Differtitation Rules: Related Rates - Problems and Examples

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In this section, we will learn: How to compute the rate of change of one quantity with respect to another quantity.
1. 3
If we are pumping air into a balloon, both
the volume and the radius of the balloon are
increasing and their rates of increase are
related to each other.
 However, it is much easier to measure directly
the rate of increase of the volume than the rate of
increase of the radius.
Related Rates
In this section, we will learn:
How to compute the rate of change of one quantity
in terms of that of another quantity.
In a related-rates problem, the idea is
to compute the rate of change of one quantity
in terms of the rate of change of another
quantity—which may be more easily
 The procedure is to find an equation that relates
the two quantities and then use the Chain Rule to
differentiate both sides with respect to time.
5. RELATED RATES Example 1
Air is being pumped into a spherical balloon
so that its volume increases at a rate of
100 cm3/s.
How fast is the radius of the balloon
increasing when the diameter is 50 cm?
6. RELATED RATES Example 1
We start by identifying two things:
 Given information: The rate of increase
of the volume of air is 100 cm3/s.
 Unknown: The rate of increase of the radius
when the diameter is 50 cm
7. RELATED RATES Example 1
To express these quantities
mathematically, we introduce some
suggestive notation:
 Let V be the volume of the balloon and
let r be its radius.
8. RELATED RATES Example 1
The key thing to remember is that rates
of change are derivatives.
 In this problem, the volume and the radius are
both functions of the time t.
 The rate of increase of the volume with respect
to time is the derivative dV / dt.
 The rate of increase of the radius is dr / dt.
9. RELATED RATES Example 1
Thus, we can restate the given and
the unknown as follows:
 Given: 100cm3 / s
 Unknown: when r 25 cm
10. RELATED RATES Example 1
To connect dV / dt and dr / dt, first
we relate V and r by the formula for
the volume of a sphere:
V  r 4
11. RELATED RATES Example 1
To use the given information, we
differentiate each side of the equation
with respect to t.
 To differentiate the right side, we need to use
the Chain Rule:
dV dV dr 2 dr
 4 r
dt dr dt dt
12. RELATED RATES Example 1
Now, we solve for the unknown quantity:
dr 1 dV
 2
dt 4 dt
 If we put r = 25 and dV / dt = 100 in this equation,
we obtain: dr 1 1
 2
100 
dt 4 (25) 25
 The radius of the balloon is increasing at the rate
of 1/(25π) ≈ 0.0127 cm/s.
13. RELATED RATES Example 2
A ladder 10 ft long rests against a vertical wall.
If the bottom of the ladder slides away
from the wall at a rate of 1 ft/s, how fast is
the top of the ladder sliding down the wall
when the bottom of the ladder is 6 ft from
the wall?
14. RELATED RATES Example 2
We first draw a diagram and label it
as in the figure.
 Let x feet be the distance from the bottom of the ladder
to the wall and y feet the distance from the top of the
ladder to the ground.
 Note that x and y are
both functions of t
(time, measured in
15. RELATED RATES Example 2
We are given that dx / dt = 1 ft/s
and we are asked to find dy / dt
when x = 6 ft.
16. RELATED RATES Example 2
In this problem, the relationship between
x and y is given by the Pythagorean
Theorem: x2 + y2 = 100
17. RELATED RATES Example 2
Differentiating each side with respect to t
using the Chain Rule, we have:
dx dy
2x  2 y 0
dt dt
 Solving this equation for the desired rate,
we obtain: dy x dx
dt y dt
18. RELATED RATES Example 2
When x = 6 , the Pythagorean Theorem gives
y = 8 and so, substituting these values and
dy 6 3
dx / dt = 1, we have:  (1)  ft / s
dt 8 4
 The fact that dy / dt is negative means that
the distance from the top of the ladder to
the ground is decreasing at a rate of ¾ ft/s.
 That is, the top of the ladder is sliding down
the wall at a rate of ¾ ft/s.
19. RELATED RATES Example 3
A water tank has the shape of an inverted
circular cone with base radius 2 m and
height 4 m.
If water is being pumped into the tank at
a rate of 2 m3/min, find the rate at which
the water level is rising when the water is
3 m deep.
20. RELATED RATES Example 3
We first sketch the cone and label it.
 V is the volume of the water.
 r is the radius of the surface.
 h is the height of
the water at time t,
where t is measured
in minutes.
21. RELATED RATES Example 3
We are given that dV / dt = 2 m3/min
and we are asked to find dh / dt when
h is 3 m.
22. RELATED RATES Example 3
The quantities V and h are related by
the equation V  r h
 However, it is very useful to express V as
a function of h alone.
23. RELATED RATES Example 3
To eliminate r, we use the similar triangles
r 2 h
in the figure to write:  r
h 4 2
 The expression for V
1  h  3
V    h h
3  2 12
24. RELATED RATES Example 3
Now, we can differentiate each side with
respect to t:
dV  2 dh
 h
dt 4 dt
So, dh 4 dV
 2
dt  h dt
25. RELATED RATES Example 3
Substituting h = 3 m and dV / dt = 2 m3/min,
we have: dh 4 8
 3
2 
dt  (3) 9
 The water level is rising at a rate of
8/(9π) ≈ 0.28 m/min.
26. It is useful to recall some of the problem-
solving principles from Chapter 1 and adapt
them to related rates in light of our experience
in Examples 1–3.
1. Read the problem carefully.
2. Draw a diagram if possible.
3. Introduce notation. Assign symbols to
all quantities that are functions of time.
27. 4. Express the given information and the required rate
in terms of derivatives.
5. Write an equation that relates the various quantities
of the problem. If necessary, use the geometry of
the situation to eliminate one of the variables by
substitution (as in Example 3).
6. Use the Chain Rule to differentiate both sides of
the equation with respect to t.
7. Substitute the given information into the resulting
equation and solve for the unknown rate.
28. The following examples
are further illustrations of
the strategy.
29. RELATED RATES Example 4
Car A is traveling west at 50 mi/h and car B
is traveling north at 60 mi/h. Both are headed
for the intersection of the two roads.
 At what rate are the cars approaching
each other when car A is 0.3 mi and car B
is 0.4 mi from the intersection?
30. RELATED RATES Example 4
We draw this figure, where C is
the intersection of the roads.
 At a given time t, let x be the distance from car A to C.
 Let y be the distance from car B to C.
 Let z be the distance
between the cars—
where x, y, and z are
measured in miles.
31. RELATED RATES Example 4
We are given that dx / dt = –50 mi/h
and dy / dt = –60 mi/h.
 The derivatives are negative because x and y
are decreasing.
We are asked to
find dz / dt.
32. RELATED RATES Example 4
The equation that relates x, y, and z is given
by the Pythagorean Theorem: z2 = x2 + y2
 Differentiating each side with respect to t,
we have:
dz dx dy
2z 2 x  2 y
dt dt dt
dz 1  dx dy 
 x y 
dt z  dt dt 
33. RELATED RATES Example 4
When x = 0.3 mi and y = 0.4 mi,
the Pythagorean Theorem gives z = 0.5 mi.
So, dz  1  0.3(  50)  0.4( 60) 
dt 0.5
 78 mi / h
 The cars are approaching each other at
a rate of 78 mi/h.
34. RELATED RATES Example 5
A man walks along a straight path at a speed
of 4 ft/s. A searchlight is located on the ground
20 ft from the path and is kept focused on the
 At what rate is the searchlight rotating
when the man is 15 ft from the point on
the path closest to the searchlight?
35. RELATED RATES Example 5
We draw this figure and let x be the distance
from the man to the point on the path closest
to the searchlight.
 We let θ be the angle
between the beam of
the searchlight and
the perpendicular to
the path.
36. RELATED RATES Example 5
We are given that dx / dt = 4 ft/s and
are asked to find dθ / dt when x = 15.
 The equation that
relates x and θ can be
written from the figure:
 tan  x 20 tan 
37. RELATED RATES Example 5
Differentiating each side with respect to t,
we get:
dx 2 d
20sec 
dt dt
So, d  1 cos 2  dx
dt 20 dt
1 2 1 2
 cos  (4)  cos 
20 5
38. RELATED RATES Example 5
When x = 15, the length of the beam is 25.
So, cos θ = 4 and d 1  4   16 0.128
5  
dt 5  5  125
 The searchlight is rotating at a rate of 0.128 rad/s.