What is the structure and composition of earth?

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Earth’s interior structure and composition are characterized by its thermal and physical state. Earth consists of various layers or a solid body and is thought to be assembled with an area/group of rocks and other materials.
1. Unit 3 Interior of the Earth: Structure and Composition
3.1 Introduction 3.4 Earth’s Internal Structure:
Expected Learning Outcomes Theories
3.2 Basic Concepts Edward Suess
Van der Gracht
The Earth as a Solid Body and
Earth’s Interior Arthur Holmes
Rock Cycle Seismology
Layers and Discontinuities Earth’s Interior
3.3 Thermal and Physical State of 3.5 Summary
the Earth’s Interior 3.6 Terminal Questions
Temperature 3.7 Answers
Pressure 3.8 References/Further Reading
In Units 1 and 2, you have learnt about various theories of the origin of the
Earth and Solar System and Earth as a living planet. As you learnt, that many
theories gave different logic for the origin of the Earth. You have also learnt in
Units 1 and 2 that Sun is the main source of energy which drives all forms of
life and associated processes over the Earth’s surface and beneath it as well.
In this Unit, we will focus on the interior of the Earth, its structure and
composition. We begin the unit with basic concepts related to our planet Earth
by explaining Earth as a solid body, Earth’s interior, the rock cycle along
with layers and discontinuities (Sec. 3.2). You will learn that all these
concepts are inter-related with each other that forms a complex network of
Earth’s interior processes, structure and composition. 49
2. Block 1 GEO-Tectonics
Earth’s interior structure and composition are characterised by its thermal and
physical state. In order to understand these, you must learn about its thermal
and physical state which we will discuss in Sec. 3.3. While studying Sec. 3.4,
you will learn about few important theories propounded by different Earth
scientists. You will realize that seismology plays a pivotal role and provides a
scientific basis to study the Earth’s interior. You will further learn about the
intricate relationship between these two in Sec. 3.5.
By and large, in this unit, you have been introduced to the Earth’s interior, its
structure and composition. In the next Unit, you will learn about the Concept
of Isostacy.
Expected Learning Outcomes
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
 describe the basic concepts, namely, Earth as a solid body, Earth’s
interior, rock cycle along with layers and discontinuities;
 illustrate the thermal and physical state of the Earth’s interior;
 explain the Earth’s internal structure as propounded by different Earth
 Define the concept of seismology and Earth’s interior.
As we know that basic concepts form the backbone of any field of study
across the disciplines of studies or branches of knowledge. You will agree that
the learning of basic concepts not only provides a sound understanding of the
phenomenon under study but also acts as a source for further learning.
3.2.1 The Earth as a Solid Body and Earth’s Interior
Earth consists of various layers or a solid body and is thought to be
You may refer and watch
assembled with area/group of rocks and other materials. The Earth as a solid
a small documentary body or layer collectively means an area of rocks. You may recollect the details
film titled ‘Earth 101’ at of the Earth’s lithosphere which you studied from Sub-sec. 2.2.1 in Unit 2. Do
https:// you know that approximately 16 kilometres beneath the Earth’s surface, more
nationalgeographic.com/ than three fourth of Earth’s matter is composed of rock materials. Basically,
science/space/ solar
the study of rocks is the domain of petrology (which is part of geology). It deals
system/ earth and
with the rock system which is made up of unique or aggregates of mineral
explore relevant online
resources for further matters. It is this mineral matter that helps to build the Earth’s crust.
information on plant
Earth’s interior is arranged into three layers namely crust, mantle and core. In
Earth and its interior
parts. simplest words, you may visualize it with the peeling off process of a boiled
egg. The outer hard and thin layer may resemble to the crust, middle layer to
the mantle and inner layer to the core respectively. The most common and
reliable source to study the Earth’s interior is Seismology which you will learn
in Sec. 3.4. Let us study the rock cycle which is exclusively the domain of
3. Unit 3 Interior of the Earth: Structure and Composition
geologists. They study the Earth’s history, structure and composition in detail.
Geographers are required to know the basic properties of rocks also.
3.2.2 Rock Cycle
You can think of any continuous activity. For example, four distinctive weather
seasons in a year namely spring, summer, autumn and winter and many
others such like nutrient cycle, carbon cycle, hydrological cycle or sowing and
harvesting of wheat, rice or mustard etc. on every successive agricultural year.
In similar ways, rock cycle refers to the constant organization and reorganization
of various rock types found over the Earth’s Crust i.e. lithosphere. You can
understand this with the following example as shown in Fig. 3.1.
Soon after the process of solidification of magma and lava, igneous rocks are
formed. You can visualise it in terms of a walls of the building soon after the
process of cementing during construction. Rock materials comes from the
Earth’s middle inner layer i.e. Mantle through volcanic eruptions. After the
formation, igneous rocks become exposed to the agents of weathering and
erosion on the Earth’s surface. These agents break the igneous rocks into
small pieces. Further, the agents of denudation, for example wind (aeolian)
and water (fluvial) transports these small rock particles and deposits into the
seas and oceans. You will learn about these in Units 8 and 9, Block 2 of this
course in detail.
Have you ever wondered that what happens to the small rock particles after
these gets accumulated? This process of continuous accumulation deep into
the sea floor, in due course of time, transforms it into new sedimentary rocks
as shown in Fig. 3.1.
exposure to
Earth processes
keeps on
repeating this
Application of rock cycle Volcanic
pressure and cruptions
heat transforms provide the rock
it into material in the
metamorphic form of magma
rocks and lava
Solar Energy
drives all the Earth
Leads to processes, here Initially
accumulation of
the process of rock magma
cycle and lava solidifies
rock particles and then cools to
that turns into form Igneous
sedimentary rocks
*DRP Igneous rocks
*Disintegrated transported to lay exposed to
Rock Particles the seas and the agents of
oceans by natural weathering and
agents of wind erosion subject to
and water disintegration
Fig. 3.1: Rock Cycle.
4. Block 1 GEO-Tectonics
Have you ever thought that how metamorphic rocks are formed? Metamorphic
rocks are formed by the application of pressure and heat. When metamorphic
rocks lay exposed, it may also worn away to transform into sedimentary rocks
and so on with the passage of time. The process of rock cycle is never ending.
Most of the rock material is constantly recycled matching both formation and
disintegration of rocks found over the Earth’s crust.
3.2.3 Layers and Discontinuities
You may be amazed to know the way distinctive and complex system of layers
and discontinuities do exist in the rock cycle. One of the most reliable sources
of information about the Earth’s interior layers comes from the precise study of
seismic waves. You are quite familiar with the same as these are nothing but
simply waves that generates tremors resulting into Earthquakes. Seismic
waves could be either natural or artificially stimulated one in a preset/
modulated environment. Based on the speed of seismic waves, three main
layers along with discontinuities have commonly been recognized. These are
crust, mantle and the core layers. Seismic waves could be of two kinds i.e.
surface and body waves. Further, these three main layers are divided into sub-
layers on the basis of changing speed of the seismic waves. You will learn
about all these layers and their discontinuities in Sec. 3.4 of this unit in detail.
Explain the concept of rock cycle?
5 mins
You may wonder that what do we mean by the thermal and physical state of
the Earth’s interior. It signifies the study of three vital parameters namely
temperature, pressure and density etc. All of these parameters are responsible
for the generation of present state of the affairs and may also shape the future
development both at over the Earth’s surface and in the Earth’s interior parts
Scientific analysis of all three parameters would enable you to comprehend the
underlying details of the Earth’s interior. Afterwards, you would be able to study
the dynamics of the Earth’s interior in a better way.
3.3.1 Temperature
As understood, you must be familiar with the meaning of temperature. All of
you will agree that to live and sustain in a given type of environment/place/
space or geographic region, all kinds of flora and fauna along with human
beings will require a threshold temperature value. You will be surprised to know
that temperature increases with increasing depth. Similarly, you will further
uncover that temperature increases with increasing altitude on the Earth’s
5. Unit 3 Interior of the Earth: Structure and Composition
surface in Block 3 on Climatology of this course.
On an average, the temperature increases at a rate of 1° C for every 32
metres as one goes deep inside the Earth’s interior. At this rate of temperature
rise, the core layer of the Earth is expected to witness temperature values of
around 4000° C. You will be amazed to know that temperature is likely to vary
Threshold value means
from 1200-2000° C at this rate deep at 48 kilometres into the asthenosphere.
the value at which a given
You will agree that at such a high range of temperature values, the underlying
substance or material
rocks along with their mineral constituents may alter their shape, structure and attains the optimally
properties altogether. You can witness this change from solid to varying required value.
degrees of liquid state in various kinds of minerals along with their
For this reason, you will wonder that the source of volcanic eruptions is
considered to be at a depth of 48 kilometres inside the Earth’s interior. But, it is
only true for first 8 kilometres of depth inside the Earth beyond which it is very
difficult to gauge the temperature values. Temperature values keep on
progressively declining at far greater depths beyond 100 kilometres. Reason
for this is the gradual decline in the availability of two heat sensitive radioactive
minerals of uranium and thorium respectively (Singh, S. 2012).
3.3.2 Pressure
You might be getting curious about the cause for such high density of the
Earth’s core layer. Traditional view stated it to be the heavy pressure of the
rock strata succeeding each other. It is well understood fact that the overlying
pressure from rock layers simply increases the density of rocks. It further
increases with the increase in depth.
However, this opinion is not entirely true since the density of a given rock types
have threshold value beyond which the density ceases to increase. Thus, the
factor of overlying pressure cannot alone increase the density of rocks to greater
extent lying underneath the lithosphere. This inference leads towards the fact
that the core layers of the Earth could be made up of intense metallic matter
having inherently very high density. However, scientific studies have clearly set
out the fact that the core layer of the Earth is constituted by two heavy metallic
components of iron and nickel. It has also been confirmed based on the
geocentric magnetic field of the Earth’s interior. A layer of crystalline rock strata
encircles the topmost portions of the metallic core of the Earth.
3.3.3 Density
On an average, the density of the Earth’s interior is 5.5. However, it is 2.7 in the
continental shells i.e. upper surface layers which consist of granitic rocks and
sial i.e. silica and aluminium. It is also believed by the Earth scientists,
particularly geologists that the density of material increases directly in
proportion to the depth. In other words, you can say that the density of
materials increases as one goes down into the Earth’s interior parts.
You will be amazed to know that the density of materials found in the core
layers of the Earth are around dozen times denser compared to the water. Iron
and nickel together known as ‘nife’ forms the core layer of the Earth’s interior. 53
6. Block 1 GEO-Tectonics
The density is 4.3 in the middle layers composed of sima i.e. silica and
magnesium. Apparently, heavier the material, the density will also be
correspondingly high.
Briefly discuss the temperature, pressure and density conditions of the Earth’s
5 mins
A number of Earth scientists propounded various theories regarding the
Earth’s internal structure. Few important ones are discussed below for you to
have a broader idea regarding the same.
3.4.1 Edward Suess
His theory deals with the chemical properties of the Earth’s interior structure.
He said that a thin sheet of sedimentary rocks having extremely small
thickness envelops the Earth’s crust. It is made up of crystalline rocks with
silicate as a mineral. Two most important minerals are mica and feldspar.
Light silicate matter makes up its upper portion whereas heavy silicate matter
determines its lower portion. This scholar categorised the Earth’s internal
structure into three zones as discussed below.
i) The Sial: Sial is made up of two words i.e. Si plus and Al which denote
silica and aluminum. It lies beneath the outer sedimentary envelop of the
Earth’s internal structure. On an average, its density is 2.9 and varies
from 50 to 300 kilometers in its thickness. This layer is characterized by
the surplus availability of acid materials along with silicates of potassium,
sodium and aluminum etc. Major structural parts of the planet Earth i. e.
continents are created on sial layer.
ii) The Sima: A layer situated just below the sial is known as ‘sima’. It is
constituted by the basalt material. Sima is the only provider of magma and
lava resources blown up from volcanoes during active phases. It is
composed of two words Si plus and Ma, whereby Si stands for silica and
Ma for magnesium. Hence, silica and magnesium are two important
minerals. Average density varies from 2.9 to 4.7. Its thickness varies from
1000 to 2000 kilometers respectively. This layer is characterized by the
availability of plenty of base materials including those of calcium, iron and
magnesium silicates etc.
iii) The Nife: It is placed beneath the middle layer of sima. Nickel (Ni) and
ferrium (Fe) are two dominant minerals. Nife has very high density
because of the dominance of heavy metals. Its thickness is 6880
kilometers. Availability of iron i.e. ferrnium shows two properties of
firmness and magnetism.
7. Unit 3 Interior of the Earth: Structure and Composition
Suess has divided the Earth’s internal structure into three layers of sial, sima
and nife with one or more than one common characteristics.
3.4.2 Van der Gracht
He has categorized the Earth’s interior into four layers. Diverse properties of
the same have been described in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1. Earth’s Interior Layers According to Van der Gracht
Sl. No. Layers Thickness Density
60 kilometres below Continents 2.75 – 2.9
(i) Outer sialic 20 kilometres below Atlantic Ocean
Not present below Pacific Ocean
(ii) Inner silicate 60 – 1140 kilometres
mantle 3.1 – 4.75
(iii) Zone of mixed 1140 – 2900 kilometres 4.75 – 5.0
metals and
(iv) Metallic 2900 – 6371 kilometres 11.0
Source: Singh, S. 2012, Physical geography.
His scheme indicates the Earth’s internal layers with varying figures regarding
the number, thickness and density properties etc. As opposed to this scheme,
most of the Earth scientists distinguished a universal pattern that deals the
Earth’s internal structure into three layers as discussed below:
i) Lithosphere: It is mostly made up of granitic rocks with a thickness of
100 kilometers. Silica and aluminum are the major minerals. Average
density of lithosphere is 3.5.
ii) Pyrosphere: Basalt is the main constituent mineral. Thickness of this
layer is 2780 kilometres and average density is 5.6.
iii) Barysphere: Iron and nickel are the two important minerals. This layer
spans for nearly 200 kilometers to the core. Average density varies from
8 to 11.
3.4.3 Arther Holmes
A. Holmes categorised the Earth’s internal structure into two major layers i.e.
upper and lower layers. Upper layer has been named as crust. Sialic layer
propounded by E. Suess and top parts of sima forms this layer. Substratum is
the name given to the lower layer. It is made up of the lower portions of
E. Suess’s sima layer. Thickness of sial lies underneath the continental shell.
He outlined four characteristics of the Earth’s internal structure as below:
i) Thermal conditions – 20 kilometers or less
8. Block 1 GEO-Tectonics
ii) Surface seismic waves (l waves) – 15 kilometers or more
iii) Longitudinal waves – 20 to 30 kilometers
iv) Subsidence of the deepest geosynclines – 20 kilometers or even more.
As like other scholars, he has also confirmed to the earlier theories. But, he
gave rather incomplete theory of the Earth’s internal structure. Since, it has
been recognized and categorized into three distinctive layering systems known
as crust, mantle and core respectively.
Highlight the major key points of various theories.
5 mins 3.3.4 Seismology
Seismology is a kind of scientific endeavour akin to medical profession. It
studies the Earth’s internal structure with the help of tremors including both the
Earth tremors and nuclear outburst etc.
You will be surprised to know that it is not a new idea as science of
‘Seismology’ was prevalent since ages. It was practiced in ‘Asian giant land
of China’ around 2000 years before to determine the direction and source of
seismic waves.
A Chinese scholar named ‘Chang Heng’ was the first to devise an instrument
used to detect the unfelt and guess the direction to the epicentre of
Earthquakes during 132 A.D. (Lutgens et. al, 2011). Seismographs used in
contemporary times are testimony, which resembles to this old Chinese
You can see that how this instrument looks like and functions in Fig. 3.2. Did
you notice the freely suspended hanging weight from a flat support base? The
Fig. 3.2: Illustration of Seismograph.
9. Unit 3 Interior of the Earth: Structure and Composition
moment seismic or Earthquake tremors hit the seismograph; it remains static
owing to the factor of inertia of weight. It is relative to the moving objects of
support and the Earth’s surface. In other words, you can say that factor of
inertia of weight keeps the dormant objects at dormant state whereas dynamic
objects at dynamic state.
A seismograph that collects the evidence regarding the nature and types of ‘Tectonic plates’ refers
Earthquake tremors are known as seismograms. It tells us about the main to the division of Earth’s
crust or lithosphere into
types of tremors produced due to the movement of rock strata. For instance,
seven major and almost
the continuous movement of tectonic plates (i.e. concept of plate tectonics dozen minor plates
dealt in detail in Unit 5, Block 2 of this course) of the world in relation to each including ‘continental’
other which you will learn. and ‘oceanic plates’.
There are two categories of seismic waves known as body and surface
waves. Body waves moves along the internal division of the Earth and further
divided into two sub-types. These are primary and secondary waves
designated by the capital letter P and S. Surface waves as the name itself
indicates moves at the external division of the Earth’s surface with two sub-
types namely Rayleigh and Love waves.
1. Body waves: Medium of motion through dominant objects is the main
characteristic feature of body waves at greater depths. Body waves are
of two types viz; P and S waves. Among this, P or primary waves are the
speediest moving at a speed of 5 kilometres per second. It is basically
push and pull type waves moving towards the direction of wave motion
as shown in Figure 3.3 a and b. This resembles to the sound produced
by the strings of a musical instrument like sitar as it puts the air into
motion to produce such sounds.
All three medium of atmospheric elements including solid, gas and liquid
shows resistance to change in volume at the moment compression is
applied. Thus, these medium would eventually come back to their
original state once the compression forces are withdrawn. Thus, P
waves are able to move through all three mediums.
Next type is S waves, which causes vibrations at right angles in the
direction of wave movement. It is less speedy than P waves as it moves
at nearly 3 kilometres per second. You can understand it by taking a 2.5
metre long piece of soft plastic garden pipe. Now, if you tie one side of a
pipe over a vertical pole and vibrate it from the free side.
You will notice the action in a pipe coming from the wave direction as S
waves transform the form of a conveying substance altogether as
opposed to P waves which momentarily does so. In other words, fluid
materials such as liquid and gas are not stress tolerant which readily
transforms the form of a matter. It means that fluids will not let the S
waves pass through.
2. Surface waves: You will learn that every category of seismic wave has
its own unique qualities of motion. This category is characterised by
complexity in motion at ground level as evident from Fig. 3.3 c and d. It
makes everything upon the surface to be in motion including buildings,
bridges, transmission lines and numerous man-made objects. It has two
types. 57
10. Block 1 GEO-Tectonics
Fig. 3.3: Different Categories of Seismic Waves.
(a) P Waves (b) S Waves (c) Love Waves (d) Rayleigh Waves.
First one is ‘Rayleigh wave’ with up and down motions as like that of
an electronically operated lift in a multi-storey building. Second type is
known as ‘love wave’ characterised by side to side motion resembling to
that of a wave generated by a swiftly flowing perennial river system.
Former type is considered more fatal than later as it carries the potential
to damage the very base of man-made infrastructural amenities.
‘Perennial river system’
You will be aware that it has always been difficult to probe deep into the Earth’s
refers to a river system
having permanent flow of
interior parts since ages. One of the plausible medium is through the light
water like most of the penetration. But, light cannot penetrate the solid and liquid intervening rock
Glacier fed Himalayan layers found beneath the Earth’s surface. Another medium could be either
rivers. through drilling (e.g. to ascertain the availability of petroleum resources as
being done in the Western coast i.e. Off the coast in Bombay High, India) and
digging (e.g. to obtain the iron ore mineral as being done in gold mines at
Kudremukh Ore Mines, in Chikkamagaluru district, Karnataka, India)
techniques into the deep interior parts of the Earth to locate various mineral
11. Unit 3 Interior of the Earth: Structure and Composition
You will be surprised to know that it is nearly impossible to drill beyond specific
depths, roughly 12.5 kilometres, so far. The reason for this is primarily
because of prevailing extremely high temperature and pressure conditions
existing therein. You may wonder that every year, planet Earth experiences
hundreds of tremors which are recorded by the seismographs.
Thus, it is possible through the medium of recording of huge natural tremors
that spans the Earth along with seismic waves. These helps us to unravel the
mysteries of the Earth’s interior segment. A seismic wave takes images of the
Earth’s interior. You can understand this phenomenon as like that of an image
taken by the x-ray, city scan or ultrasound machines for the affected parts of a
human body to ascertain the exact reasons of debility and sickness for
You will learn that due to the seismic wave’s complex movement, the study of
recorded wave data by seismograms becomes difficult. Not following a direct
movement, seismic waves tend to behave differently. They reflect, refract and
diffract in their course of movement during tremors as shown in Fig. 3.4.
Fig. 3.4: Complex Movements of Seismic Waves in the Earth’s Interior.
You will be amazed to know that the junction of two intervening rock layers
provides the platform to reflect seismic waves. They also refract in their
course from one to another rock layers. Besides, seismic waves also get
diffracted while facing any kind of natural/physical barriers like rivers and
mountains etc. You can say that it is because of this shifting behavioural
characteristic of seismic waves which facilitates the Earth scientists to
determine the boundaries found in the Earth’s interior parts.
You will further learn that seismic waves follow a much curved movement on
account of rising speed directly in proportion to the growing depth. Its velocity
accelerates if a rock layer through which it travels is not easily compressible
and hard as well. In turn, these two features of a rock layer namely
compressibility and hardness allows the investigation of composition and
temperature conditions too. 59
12. Block 1 GEO-Tectonics
Explain the term seismology.
5 mins
3.4.5 Earth’s Interior
Thus, based on the study of seismology, Earth’s interior can be divided into
three main layering systems as shown in Fig. 3.5.
1. Crust
Crust is the outermost layer. It is also known as ‘lithosphere’ mostly made up
of basalt rocks. It has two parts namely upper and lower crust. Mean thickness
is around 20 kilometres. Average density of the upper crust is 2.8 whereas it is
3.0 in case of the lower crust.
Little variation between the two is on account of the pressure caused by the
superincumbent weight. You will also learn that minerals of the upper crust
were formed with lesser pressure compared to the lower crust. Seismic
waves lose their speed gradually both in the upper and lower parts of the crust.
2. Mantle
You will be surprised to know that Mantle is characterised by the abrupt rise in
the intensity of Earthquake waves. It is known as ‘mesosphere’ located at the
boundary between lower crust and upper parts of the mantle.
Speed of seismic waves is 6.9 kilometres per second at the base of lower
crust. It rises rapidly to 8.1 kilometres per second due to the discontinuity. It
lies between the separation zone of lower crust and upper mantle.
This zone of separation was discovered by Yugoslavian seismologist named
Andrija Mohorovicic during 1909. Thereafter, it came to be known as
‘Mohorovicic Discontinuity’ or ‘Moho Discontinuity’.
60 Fig. 3.5: Earth’s Layering System.
13. Unit 3 Interior of the Earth: Structure and Composition
It has mean density of 4.6 g/cm3. Beneath the Earth, the mantle spans nearly
for a depth of 2900 kilometres. As a whole, it comprises 83 percent of the
entire dimension as well as 68 percent of the overall accumulation of the
Earth’s surface. However, the mantle falls short in its thickness which is less
than half of the Earth’s radius of 6371 kilometres.
You will learn that earlier mantle was divided into two zones on the basis of
varying speed and density of the Earthquake waves. These are upper mantle
that extends from the ‘Moho Discontinuity’ further down to a depth of 1000
kilometres and lower mantle from 1000 to 2900 kilometres.
Presently, the mantle has been divided into three zones based on the facts
from the discovery of the ‘International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics’
IUGG. These zones are as under:
i) Moho Discontinuity to a depth of 200 kilometres
ii) To a depth of 200 to 700 kilometres
iii) Depth of 700 to 2900 kilometres
Top region of the upper mantle is characterized by gradual decrease in the
speed of Earthquake waves. It extends for a depth of 100 to 200 kilometres
i.e. 7.8 kilometres per second. This is known as the zone of ‘low velocity
seismic waves’.
You will learn that Mantle is rich in silicate minerals like iron and magnesium
You will come to know that Core is the deepest and absolutely remote zone in
the Earth’s interior. It is also known as ‘barysphere’. Extent of core is located
at a depth of 2900 kilometres from lower parts of the mantle to the Earth’s
centre at a depth of 6371 kilometres.
It is marked by the boundary known as ‘Weichert-Gutenberg Discontinuity’
between lower mantle and upper parts of the core. This is located at a depth
of 2900 kilometres.
You will be surprised to know that it is this discontinuity that marks the rapid
change in the density from 5.5 g/cm3 to 10.0 g/cm3. It is also supported and
denoted by the rise in the speed of primary seismic waves at 13.6 kilometres
per second.
You will further learn that density of the core increases proportionately with
increase in the depth. It becomes 12.3 to 13.3 and then 13.6 respectively.
Core layer surpasses the mantle in its density by almost double amount. But,
as far as the quantity and accumulation are concerned, it has relatively lower
figures of the same having 16 and 32 per cent of the planet Earth.
You will be further surprised to know that at a depth of 5150 kilometres, Core
has two divisions of outer and inner core. Outer core denotes the loss of
secondary seismic waves and thus tells us about its molten state. Boundary
of inner core goes down from 5150 kilometres up to the Earth’s centre
14. Block 1 GEO-Tectonics
situated at a depth of 6371 kilometres. It is in solid state having density figures
of 13.3 to 13.6. Primary seismic waves pass at a velocity of 11.23 kilometres
per second through the inner core layer.
The Earth scientists particularly geophysicists and geochemists consider
the core to be made of metallic materials such as iron and nickel.
Discuss briefly about the Earth’s internal structure.
5 mins
Thus, in this unit, you have studied and learnt the following concepts, key
points and issues as highlighted below:
 You have learnt the basic concepts like Earth as a solid body, Earth’s
interior, rock cycle, seismology and distinctive layering systems along
with discontinuities and characteristics as well.
 You came to know that the most prominent discontinuities of
‘Mohorovicic discontinuity’ lies between crust and mantle and that of
‘Weichert-Gutenberg discontinuity’ marks the boundary between lower
mantle and upper parts of the core.
 You have learnt about the various theories like E. A. Suess, V. D. Gracht
and A. Homes etc. dealing with the Earth’s internal structure.
 You have also learnt about atmospheric and other variables such as
temperature, pressure and density etc. along with their characteristics.
In nutshell, you have learned about the Earth’s interior structure and its
composition. This information will definitely serve as a key and fundamental to
further probe the same in more scientific ways.
1. Describe in short the basic concepts pertaining to the interior of the
2. What do you understand by the mantle layer of the Earth’s interior?
3. Write down a detailed account of any one theory of the Earth’s interior?
Self-Assessment Questions
1. Rock cycle refers to the constant organization and reorganization of
various rock types. Soon after the solidification of magma and lava,
igneous rocks are formed. Igneous rocks break into small pieces by the
15. Unit 3 Interior of the Earth: Structure and Composition
agents of weathering and erosion. Wind and water carries rock particles
into the sea and oceans. It eventually transforms into new sedimentary
and metamorphic rocks (application of pressure and heat) as well after
accumulation. Rock cycle keeps on repeating.
2. Heavy pressure of the rock strata succeeding each other leads to high
pressure which further increases with the increasing depth. Heavy
pressure cannot alone increase the density of rocks to greater extent. It
could be due to the presence of intense metallic matter having inherently
very high density. Core layer is constituted by two heavy metallic
components of iron and nickel. It has also been confirmed on the basis of
geocentric magnetic field of the Earth’s interior.
3. A. Holmes has categorised the Earth’s internal structure into two major
layers i.e. upper and lower layers. Upper layer has been named as crust.
E. Suess’s sialic layer and top parts of Sima forms this layer. Substratum
is the name given to the lower layer. It is made up of the lower portions of
E. Seuss’s sima layer. He defined thickness of sial into four categories
below the continental shell. He gave rather incomplete theory of the
Earth’s internal structure. Since, it has been arranged into three distinctive
layering systems.
4. Seismology is a kind of scientific endeavour to study the Earth’s internal
structure. It does so with the help of tremors including both the Earth
tremors and nuclear outburst etc. Seismographs gathering the evidence
regarding the nature and types of Earthquake tremors are known as
‘seismograms’. It tells us about the main types of tremors produced due
to the movement of rock strata.
5. Crust is the outermost layer which is also known as ‘lithosphere’ mostly
made up of basalt rocks. It has two parts of upper and lower crust. Mean
thickness is around 20 kilometres. Average density of the upper crust is
2.8 whereas it is 3.0 in case of lower crust. Seismic waves lose their
speed gradually both in the upper and lower parts of the crust.
Terminal Questions
1. In your answer, you should be able to not only describe the basic concepts
pertaining to interior of the Earth, but also should cover the main tenets
behind the same. You can refer to section 3.2.
2. Your answer should cover the mantle and its main features. You can refer
to section 3.4.
3. While answering this question, you should be able to define the main
doctrine behind the chosen theory to discuss the interior of the Earth. Your
answer should cover and highlight the key points, strengths as well as
weaknesses compared to other theories. You can refer to section 3.6.
1. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solarsystem/earth
16. Block 1 GEO-Tectonics
2. Anderson, D.L. (1989). Theory of the Earth. Boston: Blackwell
3. Grotzinger, J., & Jordan, T. H. (2010). Understanding Earth. Ed6, New
York: W.H. Freeman and Company.
4. Hussain, M. (2001). Fundamentals of Physical Geography, New Delhi:
Rawat publications.
5. Lutgens, F.K., & Tarbuck, E.J. (2011). Foundations of Earth Science. New
Jersey: Pearson.
6. Robertson, E.C. (1966). The Interior of the Earth: An Elementary
Description. U.S: Geological Survey Circular, 532, 10 pages.
7. Sharma, H.S., Sharma, M.L., & Mishra, R.N. (2010). Bhautik Bhoogol
(Physical Geography in Hindi). Jaipur: Panchsheel Prakashan.
8. Singh, S. (2012). Physical Geography, Allahabad: Prayag Pustak
9. Siddhartha, K. (2000). The Earth’s Dynamic Surface. New Delhi: Kisalaya