Classification Of Plants And Animals

This quiz contains questions related to the various classification of living and non living, animals and plants, and so on which clarifies the student about the different living organisms. Different types of questions are asked in the quiz with the related images to make students learn the topic in an easy way.

Start Quiz

Select the living thing.

Select the living thing.

Select the non-living thing.

Select the animal.

Birds have feathers, two wings, and a beak.

Select the bird from the given options.

Birds have feathers, two wings, and a beak.

Select the bird from the given options.

Reptiles have scaly, waterproof skin. Most reptiles live on land.

Select the reptile from the given options.

Reptiles have scaly, waterproof skin. Most reptiles live on land.

Select the reptile from the given options.

Mammals have hair or fur and feed their young milk.

Select the mammal from the given options.

Select the animal.

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Classification Of Plants And Animals
Questions: 10
Contributed by:
Fun Learning