Attraction & Close Relationships , Group & Intergroup Processes, Social Perception & Cognition

This is an MCQ-based Psychology quiz for GRE which includes questions on Attraction and Close Relationships.

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When the surfaces of two bodies come in contact, there is a limited amount of resistance to sliding between them, which is known as _________

Lubrication Friction Internal forces Attraction force

Generally speaking, a person is not likely to be attracted to a prospective love interest who possesses which of the following traits?

Physically attractive Near to him or her Opinions similar to his or her own Emotionally reserved Also is attracted to him or her

When it comes to physical attraction between people of the opposite sex, the "matching hypothesis" implies which of the following?

Females seek males who match their parents' images We are attracted to people who reciprocate our liking of them Males seek females like their mothers, and females seek males like their fathers We seek people who are about as attractive as we are

Which of the following is not a component of Sternberg"s “Triangular Theory of Love?”

Intimacy Passion Communication Commitment

__________ attached people report the highest rate of happy and trusting relationships.

Ambivalent Securely Avoidant Anxious

Consider the following scenario: Heidi is walking down the street when she sees a man on the street covered in blood yelling, "help me!" According to Darley and Latane"s bystander intervention research, then under which of the following circumstances would Heidi be most likely to demonstrate helping behavior?

Heidi is walking down a street with no one else around Heidi is walking down the street by herself, but there are a few other people on the street Heidi is walking down the street and it is very crowded with many people around Heidi is walking down the street with a group of her friends

When communicating with others around us, which cues are typically necessary?

Auditory or somatosensory Visual and auditory Visual Visual and olfaction Auditory

A choir is headed for a state competition to perform 5 pieces of music. The choir is very strong on some songs (i.e. performs well) and weaker on some songs (i.e. performs less well). If the director wants to order the songs in a strategic way, what might you suggest?

Placing the strongest songs as the first and last pieces Using random assignment for the songs Alternating between stronger songs and weaker songs Placing the strongest songs in the middle

Groupthink refers to which of the following?

Tendency of decision-making groups to strive for consensus by not considering discordant information Tendency for decision-making groups to consider all sides of the matter rather than one perspective (multiple heads are better than one) Tendency of decision-making groups to get caught up in different opinions of group members and delay decision making Tendency for decision-making groups to separate and form sub-groups with homogenous opinions

A group of biologists at a university appreciate the diversity of their peers’ research in regard to subject matters ranging from oncology to environmental studies; however, they assume that a group of English majors study the same subjects in literature. Which of the following psychological terms best explains the biases that the biologists have to other majors at their university?

Out-group heterogeneity None of these Out-group homogeneity In-group homogeneity In-group heterogeneity
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Attraction & Close Relationships , Group & Intergroup Processes, Social Perception & Cognition
Questions: 10
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