Academic Reading Passage-10

This is an MCQ quiz for IELTS, which includes questions on Academic Reading in which multiple choice questions are to be answered based on the given passage.

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How many hours of sleep does a baby require

More than 9 hours 

Less than 12 hours 

More than or equal to 16 hours 

17 hours 

Identify the stages of sleep patterns. 

Rapid eye movement (REM sleep) 

Non-rapid eye movement (NREM sleep) 

Neither A nor B

Both A & B 

What are the medical conditions that may affect the sleeping pattern of older people? 


Sleep apnea

Heart problems 

All of the above

From the passage, what is the common myth about sleep? 

Your brain does shuts down during sleep 

Adults don’t sleep more with age 

Adults and older people can manage with minimal hours of sleep.

All of the above 

How many hours of sleep are required for teenagers and adults? 

9 hours to 12 hours

7 hours to 9 hours 

9 hours to 8 hours

5 hours to 7 hours. 

Which body parameter is being discussed in the passage?





Another common myth about sleep is that the body requires less sleep the older we get. Whilst It is true that babies need 16 hours compared to 9 hours and 8 hours respectively for teenagers and adults, this does not mean that older people need less sleep. However, what is true is that for a number of different factors, they often get less sleep or find their sleep less refreshing. This is because as people age, they spend less time in the deep, restful stages of sleep and are more easily awakened. Older people are also more likely to have medical conditions that affect their sleep, such as insomnia, sleep apnea, and heart problems. Sleep patterns can be broken down into two separate and distinct stages – REM and NREM sleep. 

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Academic Reading Passage-10
Questions: 6
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