Biomolecules: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic acids, and Proteins.

This is an MCQ-based quiz on Biomolecules.

This includes Biomolecule which refers to any molecule that is produced by living organisms. There are four major classes of Biomolecules – Carbohydrates, Proteins, Nucleic acids, and Lipids.

Start Quiz

Which of the following carbohydrates does not satisfy the formula Cx(H2O)y?

Fructose Glucose Deoxyribose Lactose

Which of the following carbohydrates does not have the formula C12H22O11?

Galactose Sucrose Allolactose Maltose

Which of the following class of compounds is not a part of the large group of carbohydrates?

Polyamino aldehydes Polyhalo aldehydes Polyhydroxy ketones Polyhydroxy carboxylic acids

Which of the following carbohydrates is not a sugar?

Glucose Fructose Lactose Cellulose

The compound with the formula C2(H2O)2 is a ______


Carboxylic acid



The glycosidic linkage involved in linking the glucose units in amylose part of starch is

C1-C4 β-linkage C4-C6 β-linkage C1-C6 α-linkage C1-C4 α-linkage

The a-and p-forms of glucose are

Isomers of D (+) glucose and L (-) glucose respectively

Diastereomers of glucose

Anomers of glucose

Isomers which differ in the configuration of C-2

Carbohydrates are stored in human body as the polysaccharide





Vitamin A is called

Ascorbic acid Retinol Calciferol Tocoferol

The deficiency of vitamin B1 causes which disease?

Beriberi Rickets Anaemia Xerosis

Deficiency of vitamin C causes

Scurvy Rickets Anaemia None of these

An example of non-reducing sugar is

Sucrose Lactose Maltose None

The linkage which holds various amino acid units in primary structure of proteins is

Glycosidic linkage

Hydrogen bond

Peptide linkage

Ionic bond

Which of the following compounds is found abundatly in nature?

Fructose Starch Glucose Cellulose

On oxidation with a mild oxidising agent like Br2/H20, the glucose is oxidized to

Saccharic acid

Glucaric acid

Gluconic acid

Valeric acid

Invert sugar is

A type of cane sugar

Optically inactive form of sugar

Mixture of glucose and galactose

Mixture of glucose and fructose in equimolar quantities

Glycosidic linkage is an

Amide linkage

Ester linkage

Ether linkage

Acetyl linkage

Starch is composed of two polysaccharides which are

Amylopectin and Glycogen

Amylose and Glycogen

Amylose (20%) and Amylopectin (80%)

Cellulose and Glycogen

The general formula of carbohydrates is





What are the hydrolysis products of sucrose?

Fructose + Fructose

Glucose + Glucose

Glucose + Galactose

D-Glucose + D-Fructose

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Biomolecules: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic acids, and Proteins.
Questions: 20
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