Role of psychology and its effects in teaching English language

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The purpose of this paper is to show how a teacher who has more psychological knowledge is more successful than other instructors. It also encourages the teachers to help the learner’s speaking skills in English classes with educational knowledge.
1. IMPACT: International Journal of Research in
Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL)
ISSN (P): 2347-4564; ISSN (E): 2321-8878
Vol. 6, Issue 5, May 2018, 167-172
© Impact Journals
Saheleh Kheirabadi
Research Scholar, Department of English, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune, India
Received: 28 Apr 2018 Accepted: 10 May 2018 Published: 18 May 2018
In general, teaching in the English class is a profound and planned activity designed by the teacher to achieve
specific goals. To achieve success in teaching, the teacher must have the necessary information and knowledge from the
new educational theories and educational psychology. The purpose of this paper is to show how a teacher who has more
psychological knowledge is more successful than other instructors. The researcher examined 40 learners at Sama School
in Iran in 2015. The teacher taught the learners, English words with full knowledge of educational psychology. She
chooses a PowerPoint method to teach the new words to the learners in pictures, image, and slides to attract their
motivation to the subject and reduce student’s anxiety, she designed the chairs around the classroom in a circle, and she
requested the students changed the slides and asked other learners which words belong to the slide. Teacher belief that
group works, reduce the learner’s stress and the class isn’t tedious and also the learner’s motivation is increasing by the
computer.The ages of the learners are between 12 to 14 years and all they learned English words as a foreign language.
After three months they learned 189 words, they communicate together in an English language and the teacher guided
them to use the correct pronunciation. The learners participated in the class three times a week during six months.
In the last course; they have learned 378 words and them capable to speak in the English language without anxiety.
The result of their exam shown that they have achieved over 80%marks; even a shame students were able to finish the
course successfully.
The teachers must be a good psychologist before they play the role of teacher. Attention to the teacher’s role in
the teaching process and its strengthening can be effective in learning the language. Teacher’s awareness of the student’s
motivation and its relationship with the teaching process provides a framework by which the teacher can choose effective
teaching methods to teach the English language to them. Logical education and principles are one of the effective factors
in the teaching process.
KEYWORDS: Teaching, Teacher, English Language, Psychology, Learning
Psychology is the study and human’s recognition from different dimensions of behavior and learning.
In this paper, we consider educational psychology and method teaching from the perspective of psychology.
Educational psychology is trying to use the principles of psychology and its various branches in the field of education.
In educational psychology, topics such as; different learning methods and its rules, the process of thinking, memorizing,
remembering, memory, intelligence, motivation, measurement, the role of teachers and learners in the transfer of learning,
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2. 168 Saheleh Kheirabadi
the condition and situation of learning, discipline and academic achievement are considered and studied.
On the other hand, the pedagogical significance is the consideration of the impact of education, academic achievement,
adaptability, mental development, and balanced human development.
The teachers should be aware of the application of educational psychology in a pedagogical system and can easily
implement the principles and rules in the classroom. The students enter the class with difference significance,
it is the teacher’s duty to identify these differences and them according to their skills and abilities. Personal differences
between the learners are one of the most important issues in the classroom that the teacher has to pay particular attention to
them and the learning-teaching process is arranged that all learners can use it according to their mental fitness.
The teachers must be a good psychologist before they play the role of teacher. Attention to the teacher’s role in
the teaching process and its strengthening can be effective in learning the language. Teacher’s awareness of the student’s
motivation and its relationship with the teaching process provides a framework by which the teacher can choose effective
teaching methods to teach the English language to them. Logical education and principles are one of the effective factors in
the teaching process. The characteristics that the teacher distinguishes from other educators is knowing the science of
psychology and using it during the teaching.
The Importance of Psychology in Teaching and Learning
Educational psychology is a fulfill knowledge for the teachers to help the students improve their learning in the
English classes. It doesn’t matter a teacher teaches the English language at a school or at a university. In fact, teaching the
English language as a second/foreign language is a difficult task. When a teacher manages the class who knew the
educational psychology very well, he/she can be more successful in teaching than other instructors.
The first, the teacher attempts to create motivation in the class and attract the learner’s attention to the subject.
Lack of motivation is a major obstacle to the student’s academic achievement, so all teacher’s efforts to eliminate these
obstacles and to provide an incentive for the class to learn more. Using visual aids in teaching the English language as a
second/ foreign language creates strong motivation between the learners and context which make it easier for them to learn
new words in a target language and remember them forever. Motivation can be defined as a need or desire that energizes
and directs behavior (Myers, 2001, as cited in Shirkey, 2003). As Wilkins (1972) points out that "motivation is a term
which occurs in a discussion of the second rather than the first language learning". There are two types of motivation:
intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation (Deci & Ryan, 1985). In a socio-educational aspect, motivation also can be
defined as integrative motivation and instrumental motivation (Gardner, 1972). An instrumental motivation means the
desire to acquire a foreign language to find out employment or improve their self-cultivation or improve the social status
(Dörnyei, 2001; Gardner & Lambert, 1972). According to Tomlinson (2003), materials can include anything which can be
used to facilitate learning of a language. Today, most learners are advocates of working with the internet,
which, if the teacher uses of PowerPoint, some soft ware’s in teaching the English language, the motivation of the learners
to learn more.
The second, a skillful teacher reduces the student’s stress and anxiety, and strengthen their self-esteem.
Occasionally, the learners face fear and stress in learning challenges, which reduces their self-esteem.
Insufficient self-esteem takes their positive thoughts as a result, their performance will not be appropriate. So the teacher
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must recognize the root of these fears and stress and help the students to overcome them through appropriate strategies.
Most students are afraid to speak in an English language class, they think that mocked by their classmates if they replace
the words incorrectly in the sentence or express a word with a false pronunciation. The teacher should allow the learners to
speak without tension even if they make a mistake in their words and created an intimate environment in the class which
the learners can participate in the group discussions. The psychologists believe that the teacher should play the role of
teacher-centered on the class and prevent any anxiety and also patiently correct their mistakes.
Dr. Mohammad Reza Dehrangi, an educational expert, said: “In today’s world, the use of the term teaching is not
accepted as a teacher’s task, but today’s students should be encouraged to reach the mature frame of reference and
independently develop this framework. Indeed, a teacher is a guide in the class, not an absolute leader. An understanding of
the individual differences of students and recognition of them in the work of teachers is very important and leads to the
needs of the various students, and the teacher can discover and understand the various talents of the learners and help their
learning. So teachers who have the knowledge of psychology and patiently and creatively motivated their learners and help
them to succeed without anxiety are more successful teachers.
Teaching English Vocabulary through Educational Psychology Knowledge
English is known as an international language and is used as an international communication tool. Language is the
only way of communication, even before the formation of human societies; people interacted together by engraving on the
stones and walls. The learning of mother language is very important, but don’t forget it if somebody doesn’t learn an
international language (English), they face many serious problems because technology and science are rapidly developing
in the English language.
The purpose of this paper is to encourage the teachers to help the learner’s speaking skills in English classes with
the educational knowledge. There are several major problems related to lack of communication in the English class.
Not only the teacher provides the student’s mental condition and reduces their anxiety in the class, creating a comfortable
atmosphere in the classroom and also motivates the learners, but the teacher should choose a teaching approach that isn’t
boring for students. The teachers should choose objectives that the students can realize within the parameters of the course
activities and assignments. Language students should understand that the teacher expects them to be able to use the
material they are learning to speak to someone else. They should also know that the teacher expects them to participate in
the foreign language in the class activities. Between the skills in learning English language, speaking plays several roles in
language learning in the class. One of the most important roles of speaking is to serve as a vehicle for participating in class
activities and also one of the greatest challenges facing language teachers is that of creating new and more productive ways
to help students develop communication skills.
Vocabulary is an indispensable part of the English language learning process. It would be impossible to learn a
language without vocabulary. It is the primary skill which should be mastered by the children before they acquire another
language skill, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It means that vocabulary plays an important role in both
spoken and written communication. Rivers (1981) states that vocabulary can be presented, explained, and included in all
kinds of activities, but it must be learned by the individual.
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4. 170 Saheleh Kheirabadi
The researcher examined 40 learners at Sama School in Iran in 2015. The teacher taught the learners, English
words with full knowledge of educational psychology. She chooses a PowerPoint method and taught the new words in
pictures, image, and the slides to motivate the learners and avoid student’s anxiety, she designed the chairs around the
classroom in a circle and requested the students changed the slides and asked other learners which words belong to the
slide. Teacher belief that group works, reduce the learner’s stress and the class isn’t tedious and also the learner’s
motivation is increasing by the computer. The ages of the learners are between 12 to 14 years and all they learned English
words as a foreign language. After three months they learned 189 words, they communicate together in an English
language and the teacher guided them to use the correct pronunciation. The learners participated in the class three times a
week during six months.
All speaking activities should have some specific task for students to complete. The student’s role in speaking
activities involves affective, social, and cognitive factors (Chastain, 1988). During the group activities, the teacher is
responsible to manage the class; the teacher’s role is like a stimulus that encourages students to act in the classroom.
If the teacher wants to succeed in her work, she must attack the learner’s attention and make a good relation with them.
As a teacher attempted to make a good relation to the learners. For example, she requested the shy students to help another
student in the role of teacher and involved them in a small group activity or they participated in the group activities with
their friends. So, the learners could gain more than 80% of the mark in multiple-choice questions.
The result of this research shown that teaching the English language by educational psychology knowledge is undoubtedly
the most successful teaching.
Most learners would like to learn to speak the English language, but developing speaking skills isn’t easy.
They attempt to learn this language as a foreign language that’s why they looking for the best teacher who teaches them the
English language in an appropriate class. Teaching English in a variety of countries, including Iran, faces many problems.
Most teachers and students involved in the teaching-learning process many hours in the class, but they haven’t had much
success. Which is why the researcher in this paper highlights the usage of psychology along with teaching? Every teacher
should have complete knowledge of educational psychology so that helps to the learners in learning a foreign language.
Understanding and identifying the desire, motivation, mental, and physical of the learners can help them learn more.
According this hypothesis teacher identified the character of various students then begins teaching.
She selected the PowerPoint style to teach English vocabulary to them, the aim of this method is to attract the learner’s
motivation and use of group activities helped to reduce their anxiety in class. The skillful teacher entered the shy children
into the conversation and improved self-confidence of other learners in speaking skills of English language class.
Therefore, the teacher’s success is a fundamental principle and the attention of all teachers to the use of educational and
behavioral methods should be prioritized. Aristotle says that the pride of teachers who teaches the students is more than
those who create them. Good teachers are responsible for ensuring the success and progress of their students. For this
reason,in this paper is highlighted the teacher’s success depends on their psychological knowledge.
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