Year 3 Educational Assessment


  • Sections: There are 35 fun questions about Maths, Science, English, problem solving and your approach to learning.

  • Materials: You can use pencils and paper to work out your answers.

  • Focus: This is all about having fun and showing what you know. Don't worry if you're not sure – just give it a try!

Start Quiz

Which word can replace 'quickly' without changing the meaning of the sentence? 'The rabbit ran quickly across the field.’





Fill in the blank word:

"She ___ a new book on the shelf."

am placing

is placing

are placing

"Lena looked outside and saw dark clouds covering the sky. She grabbed her yellow raincoat and boots before leaving the house. At the park, she jumped in every puddle she could find, laughing each time the water splashed."

Question: How does Lena feel about the rain?

She is scared of it.

She does not like it.

She is excited by it.

She is indifferent to it.

Imagine you have a magical backpack that can take you anywhere when you wear it. Write a short story about a place you visited with your magical backpack. Describe the place, who you met there, and what you did during your visit.


  • Your story should have a beginning, middle, and end.

  • Include at least one character you meet in the magical place.

  • Describe what makes the backpack magical.

  • Explain why you chose to visit this particular place.

  • Use descriptive words to make your story interesting.

Choose the best word to fill in the blank. 'I wanted to play outside, ##______## it was raining.'

______ and so but because

Tom and Jerry went to the store to buy ingredients for a cake. When they got home, they realised they forgot to buy sugar. Tom said, 'It's okay, we'll make something else.'

Based on this, what can you infer about Tom and Jerry?

They decided not to make the cake because they forgot the sugar.

They went back to the store to buy sugar

They made the cake without sugar.

They were making a cake for a competition.

Fill in the blank with the correct word:

'The magician made the rabbit ##______## out of the hat.'

______ hopping appear eating disappear

Read this passage:

Last summer, the Wilson family went on a fun adventure to the big, tall mountains. As soon as they got there, they saw huge mountains and lots of trees everywhere. They were super excited to start their first adventure: a hike on a twisty trail that went deep into the forest. The air smelled like pine trees, and they could hear birds singing all around.

While walking, they found a beautiful waterfall with water falling down like a shiny curtain. It looked like something from a fairy tale! They stopped to take some pictures and just watch the water fall down, listening to the cool sounds it made.

After the hike, the Wilsons found a cosy spot right next to a clear, blue lake. They laid out a big blanket and took out their picnic basket. Inside, there were yummy sandwiches, crunchy apples, and cold lemonade. They ate and talked, laughing and telling stories, with the quiet lake right in front of them. When the sun started to go down, the sky turned orange and pink, making everything look magical.

It was the best day ever, full of exploring and spending time together. The trip to the mountains was something the Wilson family would always remember.

Question: What activity did the family do first on their trip to the mountains?

They had a picnic

They went hiking

They swam in the lake

They saw a waterfall

If all birds can fly, and a sparrow is a bird, what can we say about sparrows?

Sparrows can fly

Sparrows cannot fly

Sparrows are not birds

All animals can fly

Describe a snowy day using all five senses. What do you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell?

If you have 2 bags with 5 apples in each bag, how many apples do you have in total?

There are 12 cookies, and 4 friends want to share them equally. How many cookies does each friend get?

What fraction represents half of a pie?




Lucy has 3 times as many stickers as Julia. If Julia has 5 stickers, how many stickers do they have together?

What is the result of (5 x 2) + 10 / 2?

If a movie starts at 2:30 PM and lasts for 1 hour and 45 minutes, what time does the movie end?

3:45 PM

4:15 PM

4:00 PM

3:15 PM

Which number is the largest?





How many corners does a rectangle have?

If you have a rope that is 9 meters long and you cut it into 3 equal parts, how long is each part?

3 meters

6 meters

9 meters

12 meters

What is 256 + 344 - 100?

What is the Earth's natural satellite?

The Sun


The Moon

What force pulls objects towards the Earth?




Which of these is a source of renewable energy?




How many planets are in our solar system?

What part of the plant makes food?




What is the process by which water cycles from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back called?


The Water Cycle


Explain how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly.

Describe what happens during the water cycle. Use the words "evaporation," "condensation," and "precipitation" in your explanation.

Why is it important to recycle? Give two reasons and explain how recycling helps the planet.

What is a solar eclipse? Describe how it happens.

What do you do when you find something difficult to learn?

A) Give up and move on to something else

B) Keep trying until I get it right

C) Ask a teacher or a parent for help

D) Try to find a video or book that explains it better.

If you're stuck on a math problem, what's your next step?

A) Wait for someone to give me the answer

B) Ask a friend, teacher, or family member for help

C) Put the problem aside and hope it goes away

D) Try to solve a different problem instead

What do you do if a homework assignment is taking longer than expected?

A) Stop working on it and submit whatever I have done

B) Take a short break, then keep working

C) Ask someone for advice on how to complete it faster

D) Work on it all night if I have to, to get it done

What do you usually do after making a mistake in school?

A) Feel upset and try to forget about it

B) Learn what went wrong and how to avoid it next time

C) Blame someone else for the mistake

D) Ignore it and hope no one notices

When you want to learn something new that you're unsure about, what do you usually do?

A) Ask my parents or a teacher to explain it to me.

B) Look for a book in the library or at school about it.

C) Search for information on a computer or tablet.

D) Try to figure it out on my own by experimenting or playing.

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Year 3 Educational Assessment
Questions: 35
Contributed by:
Educo London