Federalism: Characteristics and features

This set of MCQs helps students to learn about various important things such as, what is Federalism, the federal provisions in the Indian Constitution, the issues involved in the relations between the center and the States, the special provisions for certain States having a distinct composition and historical features.

Start Quiz

Which Commission was appointed by the central government to examine the issues relating to centre-State relations?

Punchhi Commission Rajmannar Commission Sarkaria Commission None of the above

Which one of the following is not a feature of the Indian federation?

Written Constitution Supremacy of the Constitution Distribution of Powers Dual Citizenship

Which one of the following articles declares India a ‘Union of States’?

Articles 1 Articles 10 Articles 4 Articles 2

Which one of the following articles authorises the Parliament to protect persons in the service of the union or a state in respect of any action taken by them during martial law to maintain or restore order?

Article 167 and 168 Article 24 and 25 Article 33 and 34 Article 155

“The Constitution of India is neither purely federal nor unitary but it is a combination of both. It is a composite state of a novel type.” The quote is given by

Hamilton D.D.Basu Herbert Samuel C.F.Strong

According to the Constitution, India is a

Federal state Unitary state Union of states Quasi-federal state

The union territory that was given a special status in the year 1991 was,




West Bengal

Which one of the following is not a feature of the Indian federation?

Written Constitution

Supremacy of the Constitution

Distribution of Powers

Dual Citizenship

The State Reorganisation Commission recommended the creation of,

Regional states

Religious states

Ethnic states

Linguistic states

Residuary powers are vested with,




Local Government

The geomorphic agents are capable of,



Both of them

None of them

Gullies deepens, widen, lengthen and unite to form





How many types of weathering takes place?




All of them

The union territory that was given a special status in the year 1991 was,



West Bengal


Appointment of the Governor is dealt with under the article,

Article 167

Article 124

Article 162

Article 155

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Federalism: Characteristics and features
Questions: 15
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