Digestion and Absorption: Conversion of Complex Food into Simpler Absorbable Form

In this quiz, you will find questions related to digestion and absorption, processes involved in digestion and absorption, etc.

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Which of the following is not a major component of our food?

Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Minerals

The process of conversion of complex food substances into simple absorbable forms _________

Digestion Excretion Respiration Circulation

Statement A: The opening of wind pipe is called gastro-esophageal sphincter. Statement B: Its covering prevents the entry of food.

Both the statements are true Both the statements are false Statement A is true but Statement B is false Statement B is true but Statement A is false

Statement A: Water is important for repair of tissues. Statement B: It also prevents dehydration of the body.

Both the statements are true Both the statements are false Statement A is true but Statement B is false Statement B is true but Statement A is false

Which portion of stomach opens into small intestine?

Cardiac portion Fundic portion Pyloric portion Body portion

The HCl in gastric juice converts:

Disaccharide to monosaccharide Pepsinogen to pepsin Prorennin to rennin Polypeptide to peptide

During prolonged fasting, in what sequence are the following organic compounds used up by the body?

First carbohydrates, next proteins and lastly lipids First carbohydrates, next fats and lastly proteins First fats, next carbohydrates and lastly proteins First proteins next lipids and lastly carbohydrates

If for some reason our goblet cells are non-functional this will adversely affect.

Smooth movement of food down the intestine

Production of somatostatin

Secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands

Maturation of sperms

In glycolysis ultimately?

Starch is converted into glucose

Glucose is converted into fructose

Protein is converted into glucose

Glucose is converted into pyruric acid

Peyers patches found in the small intestine are?

Epithelial tissue

Glandular tissue

Lymphatic tissue

Haemopoietic tissue

Which of the following are water soluble vitamins?

A, D, K

A, D, E, K

B, C

None of these

Which one of the following pairs of food components in humans reaches the stomach totally undigested ?

Fat and cellulose

Protein and starch

Starch and cellulose

Starch and fat

Which of the following teeths are lophodont?

Premolar and molar

Premolar and incisor

Incisor and canine

Canine and premolar

The dark purplish gland lying on the left side of the abdomen is called:



Gall bladder

None of these

Jaundice is a disorder of:

Digestive system

Excretory system

Skin and eyes

Circulatory system

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Digestion and Absorption: Conversion of Complex Food into Simpler Absorbable Form
Questions: 15
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