How to create questions in quizzes at MeritHub?

To create questions at MeritHub, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Select the Quizzes/Tests option from the dashboard of a particular organization.

  1. Under the Question Bank Section, new questions can be created by clicking the round blue button at the bottom right corner of the window. Select the Create Folder option and then select the Create Quiz/Question option to add questions to the folder. You can import from Doc/Excel.

  1. Select the Question type from the drop down list and type the question in the box under the Question Session.

    Images, files, links and attachments can also be embedded within the question.

  1. If the question type is Multiple Choice, then select the desired number of columns and the style of options under the Layout section. If the question type is Fill in the blanks, then select whether it will have options or not. Drag and Drop feature is available if options exist.

  1. Explanation of the answer can also be mentioned which will be viewed after the question has been attempted by the student. 

  1. At the end, the creator can also share the particular question with either the host or everyone and then select the Save option to save the question in the question bank.


To know more about the question types, check the below-mentioned link:

Contributed by:
Gurjinder Singh