Executive: Roles and functions

This set of MCQs helps students to learn about various important things such as making a distinction between the parliamentary and the presidential executive, understanding the constitutional position of the President of India, knowing the composition and functioning of the Council of Ministers, and the importance of the Prime Minister, understand the importance and functioning of the administrative machinery.

Start Quiz

Choose the type of stages of equality advocated by John Rawls.

Two Three Four Five

The state’s failure to provide individuals with basic necessities of life such as; food and housing is an example of

Political Injustice Economic Injustice Social discrimination Gender inequality

People get the proper justice in:

Dictatorship Totalitarian state Monarchy Democracy

From which language the word ‘jesus’ is taken?

Latin Greek, English None.

Who is concerned with distributive justice?

Plato Confucius John Rawls None.

By which Article of Indian Constitution, untouchability is abolished.

Art. 14. Art. 17 Art. 18 Art. 15.

Identify the stage of equality which rejects formal institutions of inequalities.

Liberal Equality Natural Liberty Democratic Equality Economic Equality

Justice is essentially a:

Legal concept Moral concept Social concept All of the above

Which one of the following is not the fundamental postulate of Justice?

Truth Equality before the law Freedom Property

Choose the ministry that is entrusted with the welfare, social justice, and empowerment of disadvantaged and marginalized sections of the society in India.

Ministry of welfare Ministry of social justice and empowerment Ministry of social defense Ministry of Education

The essential principles of modern justice is that,

Judges should be part of the executive

Judges should be under the control of the Head of the State

There should be independence of the judiciary

Judges should be under the control of the electorate

Our political rights and participation are insured only when our,

Social needs are being taken care of

Basic needs

Cultural needs

Security needs

The free market is a product of,





Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Executive: Roles and functions
Questions: 13
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