How parents can help their children in learning science

Contributed by:
Gurjinder Singh
Young children ask their parents hundreds of questions like these. In search of answers, we use science to both enlighten and delight. Being “scientific” involves being curious, observing, asking how things happen, and learning how to find the answers. Curiosity is natural to children, but they need help understanding how to make sense of what they see and to relate their observations to their existing ideas and understandings. This is why parental involvement is so important in children’s science education. When we encourage children to ask questions, make predictions, offer explanations and, explore in a safe environment, we lend them the kind of support that they need to become successful science students and scientific thinkers.
1. Your Child
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3. Foreword Contents
Why is the sky blue? Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Why do things fall to the ground? The Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
How do seeds grow?
Developing Your Child’s Scientific Understanding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
What makes the sound and music?
Where do mountains come from? Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Science in the Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Young children ask their parents hundreds of questions like these. In search of answers, we use science A Science Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
to both enlighten and delight. Being “scientific” involves being curious, observing, asking how things Breaking the Tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
happen and learning how to find the answers. Curiosity is natural to children, but they need help Bubbles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
understanding how to make sense of what they see and to relate their observations to their existing Bugs! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
ideas and understandings. This is why parental involvement is so important in children’s science Float or Sink? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
education. When we encourage children to ask questions, make predictions, offer explanations and Slime Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Celery Stalks at Midnight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
explore in a safe environment, we lend them the kind of support that they need to become successful
Icky Sticky Stuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
science students and scientific thinkers.
Splish Splash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Hair-Raising Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
As a parent, you don’t have to be a scientist or have a college degree to help your child learn science.
Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
What’s far more important than being able to give a technical explanation of how a telescope works is
Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
your willingness to nurture your child’s natural curiosity by taking the time to observe and learn together. Let ‘Em Make Cake! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Science “happens” all around us every day, and you have endless opportunities to invite your child
Science in the Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Zoos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
into the wonders of science. Without expensive chemistry sets, equipment or kits, a child can be
Museums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
introduced easily to the natural world and encouraged to observe what goes on in that world. When
Planetariums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
you least expect it, a moment for learning will occur: A bit of ice cream drops on the sidewalk and ants
Aquariums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
appear; some cups float and some sink when you’re washing dishes; static electricity makes your hair
Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
stand on end when you put on a sweater. Science at Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 1
Community Science Groups and Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Through the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, President George W. Bush has made clear his commitment to Other Community Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
the goals of raising standards of achievement for all children and of providing all children with highly
Working With Teachers and Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
qualified teachers and with instruction that is based on scientific research. Helping Your Child Learn Science
is part of the president’s efforts to provide parents with the latest research and practical information Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Federal Sources of Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
designed to support children’s learning at home, at school and in the community. It reflects the
Publications for Parents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
importance of inquiry processes and content in science achievement as described in the National Science
Books for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Education Standards, released in 1996 by the National Research Council of the National Academy
Magazines for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
of Sciences.
Science Toys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Science on TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
This booklet includes a range of activities for families with children from preschool age through grade 5.
Science on the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
The activities use materials found in your home and make learning experiences out of everyday routines. Web Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
The activities are designed for you to have fun with your child while developing and reinforcing science Science Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
skills. We hope you and your child will enjoy the activities suggested in this booklet and develop many
more of your own. Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
ii Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science iii
4. Introduction
As a parent, you are preparing your child for a world vastly different from
the one in which you grew up. Our increasingly technological society will
need citizens who have received far more advanced instruction in science
and technology than most of us received when we were in school. Even
children who don’t want to become physicists, chemists, engineers or
computer technicians will need some knowledge of science and technology
just to conduct their everyday lives. Every citizen needs to be scientifically
literate in order to make informed decisions about health, safety and
citizenship. Our children need our help and guidance to prepare for the
world that awaits them.
Scientific knowledge is cumulative: To learn new things, you must build
on what you already know. So, it’s important that your child start learning
early—and at home. A good way for you to begin the learning process is
by sharing your own interest in science. How you view and talk about
science can influence your child’s attitudes toward science—and how she1
Quality education is a cornerstone of America’s approaches learning science. It’s easy to undermine a child’s interest and
future and my administration, and the knowledge-based attitudes by saying things such as, “I was lousy in science, and I’ve done
workplace of the 21st century requires that our students OK,” or “I always hated science when I was in school. It’s boring.” Although
excel at the highest levels in math and science. you can’t make your child like science, you can encourage her to do so,
and you can help her to appreciate its value both in her everyday life and
in preparing for her future.
—President George W. Bush
In everyday interactions with your child, you can do many things—and do
them without lecturing or applying pressure—to help her learn science.
Here are a few ideas:
★ See how long it takes for a dandelion or a rose to burst into full bloom.
★ Watch the moon as it appears to change shape over the course of a
month and record the changes.
★ Look for constellations in the night sky.
★ Bake a cake.
1. Please note: In this booklet, we refer to a child as “she” in some places and “he” in others. We do this to make the booklet easier to read.
Please understand, however, that every point that we make is the same for boys and girls.
iv Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 1
5. ★ Solve the problem of a drooping plant. How to Use This Booklet
★ Figure out how the spin cycle of the washing This booklet makes available to you information that you can use to help
machine gets the water out of the clothes. your child to learn science. It includes:
★ Take apart an old clock or mechanical toy—you ★ Some basic information about science;
don’t need to put it back together!
★ Activities for you and your child to do, both in the home and the
★ Watch icicles melt. community;
★ Observe pigeons, squirrels, butterflies, ants or ★ Practical suggestions for how to work with teachers and schools to
spider webs. help your child succeed in science; and
★ Go for a walk and talk about how the dogs (or birds or cats) that you ★ A list of science-related resources, including federal sources of
see are alike and different. information, publications for parents, science-related children’s
★ Discover what materials the buildings in your community are made magazines and books, and information about science camps.
of. Wood? Concrete? Adobe? Brick? Granite? Sandstone? Steel?
Glass? Talk about the reasons for using these materials.
Learning to observe carefully is an important step leading to scientific
explanations. Experiencing the world with your child and exchanging
information with him about what you see are important, too.
Finally, encourage your child to ask questions. If you can’t answer all of her
questions, that’s all right— no one has all the answers, not even scientists.
For example, point out that there’s no known cure for a cold, but that we
do know how diseases are passed from person to person—through germs.
Some of the best answers you can give are, “What do you think?” and “Let’s
find out together.” Together, you and your child can propose possible
answers, test them out and check them by using reference books, the
Internet, or by asking someone who is likely to know the correct answers.
2 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 3
6. The Basics
What Is Science? Even older children can come up with unique “scientific” explanations, as
in the following examples provided by middle-school students:
Science is not just a collection of facts. Of course, facts are an important
part of science: Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (or 0 degrees
“Fossils are bones that animals are through wearing.”
Celsius), and the earth moves around the sun. But science is much, much
more. Science involves:
“Some people can tell what time it is by looking at the sun, but I’ve never been able
★ Observing what’s happening; to make out the numbers.”
★ Classifying or organizing information;
★ Predicting what will happen; “Gravity is stronger on the earth than on the moon because here on earth we have
a bigger mess.”
★ Testing predictions under controlled
conditions to see if they are correct; and
“A blizzard is when it snows sideways.”
★ Drawing conclusions.
Asking Questions
Science involves trial and error—trying, failing As mentioned earlier, it’s important to encourage your child to ask
and trying again. Science doesn’t provide all the answers. It requires us to questions. It’s also important to ask your child questions that will get him
be skeptical so that our scientific “conclusions” can be modified or talking about his ideas and to listen carefully to his answers. Keep in mind
changed altogether as we make new discoveries. that children’s experiences help them form their ideas—ideas that may, or
may not, match current scientific interpretations. Help your child to look
Children Have Their Own “Scientific Concepts” at things in new ways. For instance, in regard to the blizzard, you could
Very young children can come up with many interesting explanations to ask, “Have you ever seen it snow sideways?” or “What do you think
make sense of the world around them. When asked about the shape of causes it to snow sideways sometimes?”
the earth, for example, some will explain that the earth has to be flat
because, if it were round like a ball, people and things would fall off it. Such conversation can be an important form of inquiry or learning.
Presented with a globe and told that this is the true shape of the earth, Encourage your child by letting him know that it’s OK to make mistakes
these children may adapt their explanation by saying that the earth is or admit he doesn’t know something. Rather than saying, “No, that’s
hollow and that people live on flat ground inside it. wrong,” when he gives an incorrect explanation, give him accurate
information or help him to find it. Going back to the blizzard, you could
ask your child, “How could you check your definition?” “How does the
dictionary’s definition of “blizzard” fit with what you said about snow
moving sideways?”
4 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 5
7. Knowing that you are willing to listen will help your child to gain
confidence in his own thinking and encourage his interest in science. And Fortunately, children whose interests vary greatly can find plenty of
listening to what he says will help him to figure out what he knows and science activities that are fun. If your son loves to cook, let him observe
how he knows it. how tea changes color when lemon is added or how vinegar curdles milk.
Hands-On Works Well Knowing your child is the best way to find suitable activities for him. Here
Investigating and experimenting are great ways for children are some tips:
to learn science and increase their understanding of ★ Encourage activities that are neither
scientific ideas. Hands-on science can also help children too hard nor too easy for your child.
think critically and gain confidence in their own If in doubt, err on the easy side,
ability to solve problems. Young children especially because something too difficult may
are engaged by things they can touch, manipulate give him the idea that science itself
and change; and by situations that allow them to figure is too hard. Adults often assume
out what happens—in short, events and puzzles that they that children need spectacular
can investigate, which is at the very heart of scientific demonstrations to learn science, but
study. While hands-on science works well, it can also be messy and time- this isn’t true.
consuming. So, before you get started, see what is involved in an ★ Consider your child’s personality and social habits. Some projects are
activity—including how long it will take. best done alone, others in a group; some require help, others require
little or no adult supervision. Solitary activities may bore some
Less Is More children, while group projects may not appeal to others.
It’s tempting to try to teach children just a little about many different ★ Select activities that are appropriate for where you live. Clearly, a
subjects. Although children can’t possibly learn everything about science, brightly lighted city isn’t the best place for stargazing.
they do need and will want to learn many facts. The best way to help ★ Allow your child to help select the activities. If you don’t know
them learn to think scientifically is to introduce them to just a few topics whether she would rather collect shells or plant daffodils, ask her.
in depth. When she picks something she wants to do, she’ll learn more and
have a better time doing it.
Finding the Right Activity for Your Child
Different children have different interests and will respond differently to
science activities. A sand and rock collection that was a big hit with an
8-year-old daughter may not be a big hit with a 6-year-old son.
6 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 7
8. Developing Your Child’s Scientific Understanding
Unifying Concepts and Processes 2. Evidence, Models and Explanations
Children can be introduced gradually to basic scientific concepts that will Scientists test the explanations they come up with, and the results of their
provide a framework for understanding and connecting many scientific tests are evidence on which to base their explanations. Sometimes they
facts and observations. In this booklet, we will focus on five concepts and call their explanations “theories” or “models” or “hypotheses”. Children
processes taken from the National Science Education Standards, released in can test their theories about the world too: Is it the baking soda that
1996 by the National Resource Council of the National Academy of makes my pancakes thick? Can I make thicker pancakes with more soda?
Sciences.2 You can easily introduce your child to the following five concepts
through the activities in this booklet and many other simple science-related 3. Change, Constancy and Measurement
activities that you and your child can do at home or in the community. The natural world changes continually. Some objects
change rapidly and some at a rate too slow for us to
1. Systems, Order and Organization observe. You can encourage your child to look for
The natural world is so large and complicated that scientists changes by asking him to observe and talk about:
break it down into smaller parts in order to study it in ★ What happens to breakfast cereal when we
depth. These smaller units are called systems. Scientists pour milk on it?
look for patterns through which they can classify—or ★ What happens over time when a
organize—things into systems. For instance, animals plant isn’t watered or exposed to
that have fur or hair are classified as mammals. proper sunlight?
When you encourage your child to gather and
★ What changes can be reversed? Once water is turned into ice cubes,
organize objects according to their size or color—for
can it be turned back into water? Yes. But if an apple is cut into
example, leaves or insects—you are helping prepare
slices, can the slices be changed back into the whole apple?
her to think in terms of systems. Furthermore, scientists
believe that nature is understandable and predictable—that there is an
order to it. For instance, low barometric pressure is often followed by Children can observe change more carefully through measurement. Keeping
storms. Challenging your child to make reasonable predictions such as this a growth chart or making a graph of the temperature each day will give
will further prepare her to look at the world in a scientific way. your child practice looking for differences and measuring them—and help
him to understand how he’ll need to use math skills in learning science.
4. Evolution and Equilibrium
It’s hard for children to understand evolution (how things change over
time) and equilibrium (how things attain a steady and balanced state of
being). During these early years, you can, however, talk about how things
2. The standards outline what students need to know, understand and be able to do in order to be scientifically literate at
different grade levels. For more information, visit this Web site:
8 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 9
9. Activities
change over time and point them out to your child. For instance, show Children learn by doing, by trying new ideas and challenging old ones.
your child a series of photos of himself from birth to the present and talk This doesn’t just happen in school. You can help your child learn by
about the many ways he’s changed. And, you can talk about balance and providing him with safe, interesting learning experiences in a
the work it often takes to achieve it: Learning to ride a bicycle or walk supportive atmosphere.
with a book on his head are good examples.
The activities that follow are designed for you to use with your child at
5. Form and Function home and in the community. The activities are intended to show your
One of the simplest themes in science is all around: The child that science plays a part in many everyday activities and that it is
shape of a natural thing is almost always related to its used in many places and environments. They also show that learning
function. Begin with man-made objects. Can your child science doesn’t require expensive equipment and complicated experiments.
guess the use of a thimble, a corkscrew, a phonograph
record? When you are looking at animals, ask him questions For each activity, you’ll see a grade span—from preschool through
such as: “What might those plates do on the stegosauros’s grade 5—that suggests when children should be ready to try it. Of course,
back?” “What sort of habitat would a web-footed platypus children don’t always learn—or become interested in—the same things at
like?” His best guess will almost always be correct. the same time. And they don’t suddenly stop enjoying one thing and start
enjoying another just because they are a little older. You’re the best judge
Scientific Integrity of which activity your child is ready to try. For example, you may find
that an activity listed for children in grades 1 or 2 works well with your
Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov describes science as a “way of
preschooler. On the other hand, you might discover that the same activity
thinking.” 3 It is a way to look at the world that involves special principles
may not interest your child until he is in grade 3 or 4. Feel free to make
of conduct, and the early years of elementary school are a good time to
changes in an activity—shorten or lengthen it—to suit your child’s
start teaching children scientific ethics. We should help them understand
interests and attention span.
how important it is to:
★ Observe carefully; Safety First
★ Record accurately; Read through each activity before you try it with your
★ Try to look for patterns in an objective, unbiased way; child. In particular, look for this sign: It highlights
★ Share their observations (or results) honestly and in a way that any activity that requires adult supervision, such as those
allows others to test what they’ve said; that involve heat, chemicals or sharp instruments.
★ Realize that they might make mistakes;
★ Respect curiosity; and
★ Stay open to criticism and change.
3. Asimov, 5
10 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 11
10. Also make sure that your child understands any safety precautions that If your child cannot write yet, she can tell you what to write for her or
may be necessary for these—or any—science activities. In particular, draw pictures of what she sees. In addition, you may want to use a simple
you should: camera to help record observations.
★ Teach your child not to taste anything without your supervision;
As a parent, you can help your child want to learn in a way no one else
★ Insist that he wear goggles whenever something could splash, burn,
can. That desire to learn is a key to your child’s success. And, of course,
or shatter and endanger his eyes;
enjoyment is an important motivator for learning. As you choose activities
★ Teach him to follow warnings on manufacturers’ labels and to use with your child, remember that helping him to learn doesn’t mean
instructions for toys and science kits; that you can’t laugh or that you have to be serious. In fact, you can teach
★ Keep toxic or other dangerous substances out of the reach of your child a lot through play. We hope that you and your child enjoy
your child; these activities and that they inspire you to think of additional activities
★ Teach him what he can do to avoid accidents; and of your own.
★ Teach him what to do if an accident occurs.
Science in the Home
In a box near the end of each activity are a few facts and explanations for Your home is a great place for you to begin to explore science with your
reinforcement and further teaching. But exploring, questioning and child. Incorporating science activities and language into familiar routines
having a good time are more important than memorizing facts. will show your child how science works in his everyday life and provide
him with a safe environment in which to explore and experiment.
Recording Results
Keeping records is an important part of science. It helps A Science Walk
us remember what did (and didn’t) work. Before Preschool–Kindergarten
starting the activities, give your child a notebook— Even a walk around the yard can provide many opportunities to introduce
a science journal—in which she can record her children to scientific concepts and processes by helping them to gain the
observations. Remember that seeing isn’t the only scientific habit of observing what’s around them.
way to observe. Sometimes we use other senses:
We hear, feel, smell or taste some things (of course, What You Need
your child should be careful about what she tastes— ★ A magnifying glass
and she shouldn’t taste anything without your permission).
★ Science journal
12 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 13
11. What to Do ★ Give your child two different kinds of rocks or flowers and ask her to
★ Take a walk outside with your child—around the yard, to the end tell you how they are alike and different.
of the block, in the park—anywhere that’s convenient. Invite her to ★ Make sure she records her observations, reactions, findings and
bring along her science journal and show her how to use a magnifying opinions in her science journal. Drawing pictures and taking photos
glass. As you walk, stop and—depending on the season—ask her to are good ways to record observations, and you can help her to write
use the lens to examine things such as the following: appropriate captions. Encourage her to share her journal with others
—dirt and to talk about her experiences.
—leaves (from the same tree, one on the
ground and one on the tree)
—a flower Observing closely is an important part of science,
—snowflakes and tools such as a magnifying glass help
—icicles scientists—even young ones—to observe, measure
—a mud puddle
and do things that they otherwise could not do.
—a rock
★ Ask her to talk about what she observes.
Ask, for example:
—What’s on each side of this leaf? Breaking the Tension
—How is this leaf on the ground different from the one on the tree? Preschool–Kindergarten
—Are all the petals on this flower the same size and color? These simple activities demonstrate surface tension.
—Are these snowflakes exactly alike? How are they different?
—How many legs does this bug have? What You Need
—How many colors can you see in this mud puddle? ★ Index card
★ Other questions you might ask as she observes and examines things ★ Safety scissors
along the way include the following: ★ Sink filled with water
—Is it smooth or rough? ★ Glass half filled with water
—Is it hard or soft? ★ Liquid dishwashing detergent
—Is it dry or wet? ★ Ground pepper
—Is it alive? How do you know? ★ Toothpicks
—What shape is it?
14 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 15
12. What to Do What You Need
★ From an index card, cut out a boat shape, ★ 8 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid
like the one on this page. Make the boat about ★ 1 quart water
2-1/2 inches long and 1-1/2 inches wide. Have your child place the ★ 1 drinking straw
boat gently on the water in the sink. Have him pour a little detergent ★ A shallow pan
at the notch end of the boat. Ask him to describe what happens.
(Note: To repeat this experiment, you’ll need to use fresh water to
What to Do
make the boat move.)
★ Mix the dishwashing liquid with the water and pour it into the pan.
Give your child a straw and tell him to blow through it as he moves
★ Next, sprinkle a little ground pepper on the water in the glass. Give it slowly across the surface of the solution. Ask him to notice the size
your child a toothpick and tell him to dip it in the middle of the pepper. of the bubbles that he makes.
Ask him what happens. Then tell him to put a drop of the detergent
★ Next, have your child try to make a very big bubble that covers the
on another toothpick and dip it into the pepper. Now what happens?
surface of the pan. Have him do the following:
—Dip one end of the straw into the solution. Then hold the straw
Surface tension results when the hydrogen in water molecules slightly above the surface. Blow into it very gently. He may have
stick to one another as well as to the water below them. This to try several times to make a really big bubble.
creates a strong but flexible film on the water’s surface. The —When he’s made a bubble, have him touch it gently with a wet
finger to see what happens.
detergent disrupts the molecules and “breaks the tension,” making
—Have him make another big bubble, then touch it with a dry
the boat go forward and the pepper move to the sides of the glass.
finger. What happens?
★ Ask him to look closely at the bubbles he makes. How many colors
does he see? Do the colors change?
Children can learn more about surface tension and about change just by
blowing bubbles! Bubbles are bits of air or gas trapped inside a liquid ball. The
surface of a bubble is very thin. Bubbles are particularly fragile
when a dry object touches them. That’s because soap film
tends to stick to the object, which puts a strain on the bubble.
16 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 17
13. Bugs! ★ Find out about spiders:
Kindergarten–Grade 1 —Why do spiders spin webs?
Children can improve their understanding of the natural —What are webs made of?
world and their classification skills by observing bugs. —How many pairs of legs do they have?
★ Help your child to think of other ways that she might classify the bugs—
What You Need for example, by color or by size or by whether they have wings or
★ Books about insects and spiders—preferably with photographs (for titles, antennae.
see the list of children’s books in the Resources section at the end of this
★ A magnifying glass Bugs do what they do to survive. They’re constantly looking for food.
Bugs can be both helpful and harmful. Termites, for example, have a
What to Do
bad reputation because they destroy houses by eating the wood. But
★ With your child, search your home and neighborhood for bugs.
Look for bugs: termites have a good side, too. In a forest, they break down dead trees,
—around your front door
which keeps the forest floor from becoming too cluttered.
—in cracks in the sidewalk
—in gardens
—at picnic areas
—on lights Float or Sink?
— in corners of rooms Kindergarten–Grade 1
Learning to make and test predictions is a good first step toward making
★ Using the guides, help your child to identify each type of bug that you
and testing hypotheses.
find, such as ants, spiders, beetles, crickets, bees, flies, butterflies,
mosquitoes, moths, wasps or ladybugs.
What You Need
★ If you find ants, point out that ants work together as a community.
★ 1 block of solid wood
Have her observe, for example, what an ant does when it finds a bit
★ 1 plastic bottle cap
of food. Explain that when an ant finds food, it doesn’t eat it on the
★ 2 pieces of heavy-duty aluminum foil
spot. It runs back to the hill to “tell” the other ants. As it runs, it
leaves a trail that the other ants can smell. These ants can then find ★ 1 piece of modeling clay
the food by smelling their way along the trail. ★ Sink filled with water
18 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 19
14. What to Do Slime Time
★ Tell your child to hold the wood block in one hand and the plastic Grades 1–2
cap in the other hand. Ask him to answer the following questions:
When one object moves against another, the result is friction.
—Which one feels heavier?
—Do you think the wooden block will float or sink? What You Need
—Will the plastic cap float or sink? ★ Mixing bowl
★ 4 envelopes of unflavored gelatin
Have your child test his predictions by carefully placing the block of
★ Hot water
wood and the cap on the water. What happens? Next, have him put
★ Square baking pan
both under the water. What happens now?
★ Vegetable oil
★ Give him a piece of aluminum foil and tell him to squeeze it tightly into ★ Liquid dishwashing detergent
a solid ball then drop it in the water. Does it float or sink? Give him ★ 2 small bowls
another piece of foil. Help him to shape it into a little boat, then have ★ Stopwatch or a watch with a second hand
him carefully place it on top of the water. Does the foil float now? ★ Measuring cup
★ Help him to try the same experiment with the clay. Have him make Don’t let your child eat the gelatin cubes after they’ve been handled or
a ball and drop it in the water. What happens? Then have him shape after they’re covered with lubricant.
the clay into a boat and put it on the water. Does it float now?
What to Do
★ In a mixing bowl, dissolve the gelatin in two cups of hot tap water.
Coat the inside of the pan with vegetable oil. Pour the gelatin
The clay and foil balls sink because they are squeezed into small mixture into the pan and put it in the refrigerator until firm. Cut the
shapes and only a small amount of water is trying to hold up the gelatin into cubes about 1 inch x 1 inch. You should have about 64
weight. When the clay or foil is spread out, it floats because the cubes. Place 15 cubes into one bowl. Place the second bowl about 6
inches (about 15 centimeters) away from the cube bowl.
weight is supported by a lot more water.
20 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 21
15. Place the watch so that your child can see it. Tell her that when you Celery Stalks at Midnight
say go, you want her to start picking up the gelatin cubes one at a Grades 1–2
time with her thumb and index finger (caution her not to squeeze
Capillary action is the name for the process that takes place when a paper
them!). Tell her to see how many cubes she can transfer to the other
towel soaks up a spilled liquid or when a plant transfers water from its
bowl in 15 seconds.
roots to its leaves.
Tell your child to put all the cubes back in the first bowl. Pour 1/4 What You Need
cup dishwashing liquid over the cubes. Gently mix the detergent and
★ 4 same-size stalks of fresh celery with leaves
the cubes so that the cubes are well-coated. Have her use the same
★ 4 cups of the same size
method as before to transfer as many cubes as possible in 15 seconds.
★ Knife
★ Throw away the cubes and detergent and wash and dry both bowls. ★ Vegetable peeler
Put 15 new cubes into one bowl and pour 1/4 cup water over the ★ Red and blue food coloring
cubes, again making sure the cubes are thoroughly coated. Tell your ★ Measuring cup
child to see how many cubes she can transfer in 15 seconds. ★ Paper towels
★ Again, throw away the cubes and water. Put 15 new cubes into one ★ Ruler
bowl. Pour 1/4 cup of vegetable oil over the cubes. Make sure they
★ Old newspapers
are well coated. Have her see how many cubes she can transfer in
★ Water
15 seconds.
★ Ask your child to answer the following questions:
What to Do
—With which liquid was she able to transfer the most cubes? ★ Lay the four stalks of celery
—With which liquid was she able to transfer the fewest cubes? in a row on a cutting board or counter so that the place where the
—Which liquid was the best lubricant (the slipperiest)? Which was stalks and the leaves meet matches. Cut all four stalks of celery 4
the worst? inches (about 10 centimeters) below where the stalks and
leaves meet.
★ Use 10 drops of red and 10 drops of blue food coloring for each
1/2 cup of water to make purple water. Pour the colored water in
Cars, trucks, airplanes and machines all have parts that rub against equal parts into the four cups. Have your child put one stalk each in
one another. These parts would heat up, wear down and stop the cups of purple water.
working if we didn’t have lubricants. Lubricants reduce the amount
of friction between two surfaces that move against each other.
22 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 23
16. ★ Label four sheets of paper towels: “2 hours,” “4 hours,” “6 hours,” Icky Sticky Stuff
and “8 hours.” (You may want to put newspapers under the towels.) Grades 2–3
Every two hours, have him remove one of the stalks and put it on Adhesives are used to stick things together. Many adhesives occur in nature
the correct towel. and have important uses for plants and animals.
★ Each time he removes a stalk from the water, help him to carefully
peel the rounded part with a vegetable peeler to see how far up the What You Need
stalk the purple water has traveled. ★ Flour
★ Help your child to measure the distance the purple water has ★ Measuring cup
traveled for each stalk and record the information in his science ★ Egg white
journal. Talk with him about what he has observed. ★ Food coloring
★ Work with your child to make a list of other objects around the house ★ 4 small bowls
or in nature that illustrate capillary action. Have him look for paper ★ 4 plastic spoons
towels, sponges, old sweat socks, brown paper bags and flowers. ★ Aluminum foil
★ Cotton balls
★ Toothpicks
★ Small pieces of cloth
Capillary action happens when water molecules are more ★ Glitter
attracted to the surface they travel along than to each other. In ★ Safety scissors
★ Colored yarn or ribbon
paper towels, the molecules move along tiny fibers. In plants, they
★ Colored paper
move through narrow tubes that are actually called capillaries.
Plants couldn’t survive without capillaries because they use the What to Do
water to make their food. ★ Help your child to make a poster or collage using adhesives by
doing the following:
—Make three bowls of flour-and-water paste. In each bowl, add
1/4 cup water to 1/2 cup flour and mix until smooth. Add a
different-colored food coloring to each of the three bowls and mix.
Use the pastes to make colored shapes on a poster board
or heavy paper.
24 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 25
17. —Crack open an egg and separate the white into a bowl. Splish Splash
Use the white as a clear glue to attach aluminum foil, Grades 2–3
cotton balls, toothpicks, cloth, glitter, ribbon, yarn and
This activity introduces children to the scientific concepts of volume and
colored paper—whatever works to create a collage. measurement.
★ Help your child to search your home to track down everything that
she can that is sticky. See how many of the following she can find: What You Need
—Tape ★ Measuring spoons and cups of different sizes
—Peanut butter ★ Milk containers of different sizes—e.g., pint, quart, half-gallon and
—Postage stamps gallon (or 1/2 liter, 1 liter, 2 liter and 4 liter)
—Envelopes ★ Funnel
—Honey ★ 2 containers that hold the same
—A decal on a t-shirt amount but have different shapes—
—Spackle e.g., one tall and thin, one short and
—An adhesive bandage squat (try a 1-quart pitcher and the
★ Ask your child to make a list of things in nature—animals, plants same-sized storage bowl)
and so forth—that have adhesive properties or are sticky. ★ 1 sink filled with water
For example:
—Spiders that use sticky threads to create webs to catch their food What to Do
—Tree sap ★ Have your child fill a quart-sized
—Barnacles that stick to boats, ships and rocks container with water. Then help him to use the funnel to pour the
★ Next, ask her to think of adhesives that are used in hospitals? in water into a gallon-sized container. Ask him to observe how many
offices? in auto repair shops? small containers it takes to fill the larger one.
★ Continue by having him use the different measuring devices to
answer question such as the following:
What makes glue, paste or tape stick to things? Wood, paper and —How many tablespoons does it take to make half a cup?
many other materials have tiny cracks and holes in them. When we —How many cups does it take to make a quart?
glue things together, sometimes the glue seeps into the tiny openings —How many pints make a gallon?
and hardens, making the materials stick together. Other times, the
molecules on the surface of an object get tangled up with the glue
molecules, making the objects stick together.
26 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 27
18. ★ Set the short squat container next to the tall thin one. Ask your child What to Do
to predict whether one container will hold more water than the ★ Have your child tie a string to each inflated balloon. Then tell her to
other. Let him fill the short squat container with a given amount of rub a balloon on her hair for about 15 seconds—help her to rub
water—for example, four cups if you’re using quart containers. Then around the whole balloon. Have her take the balloon
have him pour this water into the tall thin container. Was his away and see what happens to her hair! Then have
prediction correct? Ask him why he thinks both containers held the her observe what happens when she brings the
same amount. balloon back close to her hair.
★ Next, stand a few feet away from and facing your
child. Have her rub the balloon on her hair again
Water and other liquids take the shape of whatever container as you do the same with the other balloon. Tell her
they’re in. Containers of certain sizes have names—cup, pint, quart, to hold the string to her balloon, letting it hang
freely but without letting it touch anything. (You
liter or gallon, for example. This activity provides an introduction
do the same with your balloon.) Slowly move the
to volume and measurement. two balloons toward each other, but don’t let them
touch. Have your child tell you what’s happening: Do
the balloons push away from each other, or do they pull toward each
other? Have her place her hand between the two hanging balloons.
Hair-Raising Results What happens?
Grades 3 and up ★ Give your child a sock to place over one hand. Tell her to rub her
Here are some great hands-on ways to learn about static electricity. balloon with the sock, then let the balloon hang freely. Have her
move her sock-covered hand near the balloon. What happens? Have
What You Need her try rubbing both balloons with the sock and then letting them
hang near each other. What happens now?
★ A cool dry day
★ 2 round balloons (inflated and tied)
★ 2 20-inch pieces of string
All materials contain millions of tiny particles, called protons and electrons,
★ Wool or acrylic sock
that have electric charges. Protons have positive charges, and electrons negative
★ Mirror
ones. Usually, they balance each other, but sometimes when two surfaces rub
together, some of the electrons rub off one surface onto the other, and we can
have static electricity. Materials with like charges (all positive or all negative)
move away from each other; those with opposite charges attract each other.
28 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 29
19. Plants ★ Next, have your child observe what happens when a plant (or part of
Grades 3 and up a plant) doesn’t get any light. Help him to do the following:
A few seeds and household plants can teach children about cause and effect —Cut out three pieces of paper, each about 2 inches x 2 inches in size.
and change. —Clip the pieces to different leaves of a plant, preferably one that
has large leaves.
What You Need —Leave one piece of paper on a leaf for one day, a second for two
★ Household plants days and a third for a week.
★ Plant fertilizer Ask your child to record how long it takes for the plant to react and
★ Paper how long it takes for the plant to return to normal once the paper
★ Safety scissors
is removed.
★ A magnifying glass ★ To show your child how seeds germinate, have him divide some
★ Seeds
seeds of the same kind into four equal batches. Tell him to spread
each batch of seeds on a wet paper towel folded into quarters, and
★ Permanent markers: green, red, blue, black
then put each batch into a separate sandwich bag. Give him the
★ Paper towels
markers and tell him to color one bag red, one green, one yellow
★ Water and one black. Have him put the bags in the sun for a week. Tell him
★ Sandwich bags (without zip locks) to check each day to make sure the paper towels are still wet.
After a week, have him examine the bags. Ask him which color light
What to Do was the best for seed germination.
★ With your child, take two clippings from one houseplant. Have him Ask your child to explore what other things can make seeds
put one clipping in a glass of water and the other clipping in a glass germinate faster. Have him, for example, put a little soapy water on
without water. Tell him to check each day to observe and record one batch of seeds and clear water on another.
how long the one without water can survive.
★ Have your child water all of the plants for several weeks. In addition,
have him choose one or two of the plants to fertilize during this Photosynthesis means to “put together using light.” Plants use
time. Have him label the plants to be fertilized. Tell him to record the
sunlight to turn carbon dioxide from the air and water into food.
following in his science journal:
When the plant gets enough food, it produces a simple sugar,
—Did any of the plants start to droop?
—Did any of the plants have yellow leaves that fell off? which it uses immediately or stores in a converted form of starch.
—Did any of the plants grow toward the light? We don’t know exactly how this happens. But we do know that
chlorophyll, the green substance in plants, helps it to occur.
30 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 31
20. Crystals ★ Snowflakes are made of ice crystals.
Grades 4 and 5 They’re beautiful, but hard to see clearly.
Making paper snowflakes will give your
A crystal is a special kind of solid. Growing crystals introduces children to
child an idea of what snowflakes look like.
change and variation.
Have her:
What You Need —Take a circle of paper (use thin paper)
and fold it in half.
★ A magnifying glass
—Fan-fold it.
★ Table salt
—Make cuts along all the edges.
★ Epsom salt
—Unfold them.
★ Honey container
★ Measuring cups and spoons
★ Paper cut into circles
★ Safety scissors
When certain liquids and gases cool and lose water, crystals are
★ Pencil
formed. Crystals are made up of molecules that fit neatly together in
an orderly package. All crystals of the same material have the same
What to Do shape, regardless of their size.
★ Help your child to use a magnifying glass to look for crystals. Inspect
the table salt, Epsom salt and honey container (particularly if it has
been open for awhile). Ask your child to draw pictures in her
journal of what she observes. Do all of the crystals look the same? If Let ‘Em Make Cake!
not, how are they different?
All ages
★ Have your child try dissolving salt crystals and forming new ones.
Making cakes is an enjoyable way to help children of all ages learn about
Help her to do the following:
chemical reactions and change.
—Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of water.
—Heat the mixture over low heat to evaporate the water. What You Need
★ 3 small bowls
What’s left? What shape are these crystals? ★ Several sheets of aluminum foil
★ Pie pan
★ Cooking oil
32 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 33
21. ★ Measuring spoons ★ Help your child to make three more cakes, but tell him to do the
★ Ingredients for one cake: (You’ll need to measure and mix this set of following:
ingredients four times—with the —Leave the oil out of one.
exceptions that are given below.) —Leave the egg out of another.
—6 tablespoons flour —Leave the baking powder out of the third.
—3 tablespoons sugar ★ After baking, have him cut each cake in half and look inside.
—1 pinch of salt
—Do the cakes look different from each other?
—2 or 3 pinches of baking powder
—Do they taste different from each other?
—2 tablespoons milk
★ Tell your child to write about, or draw pictures of, what he observes.
—2 tablespoons cooking oil
—1/4 teaspoon vanilla
—Part of an egg (Break egg into a cup; beat until mixed. Use 1/3 of it.
Save the rest for 2 of the other cakes.)
Here are some chemical reactions that occur as a cake bakes:
What to Do
—Heat helps baking powder produce tiny bubbles of gas, which
★ With your child do the following:
makes the cake light and fluffy (leavening).
—Wrap several sheets of aluminum foil around the outside of a
small bowl to form a mold.
—Heat causes protein from the egg to change and make the
—Remove your foil “pan” and put it in a pie pan for support. cake firm.
—Oil the “inside” of the foil pan with cooking oil so the cake —Oil keeps the heat from drying out the cake.
doesn’t stick.
—Turn the oven on to 350 degrees.
—Mix all of the dry ingredients together.
—Add the wet ones (only use 1/3 of the egg; save the rest for later use).
—Stir the ingredients until smooth and all the same color.
—Pour batter into the “pan.”
—Bake for 15 minutes.
34 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 35
22. Science in the Community Zoos
Our communities offer many opportunities and resources to help children Zoos are great places for you to encourage your child’s interest in the
learn science, including natural world and to introduce him to exotic animals that he might not
otherwise ever see. Here are a few suggestions to
★ Zoos;
help make your visit to a zoo worthwhile:
★ Museums;
★ Planetariums;
Discuss expectations with your child.
★ Aquariums; What does he think he’ll find at the zoo? A
★ Farms; very young or insecure child may go to the
★ Science at Work; zoo with a more positive attitude if you
★ Community Science Groups and
assure him that it has food stands, water
Organizations; and fountains and bathrooms.
★ Other Community Resources.
Don’t try to see everything in one visit. Zoos are such busy
places that they can overwhelm children, particularly preschoolers
To find out more about resources in your community: Check your and kindergarteners.
local newspaper, a local guidebook or your telephone directory. Or, go
online and search the Internet. (The Resources section has more Try to visit zoos at off hours or times of the year (very early on a
information about science-related Web sites for children.) Other good Saturday morning, for example, or in winter). Choosing less crowded
sources of information and ideas might be your child’s teacher, the school times to visit will allow your child unobstructed views of the animals, as
librarian or the children’s librarian at your local public library. Before you well as a more leisurely tour of the exhibits.
pay a visit to a museum, planetarium, or the like, be sure to check the
hours it’s open and what cost—if any—is involved. Note that some places Look for special programs that are set up just for children,
may charge entrance fees at certain times and grant free admission at such as petting zoos, exploring local habitats and getting involved with
other times. conservation projects. Such programs provide children with hands-on
opportunities that are otherwise prohibited by most zoos and allow
families to learn about wildlife by getting involved in conservation efforts
and exploring local habitats together.
36 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 37
23. As you tour the zoo, keep your child interested and focused. After the visit, have your child do follow-up activities and projects.
Try the following activities: A child who particularly liked the flamingos and ducks may enjoy building
a birdhouse for the back yard. One who liked the mud turtle may enjoy
★ Play a guessing game. Guessing games can help your child understand using a margarine tub as a base for making a papier-mâché turtle.
form and function. You might, for example, ask questions such as the
following: Museums
—Why do you think seals have flippers? (Seals use flippers to swim through In museums, both you and your child can have fun and learn science
the water.) together. Science and technology museums, natural history museums and
—Why do you think these gibbons have such long, strong arms? (Their children’s museums can be found in many middle-sized and smaller
arms help them swing through the trees.) communities, as well as in large cities.
—Why does that armadillo have a head that looks like it’s covered with
Museums vary in quality. If possible, try to find museums that have
armor? Why is its body covered with those bony plates? (The armor
special areas, exhibits and “hands-on” programs just for children. In these
and the bony plates protect it from other animals that want to eat or kill it.)
programs, children are often able to use scientific equipment that is far too
—Why is that snake the same brown color as the ground? (As snakes expensive or specialized for their
evolved, the brown ones didn’t get eaten as quickly.) schools to own. Look for museums
that have:
★ Match the animals. Children can learn about organization by seeing
related animals. Have them compare the sizes, leg shapes, feet, ears, ★ Levers to pull;
claws, feathers or scales of various creatures. Ask them, “Does the lion ★ Lights to switch on;
look like a regular cat?” “How are they the same?” “Does the gorilla
look like the baboon?” (Caution: Take time to read any signs that ★ Buttons to push;
provide descriptions and classifications of animals and use this ★ Animals to stroke; and
information in your discussions. Dolphins, for example, are not fish; ★ Experiments to do.
they’re mammals. Asking children to compare a dolphin to a shark
might reinforce children’s wrong ideas.)
Many museums offer special science classes. Look for IMAX theaters.
These enable visitors to see giant-screen movies on subjects ranging from
As your child gets older, he will understand more complex answers to
space launches to exploring the Antarctic.
these questions.
Many of the tips for visiting the zoo are also helpful when you visit
museums. For example, don’t try to cover too much on one visit, and do
try visiting at off hours when the crowds won’t seem overwhelming.
38 Helping Your Child Learn Science Helping Your Child Learn Science 39