Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning: To Represent Uncertain Knowledge, we Need Uncertain Reasoning or Probabilistic Reasoning.

This is a computer science engineering quiz on Artificial Intelligence, which includes questions on uncertain knowledge and reasoning i.e, where we are not sure about the predicates.

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What is the extraction of the meaning of utterance?

Syntactic Semantic Pragmatic None of the mentioned

What is the process of associating a FOL expression with a phrase?

Interpretation Augmented reality Semantic interpretation Augmented interpretation

What is meant by compositional semantics?

Determining the meaning Logical connectives Semantics None of the mentioned

What is used to augment a grammar for arithmetic expression with semantics?

Notation DCG notation Constituent All of the mentioned

What can’t be done in the semantic interpretation?

Logical term Complete logical sentence Both Logical term & Complete logical sentence None of the mentioned

How many verb tenses are there in the English language?

1 2 3 4

Which is used to mediate between syntax and semantics?

Form Intermediate form Grammer All of the mentioned

What is meant by quasi-logical form?

Sits between syntactic and logical form Logical connectives All of the mentioned None of the mentioned

How many types of quantification are available in artificial intelligence?

1 2 3 4

What kind of interpretation is done by adding context-dependant information?

Semantic Syntactic Pragmatic None of the mentioned

Which algorithm is used for solving temporal probabilistic reasoning?

Hill-climbing search Hidden markov model Depth-first search Breadth-first search

How does the state of the process is described in HMM?

Literal Single random variable Single discrete random variable None of the mentioned

What are the possible values of the variable?

Variables Literals Discrete variable Possible states of the world

Where does the additional variables are added in HMM?

Temporal model Reality model Probability model All of the mentioned

Which allows for a simple and matrix implementation of all the basic algorithm?

HMM Restricted structure of HMM Temporary model Reality model
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning: To Represent Uncertain Knowledge, we Need Uncertain Reasoning or Probabilistic Reasoning.
Questions: 15
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