Freedom and its Importance

This set of MCQs helps students to learn about various important things such as understanding the importance of freedom for individuals and societies, explaining the difference between the negative and positive dimensions of freedom, explaining what is meant by the term ‘harm principle’.

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In Buddhist philosophy, freedom is directly related to

Discipline Rights Constitution State

Positive Liberty means:

Liberty to do anything Liberty with restraints Only restraints None of these

In the absence of legal constraints, society would:

Progress Descend into chaos Function on the principles of moral liberty Resolve disputes with the help of spiritual gurus

Who wrote the book Long walk to freedom?

Subhash Chandra Bose Mahatma Gandhi Nelson Mandela Abrahim Lincoln.

For what negative aspect of freedom stands?

Presence of constraints Absence of restraints Not concerned with restraints None of the above.

To which country J.S. Mill belonged?

Britain France USA Switzerland.

Who wrote Hind Swaraj?

M.K. Gandhi Jawahar Lai Nehru Jai Prakash Narain Baba Amte.

Which is not legitimate source of restrains for freedom?

State Religion Custom Physical force.

Identify the author of Hind Swaraj.

J.L. Nehru Dr. Radha Krishnan Mahatma Gandhi Gokhle

Identify the focus of Modern liberalism.

Family Community Individual Society

Negative Liberty means:

Liberty without restraints Liberty with some restraints Liberty with many restraints Liberty with a few restraints

Liber means:

Free No freedom Limited freedom None of these

Aung San Suu Kyi is a,

Political prisoner

Feminist writer

Human Rights lawyer

Political philosopher

A thinker who does not belong to the negative liberty school of thought is,

Adam Smith

John Locke

Thomas Hobbes

Karl Marx

Constraints on freedom emerge from social inequalities of,

Caste, imperialism, and gender

Caste, gender, and colonialism

Gender, class, and caste

Political bondage, caste, and gender

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Freedom and its Importance
Questions: 15
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