Structure of the Eye

This is an MCQ-Based quiz on the topic of the Structure of the Eye.

This includes the Cornea, Anterior and Posterior Chamber, Intraocular Luid, Iris, Ciliary Muscle, Vitreous Chamber, Dioptric Apparatus, Sclera, Further Processing of the Retina, and many more.

Start Quiz

The type of cells found in retina are

Purkinje cells Schwann cells Neuroglial cells Amacrine cells

Which of this is/are examples of an organ containing a smooth muscle

Iris of eye Bronchi only Uterus only All of the above

The eye lens is ______.

Concave Convex Biconcave Biconvex

The persistence of vision for the human eye is ______.

1/6th of a second 1/10th of a second 1/16th of a second 1/18th of a second

What does the tapetum lucidum do?

It is the coloured part of the eye

Gives animals night vision

Transparent jelly-like fluid

It is the area where the optic never attaches

The main function of the cornea present in the human eye is ______.

Structural support to the eye

Bends light before it reaches the lens

Changes the shape of the lens enabling image to be focused on the retina

Contains a concentrated amount of cone cells on the correct orientation

In the human eye, the photosensitive compound is composed of ______.

Guanosine and retinol

Transducin and retinene

Opsin and retinol

Opsin and retinal

This is an incorrect statement

Rhodopsin is the purplish-red protein situated in rods only

Retinal is a derivative of Vitamin C

Retinal is the light-absorbing part of visual photopigments

The rods in the retina have rhodopsin, a photopigment while cones have three different photopigments

Where will the image of a distant object be formed when a person using a concave lens to correct vision, is not using glasses?

Behind retina

In front of the retina

On the blindspot

On the yellow spot

The main function of the cornea present in the human eye is

Structural support to the eye

Bends light before it reaches the lens

Changes the shape of the lens enabling image to be focused on the retina

Contains a concentrated amount of cone cells on the correct orientation

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Structure of the Eye
Questions: 10
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