Citizenship and Related Civil Rights

This set of MCQs helps students to learn about various important things such as explaining the meaning of citizenship and discussing some of the areas in which that meaning is being expanded or challenged today.

Start Quiz

Choose the incorrect cause of illegal immigration.

War Poverty Prostitution and slavery Peace

What is the meaning of the term ‘Apartheid’?

Social Upliftment Social Discrimination Economic Upliftment Economic Discrimination

Citizenship can be acquired by:

Long residence Marriage Government service All of the above

Select the right purpose of citizenship from the followings.

To segregate the people on the basis of their status. To give the people full and equal membership of the political community. To make the people to perform their duties. None of the above.

In which year French Revolution took place?

1875 1789 1688 1917

T.H. Marshall belonged to which country?

U.S.A France Britain Germany

Identify the nation where dual citizenship prevails.

India Sri Lanka USA Nepal

Choose the incorrect type of citizenship.

Dual citizenship Multiple citizenships Single Citizenship Non-Resident Citizenship

Identify the year when Black people got equal citizenship rights in South Africa.

1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s

The 1951 Geneva Convention deals with,

Refugee laws

Laws against segregation

Laws against forced labour

Citizenship rights of women

The notion of citizenship rights is associated with,

A. H. Halsey

E. H. Carr

T. H. Huxley

T. H. Huxlem

Martin Luther King Jr. led the movement against,

Segregation Laws

Multiple citizenships

Dual citizenship

Multi-National Companies

The Palestinian refugees are fighting for full citizenship of a state in,

the Middle East

South-East Asia


West America

Citizenship can be acquired by,

Long residence


Government service

All of the above

Identify the nation where dual citizenship prevails.


Sri Lanka



Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Citizenship and Related Civil Rights
Questions: 15
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