Poetry to theme fiction and non-fiction character

Contributed by:
The Tutoring Experts
Fiction refers to the plot, settings, and characters created from the imagination, while nonfiction refers to factual stories.
1. To Contents
Year 5 - Comprehension
Fiction, Non - Fiction and Poetry Texts in Themes
e.book version
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2. YEAR 5 - Comprehension Contents
Fiction, Non-Fiction and Poetry Texts in Themes Theme: Aztecs
Aztec Attack 2
Introduction How to Make a Model Aztec Temple 4
Year 5 Comprehension is a collection of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts grouped in Aztec Food and Drink 6
themes suitable for the age group. These exercises can be used to prepare children for SAT
Theme: Water
style tests or matched to themes the class may be studying at the time. The question pages
The Dive 8
are split into three sections. Section A gives an overview of the text with missing words or
How Does Water Get to a Tap? 10
phrases to find, Section B contains open-ended questions and Section C is a relevant written
Water is Life 12
challenge for more able pupils or those who work quickly. All the pages have been printed
‘Landscape’ to make maximum use of the space on Interactive Whiteboards. Black and white Theme: Earth, Sun and Moon
images are used in the paper book; full colour images have been used in the e.book and Astronauts Return to Earth After Explosion 14
download. The Solar System 16
The Moon 18
Texts written by:
Theme: Music
Peter Bell, Heather Bell, Stewart Bell, Kath Cope and Paul Cross
The Lost Concert Tickets 20
How to Play the Recorder 22
Topical Resources publishes a range of Educational Materials for use in Primary Schools and
Beatlemania – the 1960’s Phenomenon 24
Pre-School Nurseries and Playgroups.
Theme: Time Travel
For the latest catalogue Permission to use and reproduce the materials in this The Accidental Time Traveller 26
Tel 01772 863158 publication is on a non-exclusive and non-assignable The Masters of the Universe 28
basis. This licence only covers use of this Publication How to Operate a Timeship 30
Fax 01772 866153 by the purchaser’s Educational Establishment for
Email: sales@topical-resources.co.uk educational purposes or for the purchaser’s personal Theme: Pantomime
reference only. This permission terminates if you Cinderella 32
breach these licence terms. Any other use (including
Visit our Website at: What is a Pantomime? 34
use for commercial purposes) is strictly prohibited.
Come and See our Panto 36
“Educational Establishment” means any school and
Copyright © Peter Bell any other description of educational establishment as
Theme: World War II
First Published April 2011 may be specified by order of the Secretary of State Evacuation 38
ISBN 978-1-907269-58-5 under s 174 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act, Evacuees 40
1988 (as amended, modified or re-enacted from time to The Evacuees 42
Illustrated by John Hutchinson, Art Works, Fairhaven, time).
69 Worden Lane, Leyland, Preston Theme: The Seaside
Designed by Paul Sealey, PS3 Creative, 3 Wentworth Terms and conditions can be found at Tourist Information Letter 44
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Answers 50
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3. Aztec Attack!
Back to Contents
Theme 1 Aztecs Fiction ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Izquixochitl stumbled across the field, the maize Izquixochitl raced off towards the hill, stopping
stalks were sharp and stubbly and cut her legs now and again to look at the wild flowers. There
and she could hardly see where she was going was no sign of the jaguar but she saw a sleek
because of the large urn of water she was brown lizard stretched out on a rock in the sun, it
carrying. She felt the water splash down the front seemed to be asleep but as soon as her shadow
of her dress and gripped the urn more tightly. She fell across the rock it darted away into the
would be in even more trouble if there were no undergrowth.
water left in it by the time she reached her father
and brother who were working in the fields. She was almost at the top of the hill when she
“Look who’s here,” said father when she finally turned to look at the men and boys working in the
arrived at the place where they were harvesting fields, it was just possible to pick out her father
the crop; he took the urn from her. “Now, what and brother. The sun was beginning to sink in the standing in the doorway of their house, she was
have you done to earn such a harsh punishment?” sky and she knew that she would have to run all holding father’s bow and arrows and the fearsome
“I broke the big red and black dish,” said the way home but she couldn’t resist a peep at eagle feather helmet he wore whenever there was
Izquixochitl, “I was helping Mother with the what was on the other side of the hill. What she a battle. Izquixochitl’s father dropped her to the
cleaning and I dropped it. She was very angry saw took her breath away! There were hundreds ground, accepted the weapons and with a grim
with me and said I had to bring some water to of men marching towards her, some of them were expression on his face he marched away to join
you.” wearing shiny, silver outfits and riding big animals the rest of the men and boys who were gathering
with four legs. She had never seen anything so in the centre of the village.
Her father smiled, “It was a gift given to us when spectacular but instinctively she knew that it was
we were married, and quite precious, so that’s serious trouble. Pochotl was strapping his quiver of arrows to his
why she’s upset but we are very glad to see you. back as he emerged from the house, he looked
Let’s have a drink and then you and Pochotl can She turned and ran down the hill as fast as she very excited, “My first battle!” he screamed and
play for a few minutes while I have a rest.” could go, dodging rocks and tree roots and his face was alight with anticipation. Izquixochitl
The children chased each other around the field trampling on the flowers that had attracted her and her mother watched until the men marched
until they saw their father stand up and pick up his only a few minutes earlier. As soon as she saw away, then Izquixochitl clapped her hands to her
sickle once more. her father she began to shout. He looked up mouth, “Oh no! I’ve left the water urn in the field!”
Pochotl sighed, “I have to go back to work now. curiously and after listening to the news of what Her mother smiled, “Don’t worry about that. You’ll
Are you going home?” she’d seen, he shouted instructions to the other be remembered as a great heroine today. If you
Izquixochitl shook her head, “Not yet, mother will workers in the field. Everyone immediately picked hadn’t spotted the enemy marching this way who
find me another horrible job. I’m going to climb up their tools and ran towards the settlement. knows what would have happened. Now come we
that hill and see what’s on the other side.” Izquixochitl ran as fast as she could but she could must go and take shelter and pray to the gods that
Pochotl walked back to join his father, “Be not keep up. Eventually, her father slowed and our men will be successful.”
careful,” he called over his shoulder, “Father says swept her into his arms as Pochotl raced ahead.
that someone spotted a jaguar on the hill last News of the impending attack was spreading as
week.” they reached the village. Izquixochitl’s mother was
2 © Topical Resources Ltd. Subject to Topical Resources LICENCE TERMS available at: www.topical-resources.co.uk/terms
4. Back to Contents
Theme 1 Aztecs Fiction
Section B
Aztec Attack! 1 Why did Izquixochitl stumble across the field?
Section A
2 Why was Izquixochitl punished?
Choose the best word or group of words to fit the passage and put a ring
around your choice.
3 Why was Izquixochitl’s father pleased to see her?
Izquixochitl was carrying a large heavy urn of
1 milk wine water beer
4 Why do you think ‘Pochotl sighed’ when he saw his father pick up his
to her sickle once more?
2 father grandfather uncle aunt
5 How did Izquixochitl know ‘she would have to run all the way back home’?
and her brother who were working in the fields. Father asked why she had
been sent. “I’ve been punished for breaking the red and black
3 cup vase plate dish 6 What does the author mean by the sentence ’What she saw took her
breath away’?
when I was cleaning.” Father stopped to rest and the children chased each
other around the
7 Izquixochitl had never seen an army before. What do you think made her
4 road. hill. field. river bank.
know ‘that it was serious trouble’?
When they started work again Izquixochitl climbed up the
5 rock tree cliff hill 8 What action of Izquixochitl’s mother suggests this was not the first time an
army had invaded the settlement?
to see what was on the other side. She saw
6 tens armies hundreds thousands
Section C
of men marching towards her. She immediately ran to warn the others.
Briefly, write how you would feel if either:
You are a boy and you know you would be sent into battle or
you are a girl and you know you would be made to stay behind.
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5. Back to Contents
Theme 1 Aztecs Non-Fiction (Instructions)
% % %
% %
1 Enlarge each of the four pages using a
% % % % % % %
How to Make a
% % % % % %
photocopier, printing on thin card. The larger
% % % % %
% % % % % % % % %
% % % % %
you can make each page the better your% model
% % % %
will look. (If you can’t print on card, print on
Model Aztec Temple
paper and glue this to the plain side of an old
% % % % % % %
% % % % % % %
% % % % %
dismantled cereal packet.)
% % % % % %
% % % % % %
2 If the model is to be coloured this should be
% % % % % % %
done before the parts are cut and folded. The
% % % % % % % %
ideal medium is coloured pencils.
3 There are four tiers to the temple pyramid, one
on each sheet. Each is progressively smaller.
Grey marks show the position of the next layer.
On the top are two turret-like buildings. Grey
marks show where the ‘turrets’ are to be placed.
4 Carefully cut out all the parts on the sheet which
is labelled ‘Part 1’.
5 Score the dotted lines by dragging one point of
‘opened out scissors’ along the side of a ruler,
lowest tier second tier
which is held tightly in place alongside each line.
6 Fold along the dotted lines until the first tier
shape is made.
7 Glue the two ‘grass strips’ along the remaining
two sides.
8 Use a glue stick to paste the first tier onto a
suitable cardboard base.
9 Repeat this process for the other three tiers.
Make sure each tier is carefully glued to the one
10 Carefully cut out the steps and score the dotted
lines. Fold the steps to create the shape shown
turret turret
in the picture of the model.
here here
11 Glue the steps in place.
12 Carefully cut out the turrets and score the dotted
top tier
lines. Fold the turrets to create the shapes
fix steps here
shown in the picture of the model.
13 Glue the turrets in place.
14 Finally, colour any parts you have missed. third tier
4 © Topical Resources Ltd. Subject to Topical Resources LICENCE TERMS available at: www.topical-resources.co.uk/terms
6. Back to Contents
Theme 1 Aztecs Non-Fiction (Instructions)
Section B
How to Make a Model Aztec Temple 1 What do these instructions help the reader to make?
Section A 2 What can be found on the very top of this model?
Choose the best word or group of words to fit the passage and put a ring
around your choice. 3 On which part of the model are the steps situated?
Enlarge each of the four pages using a
4 On which diagram is the shape for the steps found?
1 magnifying glass. camera. scanner. photocopier.
If the model is to be coloured this should be done before the parts are 5 On which diagram is the shape for the turrets found?
2 printed. cut and folded. lost. bent.
6 Describe how to score a dotted line.
3 cut out fold rip drop 7 Why do you think the dotted lines need to be scored?
all the parts on the sheet which is labelled ‘Part 1’.
8 Why do you think it is best to colour the model before it is built?
4 Score Bend Cut Colour
the dotted lines using scissors and a ruler. Fold along the dotted lines until the 9 The description of the different layers in this model states ‘each is
first progressively smaller’. What is meant by this?
5 tier tear level shape
10 Why do you think enlarging the sheets will make the model look better?
is made. Use a
6 brush stapler glue pot glue stick
Section C
to paste the first tier onto a suitable cardboard base. Repeat the process for
the other three tiers. Write a brief set of instructions telling how to dismantle a breakfast cereal
packet and reassemble it inside out so the outside surfaces are completely
5 © Topical Resources Ltd. Subject to Topical Resources LICENCE TERMS available at: www.topical-resources.co.uk/terms
7. Aztec Food
Back to Contents
Theme 1 Aztecs Non-Fiction (Non-Chronological Report)
and Drink
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© Topical Resources Ltd.
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8. Back to Contents
Theme 1 Aztecs Non-Fiction (Non-Chronological Report)
Section B
Aztec Food and Drink 1 Complete the table.
A source of protein:
Section A A source of carbohydrate:
Choose the best word or group of words to fit the passage and put a ring A source of minerals:
around your choice.
2 What was maize used for?
The Aztecs caught much of their food from lakes and canals. The lake
contained many different types of
3 What did Aztecs make stews from?
1 fish plants flowers birds
which were a source of protein. A turtle could provide a family with enough 4 What did Aztecs chew for a snack?
meat for more than a
2 day. week. fortnight. month. 5 Which farm animals were used for meat?
Another source of protein from the canals were frogs and
6 How did the Aztecs feel about eating ‘hairless dog’?
3 mice. snakes. lizards. rats.
The Aztecs used nets to catch ducks and 7 What is ‘pulque’ and what was it made from?
4 fish. swallows. geese. turtles.
8 What is ‘chocolatl’ and what was it made from?
Smaller creatures such as grubs, snails, fish eggs,
5 fleas worms tadpoles bats 9 When were armadillos and tapirs eaten?
and insect larvae were also eaten. The lakes and canals also supplied a
constant source of
Section C
6 hot chocolate fresh water hot water beer
Write a short menu to describe the different food courses to be served at an
to drink. imaginary Aztec feast.
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9. The Dive
Back to Contents
Theme 2 Water Fiction
Josh breathed deeply as he walked representing his country. He lifted his trained just as hard as he had and
along the diving board; every eyes for a second and scanned the were every bit as skilled and
measured step seemed to take an sea of upturned faces. Although he focussed. And the boy who had dived
eternity. He stood right on the end still could not see his parents, he knew first was obviously devastated that his
as a statue. Ten metres below him, that they were out there in the entry into the pool had been less than
the blue water sparkled slightly and all audience, very nervous and very perfect and he had been marked
around the packed Aquatics Centre proud of all that he’d achieved so far down. Josh pushed away the
there was a hushed sense of and no doubt wondering whether he thoughts of what could go wrong.
expectation as stillness fell across the would be the one who would stand on
audience. the top of the podium with a gold His dad’s words rang in his ears as he
medal round his neck at the end of flexed his muscles, bent his knees
He took a minute to compose himself. the day. and launched himself off the board,
He thought of all the events that had somersaulting and twisting through
led up to this moment and in his With just half a minute to go, he the air towards the blue pool.
mind’s eye he could see himself as a thought of all the training that had “Josh, you can only do your best.
three year old in red trunks and arm gone into making this the biggest day Nobody expects more than that. Just
bands thrashing around in the water of his life. He recalled the gruelling go out there and enjoy the
and loving every minute of his routine of daily running and cycling experience.”
swimming lessons. and exhausting work-outs in the gym And as he broke through the
when he had almost been reduced to shimmering surface like an arrow he
His parents could not have foreseen tears as his trainer Mike urged him on knew that he had given his all, he had
that their enthusiasm for him to learn and wouldn’t let him give up. He done his best and it was the most
to swim would lead to them getting up thought about the days when he had wonderful moment of his life as he
at 5 am each day to drive him two sometimes done one hundred dives in emerged from the water to the sound
miles to the local swimming pool a session, pushing himself to the very of tumultuous applause from the
where he would perfect his strokes, limits of his endurance until he barely home crowd. People were standing in
build his strength and then develop a had the strength to get out of the pool. their seats and cheering as he made
passion for leaping off the diving And he knew that he wouldn’t change his way to the edge of the pool and he
board. It hadn’t always been easy, a thing. There was nowhere in the could not control the wide grin that lit
especially on icy winter mornings world that he would rather be at this up his face.
when it was hard to get out of bed and moment. He curled his toes over the
sometimes when he arrived at school edge of the board for a second and He hauled himself out of the pool,
he felt as though he had already done pulled his shoulders back, the tension took the towel that Mike held out to
a day’s work. Some of the boys in his was now almost unbearable and he him and conscious that the TV
class teased him because he couldn’t couldn’t wait to start. cameras were picking up every
stay out late and seldom went to “Good luck,” his mum had said as expression that crossed his face, he
parties. But it was worth every second they parted at the door of the pulled the towel tightly around him
of rigorous training and sticking to a changing room. Yes, he would need and waited for the judges to
sensible diet just to stand here good luck if he was going to win a announce his score.
drinking in the atmosphere and medal, the other competitors had
8 © Topical Resources Ltd. Subject to Topical Resources LICENCE TERMS available at: www.topical-resources.co.uk/terms
10. The Dive
Back to Contents
Theme 2 Water Fiction
Section B
1 Why do you think Josh’s ‘every measured step seemed to take an
eternity’ as he walked along the diving board?
Section A
2 ‘He took a minute to compose himself.’ What does this mean?
Choose the best word or group of words to fit the passage and put a ring
around your choice.
3 What evidence suggests Josh’s parents supported his efforts to win a
Josh walked along the diving board and stood as still as a statue above the gold medal in diving?
1 still blue clear choppy
4 Why did some boys tease Josh?
water. He thought of all the events that had led to this moment. He
remembered as a three year old wearing his
5 What does the ‘sea of upturned faces’ describe?
2 orange black red green
trunks. He remembered getting up at 6 Why was this ‘the biggest day of his life’?
3 4am 5am 6am 7am
7 Why do you think Josh thought ‘There was nowhere in the world he would
each morning to train. He looked at the faces but even though he could not rather be at this moment’?
see his
4 uncles aunts grandparents parents 8 Which two phrases best describe the audience’s reaction to Josh’s dive?
Give reason for your choices.
he knew they were in the audience. He thought of the exhausting workouts in
the gym when he had almost been ‘tumultuous applause’ ‘stood up to see better’
5 ready to give up. reduced to tears. ready to get a job. ‘standing in their seats cheering’ ‘clapped loudly’
He curled his toes over the edge of the diving board and pulled his
6 arms knees chest shoulders Section C
back. He dived and broke through the water’s surface like an arrow. The Imagine you have just competed in a challenging competition. Write a short
audience applauded. account telling how you felt the few minutes before the start of the event.
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11. How Does Water
Back to Contents
Theme 2 Water Non-Fiction (Explanation)
Get to a Tap?
No matter how hard or for how long it passing through pools and lakes on their
rains, the amount of water on our planet way. Eventually, every river runs into the
never changes. This is explained by the sea. This is called drainage.
water cycle. The sun shines on the sea
causing it to heat up. The warmer water When the water returns to the sea the
turns to water vapour, which is a gas. This whole cycle can start again. Early man
is called evaporation. The gas rises into would go to a stream or river to collect
the air carrying tiny particles of water with drinking water. Nowadays, reservoirs
it. Rising air currents take the water (large man-made lakes) are made to
vapour up into the atmosphere where collect river water and store it for drinking.
cooler temperatures cause it to form Before it gets to your home it is filtered
clouds. This is called condensation. clean in a factory and then piped
underground to houses and flats across
Air currents move clouds carrying water the country.
vapour around the globe. As clouds are
blown over higher ground they are cooled Water pipes are always run underground
further forming large drops of water, which to stop them freezing up. Even in the
fall from the sky as rain. If conditions are winter, the ground stores heat from when
very cold the water can fall as hail or the sun has been shining.
snow. Some of the raindrops that fall
collect on plants and in puddles while Rain that falls as snow eventually melts
others soak into the rocks and soil as and runs away as groundwater. Rain that
groundwater. The groundwater will falls into puddles very quickly evaporates
gradually move downhill to the nearest again.
stream. Streams feed into larger rivers,
Reservoir collects
water from streams, Filter House
rivers and rain
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12. Back to Contents
Theme 2 Water Non-Fiction (Explanation)
Section B
How Does Water Get to a Tap? 1 Fill in the missing words:
Section A
Choose the best word or group of words to fit the passage and put a ring
around your choice.
The amount of water on the earth never changes. The sun shines on the sea
causing it to Sea
1 cool down. bubble. heat up. boil. 2 Where do raindrops collect when they fall?
The warmer water
3 What happens to rain in very cold conditions?
2 disappears evaporates condenses floats away
into the air carrying tiny particles of 4 Where did early man get drinking water?
3 cloud mist water fish
5 Where does our drinking water come from?
with it. The cooler atmosphere causes the water vapour to form
4 wind. rain. sun. clouds. 6 How would you feel about getting your drinking water in the same way as
early man?
The clouds drop rain over high
5 mountains. cliffs. ground. trees. 7 Why do you think underground pipes do not freeze up in winter?
The rain finds its way into rivers which carry the water back to the
8 How does a puddle disappear after it has been raining?
6 coast. sea. lakes. ground.
Section C
This is called the Water Cycle.
Annotate a simple diagram, which shows how drinking water gets to your
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13. Water
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Theme 2 Water Poetry
Water - raindrops drip, drip, dripping on the window pane,
Rolling in, breakers on the sandy shore,
Frozen ponds where joyful children skate,
Icicles magically hanging like acrobats from the house eaves,
Water leaping and rushing over stones in the windy brook.
Water – empty cups belonging to sad-eyed children,
Deserts silent, parched, dry from lack of rain,
Crops shrivelled, brown and drying under a relentless sun,
Riverbeds barren, silent, empty,
A landscape eerie, all life gone.
Water is life!
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14. Water
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Theme 2 Water Poetry
Section B
is 1 What is the first verse of this poem about?
Section A 2 What is the second verse of this poem about?
Choose the best word or group of words to fit the passage and put a ring
around your choice. 3 Why is the word ‘drip’ used several times in the first line?
In verse one the water is dripping on
4 Why do you think the author describes icicles as ‘acrobats’?
1 the window pane. the door. the garden. the roof.
On the pond there are 5 How can water leap over stones?
2 ducks swimming. swans gliding.
6 Why do the children in this poem have sad eyes?
children skating. dogs splashing.
The icicles are compared to 7 What do you understand by the term ‘relentless sun’?
3 fingers. acrobats. string. icebergs.
8 Why are the riverbeds silent?
In the second verse the children have
4 plenty to drink. no water. 9 What would you say was the main difference between the first verse and
the second verse?
The desert is
5 noisy. silent. windy. rainy. 10 Why do you think the author ends the poem with the statement ‘Water is
The poem concludes that
6 it isn’t important to have water.
Section C
it is vital to have water.
Write your own poem about ‘Water’.
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15. Evening News
Back to Contents
Theme 3 Earth, Sun and Moon Non-Fiction (Journalistic Report)
Astronauts Return
Missing Panel
to Earth After
Horrific Explosion Lunar Module
Service Module
Apollo 13, the third moon mission, has thought a meteorite had hit them. Low power levels made radio contact had blown off the side of the
successfully returned its crew of three They radioed back to earth, “Houston, with mission command in Houston, spacecraft.
astronauts to the earth after an we have a problem!” In fact, the Texas, very difficult. Also, the Lunar
explosion wrecked their spacecraft. number two oxygen tank in the Module was only designed to keep Next the Lunar Module, their ‘life
The command module splashed down Service Module had exploded. This two people alive for two days, not boat’, was released into space,
in the Pacific Ocean four miles from left the Command Module with limited three people for four days. To keep leaving the three men in the
the recovery ship, USS Iwo Jima, after battery power. The crew had no the radio and life support systems in Command Module to commence re-
being lowered through the sky by choice but to shut down the the Lunar Module working everything entry through the earth’s atmosphere.
three enormous parachutes. Command Module and move into the was switched to the lowest levels. It was possible that the explosion had
Considering what they had been Lunar Module and use it as a ‘life This made the Lunar Module very cold damaged the heat shield on the
through, the crew returned in excellent boat’. The damage made a safe return inside. For four days the astronauts capsule. In addition, a normal lunar
condition. from a moon landing impossible, so travelled through space in their re-entry was accompanied by four
the flight director immediately aborted disabled spacecraft never sure that it minutes of communications blackout.
Apollo 13 was the third Apollo mission the mission. The problem was, how to would function well enough to return
intended to land on the moon. On get the men back alive! them to the earth. On the fourth day The suspense was terrible. After four
April 11th 1970, at 13:13, the craft they crawled back into the now almost minutes and ten seconds, nothing was
was successfully launched towards It was thought that the main engine frozen up Command Module and heard. Another ten seconds, still
the moon. On the way, approximately had been damaged so the crew used began the unpractised operation of nothing. Finally, after 33 seconds
200,000 miles from the earth, mission the smaller engine on the lunar restarting the systems in the capsule. longer than normal, Odyssey regained
control asked the crew to turn on the module to change direction to a flight Once power was restored, they radio contact and splashed down
hydrogen and oxygen tank stirring path that would ‘swing them’ round released the damaged service module safely in the Pacific. The ordeal for the
fans. Ninety three seconds later the the moon and send them back in the into space. As it floated away they three men was finally over!
astronauts heard a loud ‘bang’ and all direction of earth. saw for the first time that a large panel
the lights flickered. The astronauts Reported by: SPC Enthusiast
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16. Back to Contents
Theme 3 Earth, Sun and Moon Non-Fiction (Journalistic Report)
Section B
Astronauts Return to Earth
After Horrific Explosion
1 Where was Apollo 13 heading for?
Section A 2 Name the three parts of the Apollo 13 spacecraft.
Choose the best word or group of words to fit the passage and put a ring
around your choice.
3 What exploded in the Service Module?
On April 11th, 1970, Apollo
1 ten eleven twelve thirteen 4 Why do you think that the Lunar Module was described as a ‘lifeboat’?
was launched towards the moon. After turning on the oxygen tank stirring fans
they heard a loud bang and all the
5 Which part of the spacecraft was the only part to return to the earth?
2 stars dials lights instruments
flickered. The crew radioed to earth to say they had 6 What does the phrase ‘aborted the mission’ mean?
3 finished. been shaken up. a problem. exploded.
7 How do you think the astronauts would have felt when they heard a large
The crew had to move into the bang?
4 Service Module Command Module
Lunar Module Odyssey 8 What is meant by the sentence ‘Considering what they had been through,
the crew returned in excellent condition’?
and use it like a life boat. They changed direction to travel back to the
5 Earth. Mars. Moon. Sun.
9 Why do you think the astronauts had not seen that a panel was missing
until the Service Module was released into space?
To save power everything was switched to the lowest levels making the Lunar
Module very
6 hot. warm. cold. dark. Section C
On the fourth day they crawled back into the Command Module and Imagine you are on a space mission and something goes wrong.
parachuted back to earth. Write a short newspaper account telling what happened.
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17. Amazing Solar Syste
The Solar System
Back to Contents
Theme 3 Earth, Sun and Moon Non-Fiction (Explanation)
m Facts
• The solar system for
me d around 4.6 billion ye
ars ago.
• Venus is the hottest
planet in our solar syste
surface temperature of m with a
over 450 degrees centi
• Saturn isn’t the only
ringed planet. Other ga
as Jupiter, Uranus and s giants such
Neptune also have rin
are less obvious. gs, but they
• Footprints left behin
d by astronauts on the
there forever, as there moon will stay
is no wind to blow the
m away.
• Halley’s Comet was
last seen in the inner So
1986. It will be visible lar System in
again from Earth in 20
• Many scientists belie
ve that an asteroid im
extinction of the dinos pact caused the
aurs around 65 million
years ago.
• The first man made
object sent into space
The solar system consists of the sun and everything which moves around the named Sputnik. was a satellite
sun. This includes the nine major planets and their satellites. The planets orbit
the sun. Our sun is one of millions of stars. Stars are made of burning gases.
A satellite is the name given to an object that goes around, or orbits, a larger
object such as a planet. The earth’s only natural satellite is called the Moon.
The earth also has many man-made satellites such as the International Space
Station. The man-made satellites were put into orbit around the Earth using
rockets or the Space Shuttle.
Nine planets orbit our sun. They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Mercury is the planet nearest to the sun.
Pluto is furthest away. Mercury is the smallest planet. Venus is similar in size
to the earth. Neptune, Saturn and Uranus are larger than the earth. Other
objects found in the solar system are asteroids, comets and meteors.
Recently, Pluto was renamed a ‘Dwarf Planet’.
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18. Section B
The Solar System
Back to Contents
Theme 3 Earth, Sun and Moon Non-Fiction (Explanation)
1 Fill in the table: Solar System Facts
When was the Solar System formed?
Hottest planet?
Section A
Choose the best word or group of words to fit the passage and put a ring Planets with rings?
around your choice.
Halley’s comet next seen from earth?
The solar system consists of the sun and everything that moves around it.
This includes First man made object sent into space?
1 seven eight nine ten 2 Name the nine planets in our solar system.
major planets and their
3 What does the word ‘orbit’ mean?
2 moons. satellites. rings. seas.
4 What are stars made of?
Our sun is a
3 planet star moon meteorite 5 What is the difference between a natural satellite and a man-made
made of burning gases. A satellite is the name given to an object that
4 orbits circles flies about rotates 6 Which planets are larger than the earth?
a larger object. The earth’s only natural satellite is 7 Name three objects found in our solar system other than planets, moons
and the sun.
5 the moon. the sun. Mars. Saturn.
Man-made satellites were put into orbit using 8 What do some scientists believe caused the destruction of dinosaurs on
the earth?
6 space ships rockets catapults planes
or the Space Shuttle. Section C
Research which planets in our solar system have moons and record your
results in a table.
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19. Back to Contents
Theme 3 Earth, Sun and Moon Poetry
The Moon
Through my bedroom window,
Framed in the night’s sky sits the Moon,
Like a giant white ball fixed and still,
Watching over a sleeping world,
Like an anxious parent watches its child,
Still, I lie, sleep still distant,
My mind wanders over the day just finished,
Happy thoughts, regretful thoughts,
Still nothing can be changed,
But you, dear Moon, keep me cheered,
Wrap me up in your warm bright light,
Till sleep takes me on another adventure.
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20. Back to Contents
Theme 3 Earth, Sun and Moon Poetry
Section B
1 Where is the person that is the subject of this poem?
Section A
The Moon 2 How is the Moon ‘Framed in the night’s sky’?
Choose the best word or group of words to fit the passage and put a ring
around your choice.
3 Why do you think the Moon looks as if it is ‘fixed and still’?
The poem is about
1 the Sun. night time. the Moon. the stars. 4 Why does the author compare the Moon to an ‘anxious parent’?
The poet compares the Moon to
5 What does the author mean by the phrase ‘sleep still distant’?
2 a balloon. a light bulb. a giant white ball. a globe.
The person in the poem is finding it
6 What does the phrase ‘My mind wanders over the day…’ mean?
3 easy to sleep. difficult to sleep.
The thoughts that come into the persons mind are 7 Why does the author mention ‘nothing can be changed’?
4 just happy ones. just sad ones.
happy and sad ones. funny happenings. 8 How does the Moon ‘keep me cheered’?
The Moon makes the person feel
9 How can ‘sleep take me on another adventure’?
5 sad. cheered. tired. awake.
The person looks forward to sleep to go on
6 a journey. an adventure. Section C
a magic carpet ride. a journey through space. Write your own poem about one of the following:
The Sun, The Moon, The Earth, The Stars or Space Travel.
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21. Back to Contents
Theme 4 Music Fiction (Playscript)
The Lost Concert Tickets (They approach the turnstiles wh
ere the crowds Mum: Thank goodness! Here it is!
It was under the
my pocket when I
(Jess is on her way to watch her
first live band orderly queues.) seat. It must have slipped out of
presently are magically transforming into was concentrating on the traffic.
concert with her Mum. They are
crawling through a stream of traf
fic.) e Mum? Jess: Phew!
Jess: Can I pay for the programm
Jess: How much further to the sta
dium, Mum? h her pocket s.) (Mum quickly locks the car aga
(Mum searches frantically throug
Mum: It’s just down this road, let’s
hope we can find be in this Mum: Right! Off we go!
Mum: Where’s my purse? It should
a parking space. pocket. I hope it hasn’t been stolen
! gig?
Jess: Will we miss the start of the
time you saw a live
Jess: How old were you the first (Jess starts to get upset as she
thinks through e. We might even
pened.) Mum: No, we’ve got plenty of tim
band? the consequence of what has hap see the warm up band.
with my mum
Mum: About nine, I think. I came Jess: You mean we can’t buy a pro
gramme? mme?
though we had to catch two buses
to get here in Jess: And can we still buy a progra
those days. s and upset.)
(Mum also starts to get anxiou Mum: We certainly can!
Jess: I can’t wait!Do you think Robbie will actually can’t get into the
Mum: Worse than that Jess, we
turn up to sing with them? ground unless I can find it. The tick
ets are in my
back to the car
more tracks than purse, we’ll have to fight our way
Mum: I should hope so, he’s sold and see if it’s there.
anyone else in the band!
h the crowd to
’re nearly there. (They push their way back throug
Jess: I can see the floodlights! We the car as quickly as they can.
Mum fumbles for
they rush to the car keys. Finally the door is
(Mum carefully parks the car and
the stadium.)
join the crowd surging towards Jess: Is it there, Mum?
Jess: Can we buy a programme (Mum searches frantically around
the car.)
should have a
Mum: Of course we can, everybody Jess: Mum?
concert for the
programme when they come to a
n near the
first time. We’ll buy it from the ma
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