One Quantity as a Percentage of Another

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This PDF includes the following topics:-
Ratio Table
Percentage Score
Maths Test
1. Writing one quantity as a percentage of another Master
Use a ratio table to help you to answer the following questions:
1) Alex got 32 out of 80 on a Maths test. What was his percentage score?
32 Answer:
2) Julia got 48 out of 80 on the same test. What was her percentage score?
48 Answer:
3) Alex got 48 out of 60 on a Science test. What was his percentage score?
48 Answer:
4) Which test did Alex do better in? Explain your answer.
5) During football training, Tom scored 3 goals in 5 shots and Sam scored 12 goals
in 15 shots. Convert their scores to percentages and decide who should take the
penalty shots in their upcoming match.
Image source:
Illustrated by Angie and Upesh, Book Copyright: Pratham Books.
© NorledgeMaths
2. Writing one quantity as a percentage of another Master
Use a ratio table to help you to answer the following questions:
1) Alex got 32 out of 80 on a Maths test. What was his percentage score?
32 16 8 40 Answer:
80 40 20 100 40%
2) Julia got 48 out of 80 on the same test. What was her percentage score?
48 24 12 60 Answer:
80 40 20 100 60%
3) Alex got 48 out of 60 on a Science test. What was his percentage score?
48 24 8 80 Answer:
60 30 10 100
4) Which test did Alex do better in? Explain your answer.
Alex scored 40% on the Maths test and 80% on the Science
test, so he did much better on the Science test. Answer:
5) During football training, Tom scored 3 goals in 5 shots and Sam scored 12 goals
in 15 shots. Convert their scores to percentages and decide who should take the
penalty shots in their upcoming match.
3 6 60
5 10 100 Answer:
Tom 60%
12 4 8 80 Sam 80%
15 5 10 100
Image source:
Illustrated by Angie and Upesh, Book Copyright: Pratham Books.
© NorledgeMaths