Other AI Algorithms & Statistics: Statistics Serve as a Foundation for Analysis and Dealing with Data in Data Science

This is a computer science engineering quiz on Artificial intelligence, which includes questions on Statistics and other AI-related algorithms.

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What is a Cybernetics?

Study of communication between two machines Study of communication between human and machine Study of communication between two humans Study of Boolean values

What is the goal of artificial intelligence?

To solve real-world problems To solve artificial problems To explain various sorts of intelligence To extract scientific causes

An algorithm is complete if ____________

It terminates with a solution when one exists It starts with a solution It does not terminate with a solution It has a loop

Which is true regarding BFS (Breadth First Search)?

BFS will get trapped exploring a single path The entire tree so far been generated must be stored in BFS BFS is not guaranteed to find a solution if exists BFS is nothing but Binary First Search

What is a heuristic function?

A function to solve mathematical problems A function which takes parameters of type string and returns an integer value A function whose return type is nothing A function that maps from problem state descriptions to measures of desirability

A network with named nodes and labeled arcs that can be used to represent certain natural language grammars to facilitate parsing.

Tree Network Star Network Transition Network Complete Network

Computers normally solve problem by breaking them down into a series of yes-or-no decisions represented by 1s and 0s. What is the name of the logic that allows computers to assign numerical values that fail somewhere between 0 and 1?

Human logic Fuzzy logic Boolean logic Operational logic

The company that grew out of research at the MIT AI lab is ____________

AI corp LMI Symbolics Both LMI & Symbolics

Which of the following contains output segments of AI programming?

Printed language and synthesized Manipulation of physical object Locomotion All of the mentioned

When a top-level function is entered, the LISP processor does?

It reads the function entered It prints the result returned by the function Large memory and high-speed processor All of the mentioned

The component of an ICAI (Intelligent Computer Assisted Instruction) presenting information to the student is the?

Student model Problem solving expertise Tutoring module All of the mentioned

Visual clues that are helpful in computer vision include __________

Color and motion

Depth and texture

Height and weight

Color and motion, depth and texture

In which of the following areas may ICAI programs prove to be useful?

Educational institutions


Department of Defense

All of the mentioned

In LISP, the square root of X is referenced as _____________


(sqrt x)



How can you evaluate 1.25 + sqrt (144) in LISP?

1.25+sqrt (1.44)

(1.25+sqrt (1.44))

(+1.25 sqrt (1.44)

All of the mentioned

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Other AI Algorithms & Statistics: Statistics Serve as a Foundation for Analysis and Dealing with Data in Data Science
Questions: 15
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