Learning about common root words with suffixes "-es", "-ed", and "-ing" and why they are used. A suffix is a letter or a group of letters that are added to the end of a word to make a new word.
1. “Taflections -es, ed, -ing ty
2. Fine] ep]e eetjon wWorels ™Mandy will hurry home. ™Mandy hurries home. ™Mandy hurried home. ™Mandy is hurrying home.
3. Action Words —
4. ; ®Hurries :
5. _ This ending lets the reader -kKnowthatsomething ~~ happened in the past.
6. ~ ™When a word ends ina ~ consonant followed bya _ y,theyischangedtol — before adding esored. ®Hurries, hurried
7. Presence Or Pease ~™@The class scurrieS across the gym floor. ™Scurry=Move hurriedly | th cl cl
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