How can the Learning Sciences inform the design of Learning Environments

Contributed by:
Jonathan James
The learning sciences are importantly enriching our understanding of how people can learn best, showing them that many schools learning environments are in direct contrast to this. Classrooms, schools, and education systems cannot change overnight but neither is it possible to accept arrangements that are in direct contrast to what makes for good learning. If instead today's schools were designed to leverage knowledge about learning, tomorrow's generation will more likely become the powerful learners, skilled workers, and engaged citizens we want them to be.
1. The Nature of Learning
Using Research to Inspire Practice
Edited by
Hanna Dumont, David Istance and Francisco Benavides
Practitioner Guide
from the
Innovative Learning Environments Project
How can the learning sciences
inform the design of 21st century
learning environments?
2. Introduction
Over recent years, learning has moved increasingly centre stage and for a range of powerful reasons.
A primary driver has been the scale of change in our world²the rapid advances in ICT, the shift to
economies based on knowledge, and the emphasis on the skills required to thrive in them. Schools
and education systems around the world are having to reconsider their design and approach to
teaching and learning. What should schooling, teaching and, most especially, learning look like in
this rapidly changing world?
At the same time, empirical research on how people learn, how the mind and brain develop, how
interests form, and how people differ in all these has expanded tremendously. This science of learning
underscores the importance of
how it is taught,
The learning sciences are importantly enriching our understanding of how people learn best, and
showing that many existing school learning environments are in direct contrast to this. Classrooms,
schools and education systems cannot change overnight but neither is it possible to accept
arrangements that are in direct contrast to what makes for good learning. If instead WRGD\¶Vschools
were designed to leverage knowledge about learningWRPRUURZ¶VJHQHUDWLRQZLOOmore likely become
the powerful learners, skilled workers and engaged citizens we want them to be.
The OECD project Innovative Learning Environments has sought to provide material to help to do
this. It has put together a volume called The Nature of Learning: using research to inspire practice,
which is based on extensive research findings on different aspects of learning and applications. It
provides a powerful knowledge base for the design of learning environments for the 21st century.
This booklet is a summary of The Nature of Learning, created to highlight the core messages and
principles from the full report for practitioners, leaders, advisors, and policy-makers²indeed, for
anyone interested in improving the design of learning environments. The principles outlined serve as
guides to inform everyday experiences in current classrooms, as well as future educational
programmes and systems. This summary LVLQWHQGHGDVD³SUDFWLWLRQHUJXLGH´but for the full account
and explanation please refer to the original publication.
This document includes: page:
The Fundamentals of Learning 3-5
The 7 Principles of Learning 6-7
Key Shifts in the 21st Century 8-9
Building Blocks for Innovative Learning Environments 10
Conclusions 11
3. The Fundamentals
of Learning
The learning sciences are a rich field of research that has helped us to better understand how we
learn. Understanding the fundamentals of how we learn allows us to address more effectively the
conditions in which successful learning can occur.
How People Learn
During the 20th century, the concept of learning underwent important developments. Today, the
dominant concept is socio-constructivist²in which learning is understood to be importantly shaped
by the context in which it is situated and is actively constructed through social negotiation with
others. On this understanding, learning environments should be where:
‡ Constructive, self-regulated learning is fostered
‡ The learning is sensitive to context
‡ It will often be collaborative
Theoretical concepts do not yield concrete prescriptions for classroom application but good theory
can be used flexibly and creatively by teachers in their planning and educational practice. At the same
time, not all learning takes place in the classroom as much of it occurs at home, on sports fields, in
museums, and so forth (non-formal learning), and sometimes implicitly and effortlessly (informal
Adaptive Expertise
Many scholars agree that the ultimate goal of learning and associated teaching in different subjects is to
acquire adaptive expertise²i.e. the ability to apply meaningfully-learned knowledge and skills flexibly
and creatively in different situations. This goes beyond acquiring mastery or routine expertise in a
discipline. Rather, it involves the willingness and ability to change core competencies and continually
H[SDQGWKHEUHDGWKDQGGHSWKRIRQH¶VH[SHUWLVH. It is therefore central to lifelong learning.
There are different broad pedagogical approaches that can help to develop adaptive expertise:
Guided Learning: the teachers take the main relevant decisions about the goals of learning,
learning strategies, and how to measure outcomes, while taking care of feedback, judgements
and rewards.
Action Learning: the learners play a much more active role in determining the objectives of
the learning than in guided learning; there is a strong element of learner self-organisation and
Experiential Learning: this is not controlled by teachers and there are no predetermined
objectives. What is learned is determined by context, learners¶ PRWLYDWLRQs, the others with
whom they come in contact, discoveries made, etc. It is a by-product of the activities in which
people are involved.
4. In order to support the progressive acquisition of adaptive expertise, there must be a balanced,
integrated use of all three approaches. Such a balance should allow for structure and guidance by the
teacher and it should create space for substantial self-regulated and self-determined learning. It should
leave RSHQ RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU ³H[SUHVVLYH RXWFRPHV´²unanticipated results from the learning that
takes place in a variety of situations outside schools and classrooms.
© iStockphoto/Robert Churchill
The Gatekeepers of Learning:
Emotions are the primary gatekeeper to learning. Emotion and cognition operate seamlessly in the
brain to guide learning. Positive emotions encourage, for instance, long-term recall while negative
emotions can disrupt the learning process in the brain²at times leaving the student with little or no
recall after the learning event.
This has significant implications for teaching and learning, whether negative emotional states are a
result of classroom experiences or of experiences outside that are carried into the learning
environment by the student. Any debate about whether learning institutions should be concerned
about OHDUQHUV¶ HPRWLRQs and their development is thus irrelevant²as schools are responsible for
cognitive development they inescapably already are.
Motivation ensures that students acquire knowledge and skills in a meaningful way. Like emotion,
the presence of positive motivation towards a learning task markedly increases the likelihood that
students will engage in deep learning. Helping students become aware of their motivation systems
and how that influences their learning leads to them becoming more effective learners. Teachers need
to remain current with what their students are capable of achieving by monitoring their progress
closely. Since teacher expectations have a significant impact on studentV¶ achievements, those
expectations need to be positive yet realistic. Teachers should provide the time, space and support for
students to reflect on the learning strategies they have used and how these have affected what they
have learned. If student experiences have been negative, the teacher may fruitfully provide
incremental successful experiences in order to compensate for the impact on motivation from that
negative experience. More generally, learning environments should aim to identify and foster
personal interests and the intrinsic motivations of students.
5. The 8 Basics of M otivation
Students are more motivated to engage in learning when:
they perceive stable links between specific actions and achievement
they feel competent to do what is expected of them
they value the subject and have a clear sense of purpose
they perceive the environment as favourable for learning, and
they experience positive emotions towards learning activities.
Students direct their attention away
Students are more persistent in
from learning when they experience
learning when they can manage
negative emotions.
their resources and deal with
Students free up cognitive resources for obstacles efficiently.
learning when they are able to influence
the intensity, duration and expression of
their emotions.
Emotions have diagnostic value for the teacher because they reveal underlying cognitions,
commitments, and concerns. Teachers who are aware of their studentV¶PRWLYDWLRQDOEHOLHIVDQG are
sensitive to their emotions can very usefully use this information in orchestrating the learning process.
Their own behaviour and their teaching and evaluation practices trigger specific emotions and
motivational beliefs in the students, which in turn affect the quality of the learning that takes place.
Fortunately, emotional regulation can reduce negative responses and serve as a coping mechanism.
The strategies involved include re-appraisal, reframing a situation in a more positive way, and de-
personalisation, encouraging the learner to be objective rather than taking setbacks too personally.
Quality over Quantity
Modern cognitive science confirms that the quality of knowledge and
understanding is of utmost importance rather than just how much knowledge is
acquired. Knowledge is also multi-faceted: there is knowledge about abstract
concepts, about how efficiently to solve routine problems, about how to master
complex and dynamic problem situations, and so on. All these facets interact in
detrimental ways, the person may know a lot about a domain but be unable to
apply that knowledge to solve relevant real-life problems.
From this research we are able to generate transversal conclusions on
learning and the structure of learning environments.
6. The 7 Principles of Learning
This project has explored the nature of learning through the perspectives of cognition, emotion, and
biology, and provided analyses of the implications for different types of application in learning
environments. The research was synthesized to create seven transversal ³SULQFLSOHV´ to guide the
development of learning environments for the 21st century.
The learning environment recognises the learners as its core
1 Learners at the centre participants, encourages their active engagement and
develops in them an understanding of their own activity as
Ѿ Learners are the central players in the environment and therefore activities centre on their
cognition and growth.
Ѿ Learning activities allow students to construct their learning through engagement and active
Ѿ This calls for a mix of pedagogies, which include guided and action approaches, as well as
co-operative, inquiry-based, and service learning.
‡ develop meta-cognitive skills
‡ monitor, evaluate and optimise the acquisition and use of knowledge
‡ regulate their emotions and motivations during the learning process
‡ manage study time well
‡ set higher specific and personal goals, and are able to monitor them.
The learning environment is founded on the social nature
The social nature of learning and actively encourages well-organised
of learning co-operative learning.
Ѿ Neuroscience confirms that we learn through social interaction ± the organisation of learning
should be highly social.
Ѿ Co-operative group work, appropriately organised and structured, has demonstrated very
clear benefits for achievement as well as for behavioural and affective outcomes. Co-
operative methods work for all types of students because, done well, they push learners of all
Ѿ Personal research and self-study are naturally also important, and the opportunities for
autonomous learning should grow as students mature.
3 Emotions are integral The learning professionals within the learning environment
to learning role of emotions in achievement.
Ѿ Learning results from the dynamic interplay of emotion, motivation and cognition, and these
are inextricably intertwined.
Ѿ Positive beliefs about oneself as a learner in general and in a particular subject represent a
theory, are much more difficult to be recognised in practice.
Ѿ Attention to motivations by all those involved, including the students, is about making the
learning first and foremost more effective, not more enjoyable (though better still if it is
7. The learning environment is acutely sensitive to the
Recognising individual individual differences among the learners in it, including
differences their prior knowledge.
Ѿ Students differ in many ways fundamental to learning: prior knowledge, ability, conceptions
of learning, learning styles and strategies, interest, motivation, self-efficacy beliefs and
emotion; they differ also in socio-environmental terms such as linguistic, cultural and social
Ѿ Prior knowledge ± on which students vary substantially ± is highly influential for how well
each individual learns.
Ѿ Learning environments need the adaptability to reflect these individual and patterned
differences in ways that are sustainable both for the individual learners and for the work of
the group as a whole. 0RYLQJDZD\IURP³RQHVL]HILWVDOO´PD\ZHOOEHa challenge.
The learning environment devises programmes that
Stretching demand hard work and challenge from all but without
all students excessive overload.
Ѿ Being sensitive to individual differences and needs also means being challenging enough to
reach above their existing level and capacity; at the same time, no one should be allowed to
coast for any significant amount of time.
Ѿ High-achieving students can help lower-achieving students, which helps stretch all learners.
Ѿ This underscores the need to avoid overload and de-motivating regimes based on grind, fear
and excessive pressure²not just for humanistic reasons but because these are not consistent
with the cognitive and motivational evidence on effective learning.
The learning environment operates with clarity of
6 Assessment for learning expectations using assessment strategies consistent with
these expectations; there is a strong emphasis on formative
feedback to support learning.
Ѿ The learning environment needs to be very clear about what is expected, what learners are
doing, and why. Otherwise, motivation decreases, students are less able to fit discrete
activities into larger knowledge frameworks, and they are less likely to become self-regulated
Ѿ Formative assessment should be substantial, regular and provide meaningful feedback; as
well as feeding back to individual learners, this knowledge should be used constantly to shape
direction and practice in the learning environment.
connections well as to the community and the wider world.
Ѿ A key feature of learning is that complex knowledge structures are built up by organising
more basic pieces of knowledge in a hierarchical way. If well-constructed, such structures
provide understanding that can transfer to new situations²a critical competency in the 21st
between the formal learning environment and the wider environment and society. The
8. st
KEY SHIFTS in the 21 Century
Redesigning learning environments is critical because of the significant changes taking
place, which challenge us to redefine the critical skills and abilities of citizens in the 21st century.
Far-reaching technological change: Technologies
have developed apace, with change quickening all
the time. This has far-reaching consequences. The Profound transformation from
information revolution is transforming how we µLQGXVWULDO¶ WR µNQRZOHGJH¶ HFRQRPLHV
work, play, read and think; it is changing the nature Knowledge is now the central driving
of our economies and societies from the most force for economic activity, with
personal level up to the global. We are living in an innovation critical. The relocation of
era of incredible invention and growth in economic activities to other countries and
information and communication technologies. world regions LV IRUFLQJ WKH ³UH-VNLOOLQJ´
of our societies. As knowledge has become
so fundamental then so has learning.
Self-directed, lifelong learning. The capacity to continuously learn and
apply/integrate new knowledge and skills has never been more essential.
Students should become self-directed, lifelong learners, especially as they
are preparing for jobs that do not yet exist, to use technologies that have
not yet been invented, and to solve problems that are not yet even Lifelong
recognised as problems. Self-directed
Lifelong learning²the ability continuously to GHYHORS RYHU RQH¶V OLIH
span²is essential so that each citizen may be able to access the requisite
resources and support in order to learn the content and competencies they
need. The ability continuously to learn is fundamental in developing
adaptive expertise²i.e. the ability to apply meaningfully learned
knowledge and skills flexibly and creatively in a variety of contexts and
21st Century
Lifelong learning, 21st century skills, DQG³DGDSWLYH expertise´ DUH FULWLFDO Competencies
in a world that is constantly shifting and demanding higher cognitive
capacity. The higher-order skills increasingly prioritized in workplaces and
in society as a whole include the capacities to:
‡ generate, process and sort complex information
‡ think systematically and critically
‡ make decisions weighing different forms of evidence
9. ‡ ask meaningful questions about different subjects
‡ be adaptable and flexible to new information
‡ be creative
‡ be able to justify and solve real-world problems
‡ acquire a deep understanding of complex concepts
‡ media literacy
‡ teamwork, social and communication skills
Laying a foundation that cultivates lifelong, self-directed learning starts at an early age. While much
of the discourse on lifelong learning focuses on the later stages of life, it is actually the knowledge,
skills, values and attitudes acquired during the early life-stages that provide the foundation for the
lifelong learning habit. Schools are pivotal organisations for laying such foundations, yet their
contribution in this regard has been neglected.
The same is true for the teaching of 21st century competencies. The pedagogic model underlying too
many schools and classrooms is still aimed at preparing students for the industrial economy, and is
very different from the activities at the heart of knowledge-based organisations, societies and
The curricula, learning experiences and overall environment must be centred on fostering the skills
and mindset of self-directed lifelong learning, with 21st century competencies strategically interwoven
through the learning experiences.
© iStockphoto/Troels Graugaard
Innovative Learning Environments
Service Learning
Education engages students in
community service that is integrated
with the learning objectives of core
Cooperative Learning academic curricula. This experiential
approach is premised on providing
In essence, students work together students with contextualised learning
DQGDUHUHVSRQVLEOHIRURQHDQRWKHU¶V experiences based on authentic, real-
learning as well as their own. world situations in their communities.
Emphasising thinking and increasing
higher-order learning, it has a range
of educational benefits, including an
alternative to ability grouping and as
a way to prepare students for an
increasingly collaborative work
Learning with Technology
Learner-centred approaches to
technology-enabled learning can
Home-School Partnerships empower learners and leverage good
learning experiences that would not
The home is our first, and highly influential, learning
otherwise have been possible.
environment so that building connections between the home and
Technology also often offers valuable
school is vital to learner success. This includes proactively
tools for other building blocks in
effective learning environments,
personalised invitations to them to become involved. After-
including personalisation, co-
school programmes and extra-curricular activities also offer ways
operative learning, managing
to connect with the family and provide greater connection
formative assessment, and many
between home and school. inquiry-based methods.
Formative Assessment
Formative evaluation guides learners to
better outcomes by providing feedback that I nquiry-based Approaches
continually informs the learner, the
Students need opportunities to develop higher-
teacher, and the learning itself. It is
order cognitive skills. One important context
targeted towards three key questions:
do this is through inquiry-based approaches in
complex, meaningful projects that require
Where are the learners in their
sustained engagement, collaboration, research,
management of resources, and development of
Where are the learners going? an ambitious performance or product.
What needs to be done to get Relevant approaches include:
them there?
‡ Project-based learning
‡ Problem-based learning
‡ Learning through design
11. Conclusions
The Nature of Learning: Using Research to I nspire Practice reviews very extensive research on
the design of learning environments, encapsulated by the following headings:
x Learners at the centre
x The social nature of learning
x Emotions as integral to learning
x Recognising individual differences
x Stretching all students
x Assessment for learning
x Building horizontal connectedness.
is new. In that The Nature of Learning has reviewed decades of research,
there is inevitably familiarity with many of the individual findings and
proposals. Their force and relevance do not stem from each one taken in
isolation, however, nor whether they are formulated in an unfamiliar way.
Instead, their force and relevance derive from what they add up to as a
We would go further to assert that
all the principles should be present in a
learning environment for it to be judged truly
Cast in this light, the agenda defined by these ³principles´ is in fact a demanding one and scarcely
typical of many schools and classrooms. The ³principles´ will not be realised in the same way in
different learning environments nor in the same learning environment at different times; they are
flexible and for adaptation to circumstances. However, if one of them is absent, effectiveness will not be
maintained via greater emphasis on one of the others. They all are needed.
which command widespread support in the endeavour to reform education through what they mean for
learning. They show how important are design and the orchestration of learning rather than simply
professionalism among teachers and everyone directly involved.
This Practitioner Guide has been prepared to bring headline messages and findings from the enormous
learning literature to those who should most benefit from it ± teachers, practitioners, and educational
leaders. It offers evidence-based signposts to effective practice and the redesign of schools and
12. Full Publication Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Analyzing and designing learning environments for the 21st century
Hanna Dumont and David Istance
Chapter 2. Historical developments in the understanding of learning
Erik de Corte
Chapter 3. The cognitive perspective on learning: ten cornerstone findings
Michael Schneider & Elsbeth Stern
Chapter 4. The crucial role of motivation and emotion in classroom learning
Monique Boekaerts
Chapter 5. Learning from the developmental and biological perspective
Christina Hinton and Kurt W. Fischer
Chapter 6. The role of formative assessment in effective learning environments
Dylan Wiliam
Chapter 7. Co-operative learning: what makes group-work work?
Robert E. Slavin
Chapter 8. Learning with technology
Richard E. Mayer
Chapter 9. Prospects and challenges for inquiry-based approaches to learning
Brigid Barron and Linda Darling-Hammond
Chapter 10. The community as a resource for learning: an analysis of academic
service-learning in primary and secondary education
Andrew Furco
Chapter 11. 7KHHIIHFWVRIIDPLO\RQFKLOGUHQ¶s learning and socialisation
Barbara Schneider, Venessa Keesler and Larissa Morlock
Chapter 12. I mplementing innovation: from visionary models to everyday practice
Lauren B. Resnick, James P. Spillane, Pam Goldman and Elisabeth S. Rangel
Chapter 13. Future directions for learning environments in the 21st century
David Istance and Hanna Dumont
This  Practitioner  Guide  has  been  prepared  by  Jennifer  Groff  based  on  the  contents  of  Hanna  Dumont,  David  
Istance  and  Francisco  Benavides  (eds.),  The  Nature  of  Learning:  Using  Research  to  Inspire  Practice,  OECD  
Publications,  2010.  (See  contents  above).      
©  OECD  2012  for  the  Practitioner  Guide.  
©  OECD  2010  for  The  Nature  of  Learning:  Using  Research  to  Inspire  Practice.  
You  can  copy,  download  or  print  OECD  content  for  your  own  use.  All  requests  for  public  or  commercial  use  and  
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