Volume and Surface Area of Solid Figures

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This pdf includes the formula of the following solid figures:-
Rectangular Solid
Prisms: Parallel flat polygon top and bottom (bases)
1. Volume & surface area of solid figures – sphere, cube, rectangular solid (box) with and without
top, cylinder, and cone.
Figure Volume Surface Area
Sphere 4 S = 4π r 2 ,
V = πr3 ,
3 r radius
r radius
Cube V = s 3 , s side S = 6s 2 , s side
Rectangular Solid V = A2 h , A2 is area of the
base, h height.
S = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh
V = lwh , l length, w width, h = 2(lw + lh + wh )
height. l length, w width, h height.
Cylinder V = π r 2 h , r radius, h height S= 2π r 2 + 2π rh
top & bottom lateral side
Prisms: Parallel flat V = A2 h , A2 is area of the Calculus topic – to come
polygon top and bottom base, h height.
Pyrimids (polygon base to a 1 Calculus topic – to come
point) V = Ah , A is area of the
base, h height.
1 2 Stotal = π r 2 + π r r 2 + h2 ,
V = π r h , r is the radius of
3 base area lateral area
the circular base, h height r +h
2 2
is slant height