Knowing the Basics of Anatomy and Physiology

In this quiz, you will get to know some basics of anatomy and physiology. You will learn about many body systems like circulation, digestion, removing waste, the skeletal system, and many more.

Start Quiz

Which jobs does the circulatory system do? Select all that apply.

It brings oxygen to cells.

It breaks down food into small pieces

It brings nutrients to cell

It helps remove carbon dioxide waste from body

Which of these might be part of an animal's circulatory system? Select all that apply.

blood vessels




Complete the sentence.

Animals produce waste, which ##their bodies cannot use##.

their bodies cannot use all stays in the animal's body forever is used to help the animal grow

Complete the sentence.

If waste is not removed from an animal's body, the waste will ##make the animal sick##.

become a new cell make the animal sick disappear

Which jobs does the digestive system do? Select all that apply.

helps make food

helps cells get energy from food

helps cells get building materials from food

breaks down food into small pieces

Which of these can be part of an animal's digestive system? Select all that apply.





Which of these might be part of an animal's skeletal system? Select all that apply.

the liver and kidneys

tendons and ligaments

an endoskeleton or exoskeleton


Which jobs does an animal's skeletal system do? Select all that apply.

It supports the animal’s body.

It removes waste from the animal’s body.

It helps protect the soft parts of the animal’s body.

It sends electrical signals through the animal’s body.

If a person's body is damaged, the body can often heal itself. But sometimes, disease or injury can cause damage that is too severe to heal. When a limb is too severely damaged to heal, it may need to be amputated, or removed.

For example, a doctor can treat an infected limb with medicine. But if the infection does not go away, it can spread to the rest of the person's body. To stop the infection from spreading, the infected limb may need to be amputated.

In other cases, when a limb is badly injured, the skin, bones, muscles, and nerves may be severely damaged. If the damaged tissue cannot heal, it may die. The severely damaged or dead tissue then needs to be amputated.

Why might a person have a limb amputated? Select all that apply.

the limb can not recover from an infection.

the limb has healed from a serious disease.

after an accident, the limb is too badly injured to heal.

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Knowing the Basics of Anatomy and Physiology
Questions: 9
Contributed by:
Maths Magic