
temperature, touch) &
 Somatic efferent (motor):
communicate from spinal
cord to skeletal muscles.
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Autonomic Nervous System
 Sympathetic
– responsible for increasing activity in most
systems (except GI)
– adrenergic fibers release epinephrine
 Parasympathetic
– responsible for slowing activity in most systems
(except GI)
– cholinergic fibers release acetylcholine
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Autonomic Reflex
 Monosynaptic reflex
 Knee jerk response
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Complex Reflexes
 Involve multiple
 Crossed extensor reflex
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Motor Unit
 A single motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers which it
innervates. Represents functional unit of movement.
 Ratio of muscle fibers to nerve relates to muscle’s movement
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 Two basic types
1. Motor
2. Sensory
 Three basic parts
1. Axons
2. Dendrites
3. Soma or Cell Bodies
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Sensory Nerves
 Enter the spinal cord on
the dorsal side
 Cell bodies lie outside
the spinal cord in
Dorsal Root Ganglia
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Motor Nerves
 Exit the spinal cord on the ventral side
 Cell bodies lie within grey matter of spinal
 Somatic
– innervates skeletal muscle
 Autonomic (visceral)
– innervates organs / smooth muscle
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Neuron Part: Axons
 Carry impulses away from the cell body
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 Schwann cells
wrapped around the
axon of some
– appear as multiple lipid-protein layers
– are actually a continuous cell
– increase the speed of action potential conduction
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Nodes of Ranvier
 Gaps between Schwann Cells
– impulse jumps from node to node
– saltatory conduction
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Neuron Parts:
Dendrites and Cell body
 Dendrite: receives stimuli and carry it to the
cell body
 Cell body: site of cellular activity
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 Junction between the dendrites of one neuron
and the axon of a second neuron
 Nerves communicate by releasing chemical
messenger at synapse
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Important neurotransmitters:
Nitric oxide
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Motor Nerves - Size
 Alpha motor nerves
– Larger fibers
– Conduct impulses faster
– Innervate regular muscle fibers
 Gamma Motor nerves
– smaller fibers
– conduct impulses more slowly
– Innervate proprioceptors such as muscle spindles
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Nerve Properties
Related to Function
 Irritability
– able to respond to stimuli
 Conductivity
– able to transmit electrical potential along the axon
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Resting Membrane Potential
 Difference in charge between the inside and
outside of the cell
– sodium in greater concentration outside
– potassium in greater concentration inside
– anions in greater concentration inside
– membrane permeability greater for potassium
than sodium
– Na+ / K+ pump moves sodium out, potassium in
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Generating Action Potentials
 Voltage gated ion channels
– sodium channels open --- sodium rushes in
– sodium channels close --- stops inward flow of
– potassium channels open --- potassium rushes out
 Net effect - Depolarization then
– electrical flow created by ionic flow, not electron
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Na+ / K + Pump
 Membrane bound proteins
 Utilizes ATP
 Maintains resting membrane potential
 Establishes sodium & potassium
concentration gradients
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Neuromuscular Junction
 Motor neuron cell body and dendrites in gray
matter of spinal cord
 Axons extend to muscle
 Axon’s terminal end contains a synaptic knob
 Synaptic knob has synaptic vesicles
containing acetylcholine
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Axon leaves spinal
Extends to skeletal
Terminal branches
end in synaptic
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Motor End Plate
 Area beneath the terminal branches of the
 Contains acetylcholine receptor complexes
 Acetylcholine binding opens the receptor
 Cholinesterase degrades acetylcholine into
acetate and choline
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Tension Generating
 All or None Law
– when a neuron reaches threshold it generates an
action potential which is conducted the length of
the axon without any voltage change
– when the nerve fires, all the muscle fibers it
innervates contract
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Summation of Local Graded
 Temporal Summation
– additive effect of
successive stimuli from
an axon
 Spatial Summation
– additive effect of
stimuli from various
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Gradation of Force
 Force of muscle varies
from slight to maximal:
– Increase number of
motor units recruited
– Increase frequency of
motor unit discharge.
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 Muscle Spindles
 Golgi Tendon Organs
 Pacinian Corpuscles
 Ruffini Endings
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Muscle Spindles
 Encapsulated fibers
within the muscle belly
 Monitor changes in
muscle length
 Monitor the rate of
change in muscle
 Respond by causing
muscle contraction
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Golgi Tendon Organs
 Encapsulated receptors
 Located at the
 Monitor tension within
the tendon
 Respond by causing the
muscle to relax
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Pacinian Corpuscles &
Ruffini Endings
 Encapsulated receptors
 Located near joints, in muscle, tendon, and bone