Mock exam
A 34 year old female patient requires a bridge to replace t heir missing upper left central incisor. The rest of her teeth are sound and healthy. On discussion with the dentist, the patient opts for a bridge which requires little or no preparation and; therefore, causes minimal damage to the other teeth. From the list below which bridge is the dentist likely to provide?
Fixed cantilever bridge
Fixed-fixed bridge
Fixed moveable bridge
Resin-retained (Maryland) bridge
Spring cantilever bridge
The Professional Conduct Committee of the General Dental Council (GDC) considers whether misconduct amounts to impairment of a registrant’s fitness to practice. If impairment is found, which one of the following sanctions is outside the GDC’s powers?
Erase from the register
Impose conditions
Issue a fine
Issue a reprimand
Suspend registration
A patient is to have an impacted lower third molar removed under local anaesthesia as a surgical procedure. Which nerve is most at risk of damage during this procedure?
Facial Nerve
Lingual Nerve
Posterior superior dental
Mandibular Nerve
Mental Nerve
The General Dental Council (GDC) sets out the ethical and professional principles expected of everyone on their registers. To which publication would a registered dental nurse refer to find these principles?
GDC Gazette
Preparing for practice
Scope of Practice
Standards of the dental team
Student professionalism and fitness to practice
You are worried about a four year old who has attended the surgery (you notice that appears to be cigarette burns on the child’s arm Which practice policy document would you consul for advice in this situation?
Accident reporting policy
Complaints policy
Confidentiality policy
Raising concerns policy
Safeguarding policy
Registered dental nurses are required to comply with the General Dental Council’s (GDC’s) enhanced Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. Each dental nurse registrant must have a personal development plan and record at least 50 hours of verified CPD (vCPD) over a 5 year cycle. Which one of the following statements is true in this respect?
All 50 vCPD hours can be recorded in just one year of the cycle
Reading a dental journal is recorded a vCPD
The employer is responsible for dental nurse employees vCPD
The GDC quality assures vCPD courses
The GDC quality assures vCPD courses
A patient is having a root canal treatment carried out. The dentist has asked you to help protect the patient’s airway. You will need to assist in protecting the airway by passing which of the following?
Cotton roll
Oropharyngeal airway
Rubber Dam
Butterfly sponge
A patient attends for the first stage of an endodontic treatment on the upper left permanent first molar. The dentist decides to confirm that the tooth is not vital. What is the most appropriate option below to confirm tooth vitality?
Phosphoric acid 37%
Ethyl chloride and cotton pellet
Articaine hydrochloride 4% with adrenaline 1:200,000
Periapical radiograph
A 27 year old patient attends the for a new patient examination. During a Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE) the dentist records scores of 4 in each sextant and diagnoses generalised periodontitis. Which micro-organism is likely to have caused this?
Prevotella Intermedia
Bacillus fusiformis
Candida albicans
Streptococcus mutans
Zinc oxide and Eugenol (ZOE) materials have many applications in dentistry. For which one of the following applications would ZOE be inappropriate?
Cavity lining
Impression material for full dentures
Porcelain veneer luting cement
Root canal sealant
Sedative temporary restorative material
An adult patient has collapsed in the waiting room of your dental surgery. The dentist asks you to assist with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) using the emergency bag -valve- mask apparatus to deliver artificial ventilation (“breaths”). What is the correct routine/ algorithm you should adopt?
15 compressions, 1 breath
15 compressions, 2 breaths
30 compressions, 2 breaths
30 compressions, 1 breath
30 compressions, 5 breaths
An elderly patient complains of a sore tongue and numerous mouth ulcers. The dentist suggests the patient may be anaemic. Anaemia is diagnosed when erythrocytes contain a low level of the protein necessary to transport oxygen around the body. What protein is this?
A seven year old patient has a Bluish coloured swelling over an unerupted lower first permanent molar tooth. The dentist diagnoses an eruption cyst. What is a cyst?
A breach in the mucosa surface
A collection of pus
A fluid filled sac
A pigmented area
A white patch
A female patient is attending for some stitches (sutures) to close a cut on the upper lip. The dentist administers the local anaesthetic and the patient reports that her upper lip is starting to tingle. Which nerve will be responsible for this sensation.
Facial nerve
Infraorbital nerve
Long buccal nerve
Mental nerve
Nasopalatine (long sphenopalatine) nerve
A young adult attends as a new patient. They are unhappy about chalky white areas of mottled enamel on their permanent incisor teeth present since the teeth erupted. What is the most likely cause?
Angular cheilitis
Iron supplements
Tetracycline staining
A patient requires a class IV restoration on the upper left permanent lateral incisor. Select from the list the Zsigmondy-Palmer notation for this tooth:
Your patient is accompanied into the surgery by a qualified lip speaker who helps he patient to understand what is said during the appointment. What special care group does this patient most likely belong to?
Dental Phobic
Hearing impairment
Mobility impairment
Special educational needs
Visual impairment
A patient with xerostomia is at increased risk of developing caries and periodontal disease. Xerostomia can be caused by radiotherapy and is a side-effect of many drugs. What is Xerostomia?
Delayed blood clotting
Dry mouth
Gingiva covering a partially erupted lower third molar
Limited mouth opening
Spasm in the facial muscles
You have been asked to change the chemicals in the practice’s automatic X-Ray film processing machine. There are three tanks and then the drier at the back. Working from the front (where the unprocessed film is inserted), in what order are the tanks?
Developer - Fixer - Water
Developer – Water - Fixer
Fixer – Developer – Water
Water – Developer – Fixer
Water – Fixer – Developer
A 28 year old female patient presents for her routine dental check-up. During the intra-oral examination the dentist asks you for the necessary probe to carry out the basic periodontal examination (BPE). Which probe should you select?
Briault probe
Sickle probe
Straight probe
Williams’ periodontal probe
World Health Organisation (WHO) probe
A patient attends for this three monthly scale and polish procedure. Following the treatment, how should the latch-grip polishing brush be managed?
Cleaned and autoclaved
Disposed into domestic waste
Disposed into offensive waste
Disposed into recyclable waste
Disposed into sharps waste
A patient returns to the surgery with a high spot on the surface of an occlusal amalgam restoration that was placed in a premolar two days ago. When correcting this, which item is the dentist most likely to ask you for?
Amalgam plugger
Interdental finishing strip
Stainless steel finishing bur
Ward’s carver
During periodontal examination, the dentist will carry out a Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE) charting. The BPE score 2 specifically indicates which of the following?
Bleeding on probing and plaque retention
Furcation involvement
Gingival recession
Pocket depth of up to 5.5 mm
Presence of calculus
A 28 year old patient attends for a routine examination. The dentist asks you to complete the dental charting. A large number of restorations are required. Which of the following risk factors is most likely to be associated with this?
High acidic diet
High protein diet
High sugar diet
The mandible forms the lower jaw of the oral cavity. At which point does it articulate with the temporal bone to form the temporomandibular joint?
The dentist extracts several teeth and asks you to check whether an upper molar is one of the teeth that has been extracted. You are able to answer yes because you know the anatomy of an upper molar. Which of the teeth in the diagram is the upper molar?
Tooth A
Tooth B
Tooth C
Tooth D
Tooth E
The General Dental Council (GDC) expects dental nurses to be able to ‘give and receive feedback effectively to and from other members of the team’. What is the most professional way to respond to critical feedback?
Constructive reaction
Critical reaction
Defensive reaction
Dismissive reaction
Emotional reaction
The dentist has asked you to deliver oral health advice to the mother of an 8 year old patient. Using resources may help you to clarify the information you are giving. A diagram showing Stephan’s Curve may be used to depict the effect of which of the following?
Bacterial plaque on oral mucosa
Saliva on calculus deposits
Saliva on sugar
Sugar on bacterial plaque
Sugar on the oral mucosa
A 28 year old patient with no relevant medical history has just had their lower left first permanent molar tooth removed. This was a difficult procedure where both roots had to be surgically extracted with bone removal and the placement of several sutures (stitches) after the procedure. Which one of the following signs and symptoms would be of concern in the days following the extraction, so that the patient should contact the practice or out of hours services if they experience it
Discomfort from the stitches
Facial bruising
Prolonged bleeding from the socket
Swollen tissues around the extraction side
Tenderness in the area of the extraction
Any process that removes, kills or deactivates all forms of life, in particular microorganism such as fungi, bacteria, viruses and spores present on or in a specific surface or object’ is a definition of which important infection control process?
Aseptic storage
The British Society of Paediatric Dentistry suggests that ‘”the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic oral health needs, is likely to result in the serious impairment of a child’s oral or general health or development” is a safeguarding concern, Which issue from the list below is this referring to?
Dental neglect
Emotional abuse
General neglect
Physical abuse
Sexual abuse
In theory, if valid consent is not obtain for a dental procedure and harm occurs to the patient, this could give rise to claim of which offence?
The General Dental Council’s Scope of Practice’ document sets out additional skills for each registrant group. Registered dental nurses who are trained, competent and indemnified may undertake these additional skills under prescription of other registrants. Which one of the list is reserved for other registrant groups, and as such must never be carried out by a dental nurse?
Applying topical fluoride
Placing rubber dam
Taking impression
Taking radiographs
Tooth whitening
Saliva is secreted by the salivary glands and is the watery fluid that is naturally present in the healthy oral cavity. Which one of the following constituents of saliva acts to start the process of breaking down complex carbohydrates?
Amylase enzymes
Inorganic ions
Any work related accident or incident which results in a person being absent from work for seven days or more should be reported. To which one of the following organization must such an accident or incident be reported?
Ambulance service
General medical practitioner
Health and Safety Executive
Indemnity provider
An adult patient attends for a mesial occlusal distal amalgam restoration. After the treatment, you are asked to dispose of the matrix band. Which receptacle would you use?
Clinical waste
Domestic waste
Offensive waste
Recyclable waste
Sharps waste
A patient attends for an amalgam restoration of the lower right second premolar. The dentist removes the caries from the tooth and informs you that there is a pin-point pulpal exposure. Which material are you most likely to be asked to prepare?
Calcium hydroxide
Glass Ionomer cement
Polycarboxylate cement
Zinc oxide and eugenol cement
Zinc phosphate cement
A 58 year old patient attends the surgery complaining of pain and an ulcer. The dentist finds that the labial flange of the new partial denture is over extended. Which item from the list would be most appropriate to select to ease the denture?
Flat fissure bur
Inverted cone (friction grip) diamond bur
Maun’s cutter
Mitchell’s trimmer
Stainless steel acrylic trimming bur
During a tooth extraction, your patient starts to experience breathing problems and you fetch the emergency oxygen cylinder. The cylinder displays the CLP warning symbol shown. What does this mean?
Gas under pressure
A patient complains of feeling unwell during treatment. You notice the face has fallen on one side, they are unable to raise both arms and keep them there and their speech has become slurred. It is time to dial 999, administer oxygen and monitor the patient until the ambulance arrives. What medical emergency is this?
Asthma attack
Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
Epileptic seizure
Hypoglycaemic coma
Myocardial infarction
Patient taking the medication warfarin may require a blood test prior to dental treatment. What measurement would this blood test reveal?
Blood clotting time
Blood glucose level
Erythrocyte level
Platelet level
White blood cell level
According to document HTM 01-05 and is equivalents, when you have worn full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to assist with a procedure, which item should be removed first?
Face mask
Plastic disposable apron
Safety goggles
A 16 year old patient presents for a routine dental check-up. On intraoral examination the dentist suspects an interproximal cavity arising at the contact point of the lower left permanent molars. Which instrument is designed to be used to confirm this diagnosis?
Briault probe
Sickle probe
Straight probe
Williams periodontal probe
World health organisation probe
During a routine examination of an 8 old child, caries is identified in the lower first permanent molars. Select from the option list the type of bacteria most likely to be associated with the onset of dental caries.
Patient is undergoing treatment under inhalation sedation. There are two different coloured cylinders on the relative analgesia machine. Identify from the option list the colour of the nitrous oxide cylinder used during this procedure.
The dental therapist is giving an inferior dental nerve block injection. You have learned that the inferior dental nerve supplies the lower teeth and enters the mandible at the mandibular foramen. What structure in front of the mandibular foramen protects the ID nerve from damage?
Coronoid process
Patients taking certain drugs may be required to have a pre-treatment blood test to determine their INR. The International Normalised Ratio (INR) is a test of the pharmacological effectiveness of which group of drugs?
A 45 year old patient attends for a routine check-up appointment. The dentist suspects that there may be caries affecting the occlusal and mesial surfaces of the 6|. Which radiographic view from the list below would be most appropriate to confirm this diagnosis?
Left Bitewing
Right Bitewing
The permanent dentition normally has eight teeth in each quadrant, assuming none are congenitally missing. Which one of the following options is a tooth that which arrangement of roots are mesiobuccal, distobuccal and palatal?
Several diseases and disorders can affect the structures of the oral cavity so that they cannot perform their normal functions correctly. Which one of the following options is the term used to describe the condition that causes drooling due to hypersalivation?
Sore throat
The cranium is made up of eight bony plates that enclose the brain like a helmet and fit together tightly at the coronoid sutures. Which one of the following options is the bone that forms the base of the skull?
Many of the bones of the skull contain natural bony openings (foramina/ foramen) to allow the passage of nerves and blood vessels to the tissues of the head and neck region. Which one of the following options is the name of the foramen through which the anterior superior alveolar nerve and middle superior alveolar nerve subdivide?
Greater palatine foramen
Incisive foramen
Infraorbital foramen
Supraorbital foramen
Mental foramen
Sodium fluoride is added to dental products to help reduce the risk of dental caries. Which one of the following options is the recommended level of fluoride (in parts per million – ppm) in fluoride varnish that is applied by the dentist in the dental surgery.
One area considered during an oral health assessment is the occlusion of the patient’s teeth: the way the teeth bite together and whether this is normal or whether a malocclusion is present, Which one of the following options is the term used during this assessment to describe a malocclusion where the maxilla is further forward than normal?
Class I
Class II
Class II subdivision 1
Class II subdivision 2
Class III
One area considered during an oral health assessment is the occlusion of the patient’s teeth: the way the teeth bite together and whether this is normal or whether a malocclusion is present, Which one of the following options is the term used during this assessment where there is a reversed overjet present?
Class I
Class II
Class II subdivision 1
Class II subdivision 2
Class III
The periodontal tissues are those acting as the supporting structures of the teeth, and they are routinely assessed for signs of disease during an oral health assessment. A basic periodontal examination (BPE) is carried out initially to identify areas requiring further periodontal investigation. Which one of the following option is the BPE code that indicates a crevice up to 3.5 mm and presence of calculus?
Code 0
Code 1
Code 2
Code 3
Code 4
Completion of continuing professional development activities is a requirement by the General Dental Council (GDC) for all registrants. The previous ’core topics’ are now referred to as ‘highly recommended topics’ and have been identified by the GDC as relevant to almost all registrant groups. Which one of the following is not a ’highly recommended topic’?
Complaints handling
Safeguarding children and young adults
Legal and ethical issues in dentistry
Dementia awareness
Oral cancer and early detection
The requirement for the dental team to be appropriately trained and qualified is enshrined in the General Dental Council (GDC) Standards document. Which one of the following options is the specific core ethical principle of professionalism in this document that deals with raising concerns if patient is at risk?
Principle 5
Principle 6
Principle 7
Principle 8
Principle 9
The human dentition consist of a set of both primary and secondary teeth that have no ability to grow once they are fully formed. Which part of the upper permanent first molar is the area where the Cusp of Carabelli is found?
Mesio-buccal cusp
Disto-buccal cusp
Mesio-palatal cusp
Disto-palatal cusp
Mesio-lingual cusp
The maxillary sinus also known as Antrum of Highmore is an empty space inside both sides of the maxilla bone. The following are functions and facts of this sinus with the exception of:
Works as voice box
It is covered by mucus membrane
Lightens the skull
When inflamed it is called sinusitis
Its floor lays above the lower molars
The following is a list of materials used in the construction of dentures.
For each of the scenarios described below select the ONE most appropriate material.
A 65 year old patient attends the surgery for the first stage in the provision of a partial upper denture. Which of the materials listed is most likely to be used by the dentist when taking the primary impressions of the patient’s mouth?
Chrome cobalt
Green stick composition
Plaster of Paris
Pressure indicating paste
Zinc oxide and eugenol paste
A 58 year old patient attends for the occlusal registration (bite) stage in the provision of a complete upper denture. The laboratory technician has constructed the bite rims from which one of the following materials listed?
Chrome cobalt
Green stick composition
Plaster of Paris
Pressure indicating paste
Zinc oxide and eugenol paste
A 65 year old patient attends the surgery for the first stage in the provision of a full upper denture. Which of the materials listed is most likely to be used by the dentist when taking the second impressions of the patient’s mouth using the special trays?
Chrome Cobalt
Green stick composition
Plaster of Paris
Pressure indicating paste
Zinc oxide and eugenol paste
A 65 year old patient is attending for the try-in stage of a complete upper denture. They are happy with the fit and bite but ask for the teeth to be made a shade lighter. The dentist indicates this to the technician on the laboratory sheet and asks the technician to return the denture for a retry. What material are the prosthetic teeth on a denture made from at the try-in (and re-try) stage?
Chrome cobalt
Green stick composition
Plaster of paris
Pressure indicating paste
Zinc oxide and eugenol paste
A 50 year old patient has returned for an examination six months after the fitting of a removable partial denture. The patient is adamant that their oral hygiene measures are thorough, yet there is significant accumulation of plaque where the denture abuts the natural teeth. What is the most appropriate item in the list that would help the patient to see the plaque that is accumulating?
Dental tape
Dental sticks
Denture brush
Disclosing tablets
Electric toothbrush
Fluoride mouthwash
Fluoride tablets
Interspace dental brush
A fully dentate elderly patient has osteoarthritis, which has caused a mobility impairment. The patient’s manual dexterity has declined so that brushing their teeth effectively using a manual toothbrush has become very difficult for them. What is the most appropriate item in the list that this patient could use to improve plaque removal?
Dental tape
Dental sticks
Denture bursh
Disclosing tablets
Electric toothbrush
Fluoride mouthwash
Fluoride tablets
Interspace dental brush
The dentist is about to prescribe an antifungal agent for a patient with oral thrush but first double checks that the patient is not taking warfarin. They are not, so miconazole oral gel is prescribed as an antifungal agent. Which microorganism in the list is susceptible to the effects of miconazole?
Bacillus fusiformis
Candida albicans
Herpes simplex
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus salivarius
Varicella zoster
A 22 year old patient attends the surgery complaining of soreness at gingival level and halitosis. On clinical examination the dentist can see the interdental papilla is ulcerated and necrotic. Patient is diagnosed with ANUG. Which microorganism in the list is the found in ANUG?
Bacillus fusiformis
Candida albicans
Herpes simplex
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus salivarius
Varicella zoster
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common oral cancer which is within the 10 most common cancers worldwide. Its main signs and symptoms can be from an ulcer that does not heal in three weeks, pain when swallowing and the presence of a lump in the neck. Which microorganism has been found in oral cancer ulcers?
Bacillus fusiformis
Candida albicans
Herpes simplex
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus salivarius
Varicella zoster
Lead-in Statement:
For each of the following situations described, select the ONE most appropriate aspect of communication from the option list.
Following the surgical extraction of the upper left first molar tooth, the dentist asks you to give verbal post-operative instructions to the patient. You go over the main points verbally. But the patient is keen to leave and isn’t listening properly. Which one of the options is the most appropriate additional communication method you should use?
Body language
Eye contact
Facial expression
Written explanations
The dentist is explaining to the patient that they will require a tooth extraction and denture. You notice that throughout the discussion the patient has their arms folded and legs crossed and that they are leaning away from the dentist. After the discussion the dentist asks you to make the patient another appointment. You are not surprised when the patient tells you they do not want another appointment and are going elsewhere for a second opinion. What type of communication was the patient exhibiting during the discussion with the dentist?
Body language
Eye contact
Facial expression
Written explanations
Lead-in Statement:
A patient attends for an examination and a charting of their dental health is recorded as follows.
For each treatment described, select the ONE most appropriate answer from the option list.
Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
The patient is experiencing severe pain which commenced approximately four days following the extraction of a tooth. Th dentist has diagnosed alveolar osteitis. Which area is the dentist referring to?
Upper right third permanent molar
Upper right second premolar
Upper right permanent canine
Upper left permanent central incisor
Upper left first premolar
Upper left first permanent molar
Lower left third permanent molar
Lower left first premolar
Lower right permanent central incisor
Lower right third permanent molar
The patient has attended the surgery with pericoronitis. The patient complains of soreness around a partially erupted tooth. The dentist decides to irrigate this area. Which tooth requires irrigating?
Upper right third permanent molar
Upper right second premolar
Upper right permanent canine
Upper left permanent central incisor
Upper left first premolar
Upper left first permanent molar
Lower left third permanent molar
Lower left first premolar
Lower right permanent central incisor
Lower right third permanent molar
Lead-in Statement:
A patient attends for an examination and a charting of their dental health is recorded as follows.
For each treatment described, select the ONE most appropriate answer from the option list.
Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all