Greek Civilization: Culture, Philosophy and History

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This booklet depicts the history, culture, philosophy, spread, art, and architecture of Greek civilizations.
1. Roger Wood/CORBIS
Greek Civilization
The temple of Delphi was very
important to ancient Greeks. Many
people believed the priestess here
could foretell the future.
400 B.C. 300 B.C. 200 B.C.
399 B.C. 330 B.C. c. 287 B.C.
Socrates Alexander the Mathematician and
sentenced Great conquers inventor Archimedes
to death Persian Empire is born
150 Unit Title
2. Chapter Preview Chapter Overview Visit for a preview
Many Greeks studied science, philosophy, mathematics, of Chapter 5.
and the arts. When Alexander the Great conquered the Persian
Empire, he spread Greek culture and ideas throughout
southwest Asia and the Mediterranean world.
View the Chapter 5 video in the World History:
Journey Across Time Video Program.
The Culture of Ancient Greece
The Greeks made great strides in the arts. Greek poetry, art, and
drama are still part of our world today.
Greek Philosophy and History
The Greeks’ love of wisdom led to the study of history, politics,
biology, and logic.
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great was only 25 years old when he conquered
the Persian Empire. As a result of his conquests, Greek art, ideas,
language, and architecture spread throughout southwest Asia and
North Africa.
The Spread of Greek Culture
Greek cities became centers of learning and culture. Greek scientists
developed advanced ideas about astronomy and mathematics.
Organizing Information Make the following foldable to help you organize
information about Greek culture and philosophy.
Step 1 Fold two sheets of paper Step 2 Place glue Reading and Writing
in half from top to bottom. or tape along both —— As you read the chapter,
inch tabs. list the developments
Fold both that occurred in ancient
sheets to leave
1 Greece. Write the
2 inch tab
on top. developments under the
correct foldable
the Great
The Spread
of Greek
Step 3 Fit both The ee
Cultureof Gr ilo-
sheets of paper Step 4 Turn the Ancient Ph y
together to make Greece so
cube and label the
a cube as shown. foldable as shown.
3. Using Context Clues
When you have trouble understanding the words in a pas-
sage, it is very difficult to get the author’s message. You may
know part of a word’s definition or even how to pronounce it,
but you still may not understand its full meaning.
Look at the word inspiration in the following paragraph.
Use the highlighted words to help you understand its meaning.
The key to Alexander’s courage
may have been his childhood edu-
Look at phrases
around the word
cation. Alexander kept a copy of
to find clues to the Iliad under his pillow. Most
its meaning. likely his inspiration was Homer’s
warrior-hero Achilles. In the end,
Alexander’s reputation outstripped
even Achilles’, and today he is
called Alexander the Great.
—from page 177
y o u d o n’t unde
W hen a In this paragraph, the word
word or
stand a the inspiration means some-
o nc e p t , reread aph. thing that influences or has
e n c e o r paragr
sen t ha t an effect on someone.
o t h e r words t ts
e y o u c lues to i
will giv
4. What Does It Mean? Read to Write
Turn to any page in this
Read the following paragraph about Aesop. Write down chapter. Close your eyes
all the words or phrases that help you fully understand the and point to a word. It
meaning of the word fable. can be any word, even
“a” or “the.” Now write
a paragraph explaining
how the rest of the
About 550 B.C., a Greek slave words in the sentence or
paragraph where that
named Aesop (EE • SAHP) made word appears helped
up his now famous fables. A you to determine its
fable (FAY • buhl) is a short tale meaning.
that teaches a lesson. In most of
Aesop’s fables, animals talk and
act like people. These often
funny stories point out human
flaws as well as strengths. Each
fable ends with a message, or
—from page 158
As you read the chapter, create five
word webs. Put an important word
or idea in a center circle. Surround it
with circles containing words from
the text that help explain it.
Alinari/Art Resource, NY
5. The Culture of
Ancient Greece
What’s the Connection? Meeting People
You have read that under Pericles, Homer (HOH • muhr)
Athens became a center of beauty Aesop (EE • SAHP)
and culture. During this Golden Age, Sophocles (SAH • fuh • KLEEZ)
Greek thinkers, writers, and artists Euripides (yu • RIH • puh • DEEZ)
contributed many new ideas to the
world. Building Your Vocabulary
myth (MIHTH)
Focusing on the oracle (AWR • uh • kuhl)
• The Greeks believed that gods and
epic (EH • pihk)
goddesses controlled nature and
shaped their lives. (page 155) fable (FAY • buhl)
drama (DRAH • muh)
• Greek poetry and fables taught Greek
tragedy (TRA • juh • dee)
values. (page 157)
comedy (KAH • muh • dee)
• Greek drama still shapes entertain-
ment today. (page 160) Reading Strategy
• Greek art and architecture expressed Compare and Contrast Create a
Greek ideas of beauty and harmony. Venn diagram showing similarities and
(page 162) differences between an epic and a
Locating Places
Mount Olympus (uh • LIHM • puhs) Epic Both Fable
Delphi (DEHL • FY)
700 B.C. 600 B.C. 500 B.C.
c. 700s B.C. c. 550 B.C. c. 500s B.C.
GREECE Homer writes the Aesop writes Greek architects
Athens Iliad and Odyssey a series of begin using marble
Olympia fables columns
154 CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization
6. Greek Mythology Greek Gods and Goddesses The Greeks
(cw from top)Bettman/CORBIS, The Art Archive/National Archaeological Museum Athens/Dagli Orti, The Art Archive/Achaeological Museum Tarquina/Dagli Orti, Lauros/Giraudon/Bridgeman Art Library, Lauros/Giraudon/Bridgeman Art Library,
The Art Archive/Archaeological Museum Venice/Dagli Orti, Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, UK/Bridgeman Art Library, Giraudon/Bridgeman Art Library, Peter Willi/Bridgeman Art Library, Wolfgang Kaehler/CORBIS
believed that the gods and goddesses
The Greeks believed that gods and controlled nature. According to Greek
goddesses controlled nature and shaped their lives. myth, the god Zeus ruled the sky and
Reading Focus Have you ever wondered why crops threw lightning bolts, the goddess
grow or why the sun rises and sets? To get the answer, Demeter made the crops grow, and the
you would read a science book. Read to learn how the god Poseidon caused earthquakes.
Greeks used religion to explain nature. The 12 most important gods and
goddesses lived on Mount Olympus
Myths (MIHTHS) are traditional stories (uh • LIHM • puhs), the highest mountain
about gods and heroes. Greek mythology in Greece. Among the 12 were Zeus,
expressed the Greek people’s religious beliefs. who was the chief god; Athena, the
The Greeks believed in many gods and god- goddess of wisdom and crafts; Apollo,
desses. They believed gods and goddesses the god of the sun and poetry; Ares, the
affected people’s lives and shaped events. god of war; Aphrodite, the goddess of
That is why the most impressive buildings in love; and Poseidon, the god of the seas
Greek cities were religious temples. and earthquakes.
The Greeks believed their gods and goddesses
were a large family—all related in some way.
1. Who was the twin sister of Apollo?
2. Explain How were Ares and Zeus related?
7. The Greeks also believed in an afterlife.
When people died, the Greeks believed their
spirits went to a gloomy world beneath the
earth ruled by a god named Hades.
What Was a Greek Oracle? The Greeks
believed that each person had a fate or des-
tiny. They believed that certain events were
going to happen no matter what they did.
They also believed in prophecy. A prophecy
is a prediction about the future. The Greeks
believed that the gods gave prophecies to
people to warn them about the future in
time to change it.
To find out about the future, many
Greeks visited an oracle (AWR • uh • kuhl).
This was a sacred shrine where a priest or
priestess spoke for a god or goddess. The
most famous was the oracle at the Temple
of Apollo at Delphi (DEHL • FY). The oracle
chamber was deep inside the temple. The
room had an opening in the floor where vol-
canic smoke hissed from a crack in the earth.
A priestess sat on a tripod—a three-
This painting shows a Greek man at the oracle legged stool—in the oracle chamber and lis-
at Delphi receiving a prophecy. Why were these tened to questions. The priests translated
prophecies often confusing? her answers. State leaders or their messen-
But Greek gods and goddesses were not gers traveled to Delphi to ask advice from
thought to be all-powerful. According to the oracle of Apollo.
Greek myths, even though gods had special The priestess in the oracle often gave
powers, they looked like human beings and answers in riddles. When one king, named
acted like them. They married, had children, Croesus (KREE • suhs), sent messengers to the
quarreled, played tricks on each other, and oracle at Delphi, they asked if the king
fought wars. should go to war with the Persians. The ora-
Because Greeks sought their gods’ favor, cle replied that if Croesus attacked the
they followed many rituals. A ritual is a set of Persians, he would destroy a mighty empire.
actions carried out in a fixed way. As part of Overjoyed to hear these words, Croesus
their rituals, the Greeks prayed to their gods declared war on the Persians. The Persian
and also gave them gifts. In return, they army crushed his army. The mighty empire
hoped that the gods would grant good King Croesus had destroyed was his own!
fortune to them. Many Greek festivals hon- Explain Why did the
ored the gods and goddesses. Festivals dedi- Greeks have rituals and festivals for their gods
cated to Zeus were held at Olympia. and goddesses?
156 CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization
Mary Evans Picture Library
8. Greek Poetry and Fables heroic deeds. The first great epics of early
Greece were the Iliad and the Odyssey. The
Greek poetry and fables taught Greek poet Homer (HOH • muhr) wrote these epics
values. during the 700s B.C. He based them on sto-
Reading Focus Do you have favorite stories? Are the ries of a war between Greece and the city of
characters in the stories brave and clever? Read about Troy, which once existed in what is today
the characters of the best-loved stories in early Greece. northwestern Turkey.
In the Iliad, a prince of Troy kidnaps the
Greek poems and stories are the oldest wife of the king of Sparta. The kidnapping
in the Western world. For hundreds of outrages the Greeks. The king of Mycenae
years, Europeans and Americans have and the brother of the king of Sparta lead
used these early works as models for their the Greeks in an attack on Troy.
own poems and stories. Shakespeare, for The battle for Troy drags on for
example, borrowed many Greek plots and 10 years. Finally, the Greeks come up with
settings. a plan to take the city. They build a huge,
The earliest Greek stories were epics hollow, wooden horse. The best My-
(EH • pihks). These long poems told about cenaean warriors hide inside the horse.
The Trojan Horse
After building the Trojan
horse, the Greeks returned
to their ships and pretended
to retreat. Despite warnings,
the Trojans brought the
horse within their city as
a war trophy. The Greeks
inside the horse opened the
city gates for their fellow
soldiers and captured the
city. What epic included the
story of the Trojan horse?
Clay carving of the
Trojan horse
James L. Stanfield/National Geographic Society Image Collection
9. The Trojans, thinking the horse was a
gift from the Greeks, celebrate and roll the Aesop
giant horse into the city. That night, the
Greek warriors quietly climb from the
horse and capture the city.
The Odyssey tells the story of Odysseus,
another Greek hero. It describes his journey
home from the Trojan War. Odysseus faces
storms, witches, and giants before return-
ing to his wife. Because it took Odysseus 10
years to get home, we use the word odyssey
today to mean a long journey with many
Greeks believed the Iliad and the
Odyssey were more than stories. They
looked on the epics as real history. These
poems gave the Greeks an ideal past with
a cast of heroes. Generations of Greeks
read Homer’s works. One Athenian wrote,
“My father was anxious to see me develop
into a good man . . . [so] he compelled me According to legend, Aesop was freed from
to memorize all of Homer.” slavery and became an adviser to Greek
rulers. What is a fable?
Homer’s stories taught courage and
honor. They also taught that it was impor-
tant to be loyal to your friends and to value halfway into the race, the hare is way ahead.
the relationship between husband and He stops to rest and falls asleep. Meanwhile,
wife. The stories showed heroes striving to the tortoise keeps going at a slow but steady
be the best they could be. Heroes fought to pace and finally wins the race.
protect their own honor and their family’s The moral of the story is “slow and
honor. Homer’s heroes became role models steady wins the race.” Some of the phrases
for Greek boys. we hear today came from Aesop’s fables.
“Sour grapes,” “a wolf in sheep’s clothing,”
and “appearances often are deceiving” are
Who Was Aesop? About 550 B.C., a Greek
slave named Aesop (EE • SAHP) made up his
For about 200 years, Aesop’s fables
now famous fables. A fable (FAY • buhl) is a
were a part of Greece’s oral tradition. This
short tale that teaches a lesson. In most of
means they were passed from person to
Aesop’s fables, animals talk and act like
person by word of mouth long before they
people. These often funny stories point out
were ever written down. Since then, count-
human flaws as well as strengths. Each
less writers have retold the stories in many
fable ends with a message, or moral.
different languages.
One of the best-known fables is “The
Tortoise and the Hare.” In this fable, a tor- Describe What are the
toise and a hare decide to race. More than characteristics of a fable?
158 CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization
Alinari/Art Resource, NY
10. HO0M. E. R Homer
c. 75 BC
Homer’s epic poems—the Iliad and
Odyssey—are famous, but until the
historians believed that Homer never
real person,
Historians now know Homer was a
te his
but they still debate whether he wro
er poets.
poems alone or with the help of oth
Many historians have speculated, or
personal life.
educated guesses, about Homer’s
Ionia and
Some say that Homer came from
ace. Some
seven cities claim to be his birthpl
believe that he was blind. Others bel
that he wandered from town to tow
Legends tell of Homer’s strong
le, as a
influence on his readers. For examp
said to
young child, Alexander the Great is
under his
have slept with a copy of the Iliad
poet. This word
Homer used the term aoidos for a
means “singer,” which tells us that
the poetry created “I hate as I hate [Hades’]
during Homer’s time was memorize
d and recited, not own gate that man
poems that were
written down. Usually, short, simple who hides one thought
audience as
easy to remember were told to an
entertainment. within him while he
poetry that
Homer created a different style of speaks another.”
t followed. His
influenced all Western literature tha ——Homer, the Iliad
characters, dramatic
epics are long and involve complex
ause each section
action, and interesting events. Bec
se characteristics,
of the Iliad and the Od yssey has the
y one poet
most historians today think that onl
could have created both epics. Wh
Homer was, his two epics have
influenced readers for more than Review the characteristics of an epi
c. Then do
3,000 years. research to identify a modern epic.
Scala/Art Resource, NY
11. Greek Drama Today’s movies, plays, and television
shows are all examples of drama.
Greek drama still shapes entertain-
ment today. Tragedies and Comedies The Greeks per-
Reading Focus Think about your favorite movie. formed plays in outdoor theaters as part of
How would you describe it? Is it a tragedy? Is it a their religious festivals. They developed two
comedy? Read to find out how Greek plays still influ- kinds of dramas—comedies and tragedies.
ence our entertainment. In a tragedy (TRA • juh • dee), a person
struggles to overcome difficulties but fails.
What is drama (DRAH • muh)? Drama is a As a result, the story has an unhappy end-
story told by actors who pretend to be ing. Early Greek tragedies presented people
characters in the story. In a drama, actors in a struggle against their fate. Later Greek
speak, show emotion, and imitate the tragedies showed how a person’s character
actions of the characters they represent. flaws caused him or her to fail.
The Theater
A modern-day play
Tragedies and comedies were staged at a
theater on the slopes of the Acropolis in Athens.
The plays included music and dance. Greek
actors wore costumes and held large masks.
The masks told the audience who the
actor was supposed to be—a king, a
soldier, or a god. All the actors were
men, even those playing female parts.
Actors today include both
men and women—and even
children and animals. Special effects
and makeup have replaced handheld
masks. Music in modern theater is
sometimes just as important as the actors’
words. If you watched a Greek play, what might
it tell you about life in ancient Greece?
Ruins of a Greek theater
160 CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization
(l)SuperStock, (r)Eric Robert/CORBIS
12. In a comedy (KAH • muh • dee), the story
ends happily. Today we use the word comedy
to mean a story filled with humor. The word
actually means any drama that has a happy
Greek stories dealt with big questions,
such as:
• What is the nature of good and evil?
• What rights should people have?
• What role do gods play in our lives?
The three best-known writers of Greek
tragedies were Aeschylus (EHS • kuh • luhs),
Sophocles (SAH • fuh • KLEEZ), and Euripides
(yu • RIH • puh • DEEZ). The best-known writer
of Greek comedies was Aristophanes (ar • uh •
STAH • fuh • NEEZ). This artwork shows
Early Greek tragedies had only one actor actors preparing for
who gave speeches and a chorus that sang a play. When and
where were Greek
songs describing the events. Aeschylus was plays performed?
the first to introduce the idea of having two
actors. This let the writer tell a story involving Comedy and
conflict between the two people. Aeschylus tragedy masks
also introduced costumes, props, and stage
decorations—all ideas we still use today.
One of Aeschylus’s best-known plays asks the question “Is it better to follow
is a group of three plays called the Oresteia orders or to do what is right?”
(ohr • eh • STY • uh). Aeschylus wrote the Euripides, a later playwright, tried to
plays in 458 B.C. They describe what hap- take Greek drama beyond heroes and gods.
pens when the king of Mycenae returns His characters were more down-to-earth.
home from the Trojan War. The Oresteia Euripides’ plots show a great interest in
teaches that evil acts cause more evil acts real-life situations. He questioned tradi-
and suffering. In the end, however, reason tional thinking, especially about war. He
triumphs over evil. The moral of these showed war as cruel and women and chil-
plays is that people should not seek dren as its victims.
revenge. The works of Aristophanes are good
Sophocles, a general and a writer of plays, examples of comedies. They make fun of
developed drama even further. He used leading politicians and scholars. They
three actors in his stories instead of one or encourage the audience to think as well as
two. He also placed painted scenes behind to laugh. Many of Aristophanes’ plays
the stage as a backdrop to the action. Two of included jokes, just like popular television
Sophocles’ most famous plays are Oedipus comedies do today.
Rex (EH • duh • puhs REHKS) and Antigone Summarize What two
(an • TIH • guh • nee) In Antigone, Sophocles types of drama did the Greeks create?
CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization 161
(t)Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY, (b)Mary Evans Picture Library
13. Greek Art and Architecture see reason, moderation, balance, and har-
mony in their work. They hoped their art
Greek art and architecture expressed would inspire people to base their lives on
Greek ideas of beauty and harmony. these same ideas.
Reading Focus Do you consider any building in We know that the Greeks painted
your neighborhood a work of art? Read on to find murals, but none of them have survived.
out about buildings that people have admired as art However, we can still see examples of
for centuries. Greek painting on Greek pottery. The pic-
tures on most Greek pottery are either red
Artists in ancient Greece believed in cer- on a black background or black on a red
tain ideas and tried to show those ideas in background. Large vases often had scenes
their work. These ideas have never gone from Greek myths. Small drinking cups
out of style. Greek artists wanted people to showed scenes from everyday life.
The Parthenon
Standing at almost 230 feet long and 100 feet wide,
the Parthenon was the glory of ancient Athens. It was
built between 447 and 432 B.C. What was the purpose
of the Parthenon?
Doric Ionic Corinthian
Treasure Room
Held the city's gold The Greeks used three
different styles of columns
in their buildings.
The statue of Athena,
covered in ivory and gold,
was about 43 feet high.
Athenians came to honor
Athena every four years.
Today the Parthenon still
rises above Athens.
162 CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization
(tl)Joel W. Rogers/CORBIS, (tc)Dave Bartruff/CORBIS, (tr)Vanni Archive/CORBIS, (b)Charles O’Rear/CORBIS
14. In addition to making pottery, the them from toppling, the column’s sections
Greeks were skilled architects. Architecture were joined with wooden pegs. Today,
is the art of designing and building struc- marble columns are common features of
tures. In Greece, the most important archi- churches and government buildings.
tecture was the temple dedicated to a god or Some of the best-known buildings in our
goddess. The best-known example is the nation’s capital, such as the White House
Parthenon. Temples, such as the Parthenon, and the Capitol, have columns similar to
had a walled room in their centers. Statues Greek columns.
of gods and goddesses and the gifts offered Many Greek temples were decorated
to them were kept in these central rooms. with sculpture. Greek sculpture, like Greek
Large columns supported many Greek architecture, was used to express Greek
buildings. The first Greek columns were ideas. The favorite subject of Greek artists
carved from wood. Then, in 500 B.C., the was the human body. Greek sculptors did
Greeks began to use marble. Marble not copy their subjects exactly, flaws and
columns were built in sections. Large all. Instead, they tried to show their ideal
blocks of marble were chiseled from stone version of perfection and beauty.
quarries and brought by oxen-drawn Identify What was
wagon to the building site. The sections the most important type of building in ancient
were stacked on top of each other. To keep Greece?
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What Did You Learn?
Reading Summary 1. How and why did the Greeks
honor their gods?
6. Make Generalizations Why
did Greek artists include the
Review the
2. What values did the epic poems ideas of reason, moderation,
• The Greeks believed gods and balance, and harmony in their
goddesses influenced their lives. of Homer teach Greeks?
They believed oracles spoke for
the gods and goddesses. Critical Thinking 7. Expository Writing Greek lit-
3. Contrast How do Greek erature tells us what the Greeks
• The Greeks wrote long poems, tragedies and comedies differ? thought was important. Choose
called epics, and short tales, called a modern book, movie, or televi-
4. Summarizing Information
fables, to pass on Greek values. sion show. Write a paragraph to
Draw a table to describe the
explain what it would tell others
• The Greeks created the ideas of characteristics of Greek archi-
about our society.
tragedy and comedy that are still tecture and pottery.
used in drama today. 8. Context Clues
Greek Architecture Explain how the words in the
• Greek art forms, such as painting, Greek Pottery following sentence would help
architecture, and sculpture, you find the meaning of the
expressed Greek ideas of beauty, 5. Evaluate Do you think the word moral.
harmony, and moderation. themes of Euripides’ plays “The moral of the story is ‘slow
would be popular today? and steady wins the race.’”
CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization 163
15. Retold by Josephine Preston Peabody
Before You Read
The Scene: This story takes place on the Greek island of Crete in the
legendary time when both humans and gods lived in ancient Greece.
The Characters: Daedalus is the master architect for King Minos of Crete.
Icarus is the son of Daedalus.
The Plot: King Minos once liked and trusted his servant, the architect
Daedalus. The king’s favor, though, soon runs out and he locks Daedalus
and his son, Icarus, in a high tower. Daedalus secretly plans to escape.
Vocabulary Preview
mortal: human reel: to turn or seem to turn around
veer: to shift or change direction and around
waver: to become unsteady quench: to satisfy or put an end to
a need or desire
rash: done without thought or
preparation vainly: without success
Have you ever known someone
who ignored warnings and did
something dangerous? This is
the story of a young boy who
does not listen to his father and
suffers the consequences.
16. As You Read
Keep in mind that a myth is a special kind of story, usually
involving gods or goddesses. Greek myths, like this one, were
told and retold over many hundreds of years. Try to figure out
why the Greeks told this story. What lesson does it teach?
Among all those mortals who grew so wise that they learned the 1
secrets of the gods, none was more cunning than Daedalus.
He once built, for King Minos of Crete, a wonderful Labyrinth of
winding ways so cunningly tangled up and twisted around that,
once inside, you could never find your way out again without a
magic clue. But the king’s favor veered with the wind, and one day
he had his master architect imprisoned in a tower. Daedalus
managed to escape from his cell; but it seemed impossible to leave
the island, since every ship that came or went was well guarded by
order of the king.
At length, watching the sea-gulls in the air—the only creatures
that were sure of liberty,—he thought of a plan for himself and his
young son Icarus, who was captive with him.
Little by little, he gathered a store of feathers great and small.
He fastened these together with thread, moulded them in with wax,
and so fashioned two great wings like those of a bird. When they
were done, Daedalus fitted them to his own shoulders, and after
one or two efforts, he found that by waving his arms he could
winnow the air and cleave it, as a swimmer does the sea.
He held himself aloft, wavered this way and that with
the wind, and at last, like a great fledgling, he
learned to fly.
Daedalus (DEH • duhl • uhs): architect for King Minos
Icarus (IH • kuh • ruhs): son of Daedalus
winnow . . . and cleave: here, both mean “to separate
or divide”
fledgling: a young bird without feathers that cannot
yet fly
17. Without delay, he fell to work on a pair of wings for the boy
Icarus, and taught him carefully how to use them, bidding him
beware of rash adventures among the stars. “Remember,” said the
father, “never fly very low or very high, for the fogs about the earth
would weigh you down, but the blaze of the sun will surely melt
your feathers apart if you go too near.”
For Icarus, these cautions went in at one ear and out by the
other. Who could remember to be careful when he was to fly for the
first time? Are birds careful? Not they! And not an idea remained in
the boy’s head but the one joy of escape.
The day came, and the fair wind that was to set them free. The
father bird put on his wings, and, while the light urged them to be
gone, he waited to see that all was well with Icarus, for the two
could not fly hand in hand. Up they rose, the boy after his father.
The hateful ground of Crete sank beneath them; and the country
folk, who caught a glimpse of them when they were high above
the tree-tops, took it for a vision of the gods,—Apollo,5
perhaps, with Cupid after him.
At first there was a terror in the joy. The wide vacancy of
the air dazed them,—a glance downward made their brains
reel. But when a great wind filled their wings, and Icarus felt
7 8
himself sustained, like a halcyon-bird in the hollow of a
wave, like a child uplifted by his mother, he forgot
everything in the world but joy. He forgot Crete and
the other islands that he had passed over: he saw
but vaguely that winged thing in the distance
before him that was his father Daedalus.
Apollo: Greek god of the sun
Cupid: Greek god of love
sustained: to be kept from falling
halcyon-bird: also kingfisher, flies close
to the water to catch fish
18. 9
He longed for one draught of flight to quench the thirst of
his captivity: he stretched out his arms to the sky and made
toward the highest heavens.
Alas for him! Warmer and warmer grew the air. Those
arms, that had seemed to uphold him, relaxed. His wings
wavered, drooped. He fluttered his young hands
vainly,—he was falling,—and in that terror he
remembered. The heat of the sun had melted the
wax from his wings; the feathers were falling,
one by one, like snowflakes; and there was
none to help.
He fell like a leaf tossed down the wind, down,
down, with one cry that overtook Daedalus far
away. When he returned, and sought high and
low for the poor boy, he saw nothing but the
bird-like feathers afloat on the water, and he
knew that Icarus was drowned.
The nearest island he named Icaria,
in memory of the child; but he, in heavy grief,
went to the temple of Apollo in Sicily, and there hung up
his wings as an offering. Never again did he attempt to fly.
draught: here, means “a taste”
Responding to the Reading
1. What does King Minos do to keep Daedalus and Icarus
from escaping from Crete?
2. How does the setting of the story influence the plot? Support
your ideas with details from the story.
3. Drawing Conclusions Do you think Daedalus is a concerned
father? Why or why not? Support your opinion with examples.
4. Evaluating Information Why does Icarus disobey his father’s
words of caution?
5. Read to Write Imagine you are Icarus. Would you
listen to your father’s advice? Write one or two paragraphs
explaining what you would have done and why.
19. Greek Philosophy
and History
What’s the Connection? Building Your Vocabulary
Section 1 discussed early Greek philosophy (fuh • LAH • suh • fee)
artists and writers. Many of them philosopher (fuh • LAH • suh • fuhr)
made the years between 500 and Sophist (SAH • fihst)
350 B.C. the Golden Age for Greece. Socratic method (suh • KRA • tihk)
Greek thinkers and historians also
produced works that shape people’s Reading Strategy
views of the world today. Categorizing Information Use
diagrams like the one below to show
Focusing on the the basic philosophies of Socrates,
• Greek philosophers developed ideas Plato, and Aristotle.
that are still used today. (page 169)
• Greeks wrote the first real histories
in Western civilization. (page 173)
Meeting People
Pythagoras (puh • THA • guh • ruhs) Socrates
Socrates (SAH • kruh • TEEZ)
Plato (PLAY • TOH)
Aristotle (AR • uh • STAH • tuhl)
Herodotus (hih • RAH • duh • tuhs)
Thucydides (thoo • SIH • duh • DEEZ)
500 B.C. 400 B.C. 300 B.C.
435 B.C. 399 B.C. 335 B.C.
Herodotus Socrates Aristotle opens
writes history sentenced the Lyceum
of Persian Wars to death in Athens
168 CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization
Scala/Art Resource, NY
20. Greek Philosophers Many philosophers were teachers. One
Greek philosopher, Pythagoras (puh • THA •
Greek philosophers developed ideas guh • ruhs), taught his pupils that the uni-
that are still used today. verse followed the same laws that governed
Reading Focus Who are you? Why are you here? music and numbers. He believed that all
Read to learn how the ancient Greeks tried to answer relationships in the world could be
similar “big” questions. expressed in numbers. As a result, he devel-
oped many new ideas about mathematics.
Most people know his name because of the
The word philosophy (fuh • LAH • suh • fee) Pythagorean theorem that is still used in
comes from the Greek word for “love of wis- geometry. It is a way to determine the
dom.” Greek philosophy led to the study of length of the sides of a triangle.
history, political science, science, and mathe-
matics. Greek thinkers who believed the Who Were the Sophists? The Sophists
human mind could understand everything (SAH • fihsts) were professional teachers in
were called philosophers (fuh • LAH • suh • fuhrs). ancient Greece. They traveled from city to
This artwork shows Greek philosophers involved in a
discussion. Where does the word philosophy come from?
CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization 169
Scala/Art Resource, NY
21. Greek Philosophers
Sophists Socrates Plato Aristotle
Or Group
Main Idea Sophists like Libanius He was a critic of He rejected the idea Aristotle taught the
(above) thought that the Sophists. Socrates of democracy as a idea of the “golden
people should use believed that there form of government. mean.” He believed
knowledge to improve was an absolute Plato believed that observation and
themselves. They right and wrong. philosopher-kings comparison were
believed that there should rule society. necessary to gain
is no absolute knowledge.
right or wrong.
Important They developed the He created the He described his He wrote over 200
Contribution art of public speak- Socratic method vision of the ideal books on philoso-
ing and debate. of teaching. government phy and science. He
in his work the divided all govern-
Republic. ments into three
basic types.
Influence The importance of His methods He introduced the His political ideas
on Today public speaking can influenced the way idea that govern- still shape political
be seen in political teachers interact ment should be ideas today.
debates between with their students. fair and just.
city and made a living by teaching others. Socrates believed that an absolute truth
They believed students should use their existed and that all real knowledge was
time to improve themselves. Many taught within each person. He invented the
their students how to win an argument and Socratic method (suh • KRA • tihk) of teaching
make good political speeches. still used today. He asked pointed questions
Sophists did not believe that gods and to force his pupils to use their reason and to
goddesses influenced people. They also see things for themselves.
rejected the idea of absolute right or wrong. Some Athenian leaders considered the
They believed that what was right for one Socratic method a threat to their power. At
person might be wrong for another. one time, Athens had a tradition of ques-
tioning leaders and speaking freely.
The Ideas of Socrates One critic of the However, their defeat in the Peloponnesian
Sophists was Socrates (SAH • kruh • TEEZ). War changed the Athenians. They no longer
Socrates was an Athenian sculptor whose trusted open debate. In 399 B.C. the leaders
true love was philosophy. Socrates left no accused Socrates of teaching young
writings behind. What we know about Athenians to rebel against the state. A jury
him we have learned from the writings of found Socrates guilty and sentenced him to
his students. death. Socrates could have fled the city, but
170 CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization
(l)Mary Evans Picture Library, (cl)Scala/Art Resource, NY, (cr)Museo Capitolino, Rome/E.T. Archives, London/SuperStock, (r)Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, NY
22. he chose to remain. He argued that he had should not eat too little or too much but just
lived under the city’s laws, so he had to enough to stay well.
obey them. He then drank poison to carry Aristotle also helped to advance science.
out the jury’s sentence. He urged people to use their senses to make
observations, just as scientists today make
observations. Aristotle was the first person
The Ideas of Plato One of Socrates’ stu-
to group observations according to their sim-
dents was Plato (PLAY • toh). Unlike Socrates,
ilarities and differences. Then he made gen-
we are able to learn a lot about Plato from
eralizations based on the groups of facts.
his writings. One work Plato wrote is called
Like Plato, Aristotle wrote about gov-
the Republic. It explains his ideas about gov-
ernment. He studied and compared the
ernment. Based on life in Athens, Plato
governments of 158 different places to find
decided that democracy was not a good
the best form of government. In his book
system of government. He did not think
Politics, Aristotle divided the governments
that rule by the people produced fair or sen-
into three types:
sible policies. To him, people could not live
• Government by one person, such as a
good lives unless they had a just and rea-
monarch (king or queen) or a tyrant
sonable government.
• Government by a few people, which
In the Republic, Plato described his ideal
might be an aristocracy or an
government. He divided people into three
basic groups. At the top were philosopher-
• Government by many people, as in a
kings, who ruled using logic and wisdom.
Warriors made up the second group. They
defended the state from attack. Aristotle noticed that governments run
The third group included the rest of the by a few people were usually run by the
people. They were driven by desire, not by rich. He noticed that most democracies
wisdom like the first group or courage like were run by the poor. He thought the best
the second. These people produced the government was a mixture of the two.
state’s food, clothing, and shelter. Plato also Aristotle’s ideas shaped the way
believed that men and women should have Europeans and Americans thought about
the same education and an equal chance to government. The founders of the United
have the same jobs. States Constitution tried to create a mixed
government that balanced the different
types Aristotle had identified.
Who Was Aristotle? Plato established a
school in Athens known as the Academy. His Contrast How did
best student was Aristotle (AR • uh • STAH • tuhl). Aristotle’s idea of government differ from Plato’s?
Aristotle wrote more than 200 books on
topics ranging from government to the
planets and stars.
In 335 B.C. Aristotle opened his own
school called the Lyceum. At the Lyceum, Web Activity Visit and click
Aristotle taught his pupils the “golden on Chapter 5—Student Web Activity to learn
mean.” This idea holds that a person should more about ancient Greece.
do nothing in excess. For example, a person
CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization 171
Plat 7 . . BC
Aristotle 384–322 B.C.
and had planned a career in
Plato was from a noble Greek family
d by the death of his teacher,
politics. However, he was so horrifie
nt many years traveling and
Socrates, that he left politics and spe
ens in 387 B.C., he founded an
writing. When Plato returned to Ath
rates’ method of questioning. His
academy, where he taught using Soc
ts from Athens and other Greek
academy drew bright young studen
ond the appearances of
city-states. Plato looked for truth bey
philosophy in his writing and
everyday objects and reflected this
l was the connection between
teaching. He believed the human sou
the appearance of things and ideas.
atest ancient Greek
Plato and Aristotle—two of the gre
dent at Plato’s Academy in Plato
philosophers—met as teacher and stu on the Aca dem y’s
gira and arrived
Athens. Aristotle left his home in Sta y for
rs old. He remained at Plato’s Academ
doorstep when he was eighteen yea e from
r. Unlike Plato, Aristotle did not com
20 years, until the death of his teache an early
ily. His fath er was the cou rt phy sician to the king of Macedonia. At
a noble fam and these
totle’s father intr odu ced him to the topics of medicine and biology,
age, Aris tematic , scientific
Aristotle sought truth through a sys
became his main interests of study. and details about different
approach. He liked to jot down notes
avior—and arrange them in
topics—from weather to human beh
ses’ ability to understand the
categories. He did not trust the sen
for about 12 years.
After Plato’s death, Aristotle traveled
the Great. Later in his life, he
He also tutored the future Alexander
school, the Lyceum. He
returned to Athens and opened his own
in every area of
made his school the center for research
knowledge known to the Greeks.
Aristotle spent 20 years at Plato’s Aca
s of study
What present-day careers or subject
require lifelong learning?
(t)SEF/Art Resource, NY, (b) Scala/Art Resource, NY
24. Greek Historians Many historians consider Thucydides
(thoo • SIH • duh • DEEZ) the greatest historian of
Greeks wrote the first real histories in the ancient world. Thucydides fought in the
Western civilization. Peloponnesian War. After he lost a battle, he
Reading Focus Why is history important? Read on to was sent into exile. There he wrote his
find out what Greek historians thought was important. History of the Peloponnesian War.
Unlike Herodotus, Thucydides saw war
In most places in the ancient world, peo- and politics as the activities of human
ple did not write history. Legends and beings, not gods. He also stressed the
myths explained their past. Some civiliza- importance of having accurate facts:
tions kept long lists of rulers and the dates
they were in power, but no one tried to Either I was present myself at the
explain the past by studying events. Then, events which I have described or
in 435 B.C., a Greek named Herodotus (hih • else I heard of them from eye-
RAH • duh • tuhs) wrote the history of the witnesses whose reports I have
Persian Wars. checked with as much
In his book, Herodotus tried to separate thoroughness as possible.
fact from legend. He asked questions,
recorded answers, and checked the truthful- —Thucydides, History of the
Peloponnesian War
ness of his sources. Although his history
includes some errors and uses gods and god-
desses to explain some events, Western histo- Identify How did
rians consider him the “father of history.” Thucydides view war and politics?
Study Central™ Need help with the
material in this section? Visit
What Did You Learn?
Reading Summary 1. Who were the Sophists and
what were their beliefs?
4. Science Link How are
Aristotle’s teachings related to
Review the the scientific method used by
2. Before Herodotus, how did
• The ideas of Greek philosophers, Greeks explain the past? scientists today?
including Socrates, Plato, and
5. Contrast What is different
Aristotle, still affect modern Critical Thinking
about the works of Herodotus
thinking about education, gov- 3. Organizing Information and Thucydides?
ernment, and science. Draw a diagram like the one
below. Use the diagram to 6. Summarize Describe
organize Plato’s ideas about an Aristotle’s contributions to
• Herodotus and Thucydides are
ideal government. government.
considered western civilization’s
first historians. They believed 7. Persuasive Writing Do you
that people could understand the agree with Plato’s vision of the
present by studying the past. ideal state in the Republic?
Write an editorial expressing
your viewpoint.
CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization 173
25. Alexander
the Great
What’s the Connection? Meeting People
In Section 2, you learned that the Philip II
Greek philosopher Aristotle was also Alexander the Great
a teacher. The king of Macedonia
admired Greek culture and hired Building Your Vocabulary
Aristotle to tutor his son, Alexander. legacy (LEH • guh • see)
Years later, his son would take Hellenistic Era (HEH • luh • NIHS • tihk)
control of the Greek world.
Focusing on the Reading Strategy
Sequencing Create a diagram like the
• Philip II of Macedonia united the
one below to track the achievements
Greek states. (page 175)
of Alexander the Great.
• Alexander the Great conquered the
Persian Empire and spread Greek
culture throughout southwest Asia.
(page 176)
Locating Places
Macedonia (MA • suh • DOH • nee • uh)
Chaeronea (KEHR • uh • NEE • uh)
Syria (SIHR • ee • uh)
Alexandria (A • lihg • ZAN • dree • uh)
360 B.C. 340 B.C. 320 B.C.
MACEDONIA 359 B.C. 331 B.C. 323 B.C.
Philip II becomes Alexander Alexander dies
Gaugamela king of Macedonia defeats Darius
at Gaugamela
174 CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization
26. Macedonia Attacks Greece their ideas, and their armies. Although
Macedonia was influenced by Greek ideas,
Philip II of Macedonia united the Greek Philip wanted to make his kingdom strong
states. enough to defeat the mighty Persian
Reading Focus Have you ever wanted something Empire. In order to achieve this goal, Philip
because your neighbor had it? Read to find what the king needed to unite the Greek city-states with
of Macedonia wanted from his neighbors, the Greeks. his own kingdom.
Philip trained a vast army of foot sol-
Macedonia (MA • suh • DOH • nee • uh) lay diers to fight like the Greeks. He took over
north of Greece. The Macedonians raised the city-states one by one. He took some
sheep and horses and grew crops in their city-states by force and bribed the leaders of
river valleys. They were a warrior people others to surrender. Some united with his
who fought on horseback. The Greeks looked kingdom voluntarily.
down on them, but by 400 B.C., Macedonia Demosthenes (dih • MAHS • thuh • NEEZ)
had become a powerful kingdom. was a lawyer and one of Athens’s great
public speakers. He gave several powerful
A Plan to Win Greece In 359 B.C. Philip II speeches warning Athenians that Philip
rose to the throne in Macedonia. Philip had was a threat to Greek freedom. He urged
lived in Greece as a young man. He admired Athens and other city-states to join together
everything about the Greeks—their art, to fight the Macedonians.
Demosthenes’ Warning Demosthenes
As King Philip II of Macedonia became
more powerful, he began to take part
in the affairs of Greece. Demosthenes real-
ized that Macedonia’s powerful army
would eventually be a threat to Greece.
He tried to warn the Greeks to take action.
“Remember only that Philip is our enemy, that
he has long been robbing and insulting us,
that wherever we have expected aid from oth-
ers we have found hostility, that the future
depends on ourselves, and that unless we are
willing to fight him there we shall perhaps be
forced to fight here. . . . You need not speculate
[guess] about the future except to assure
yourselves that it will be disastrous unless you
face the facts and are willing to do your duty.” Which line of Demosthenes’ speech tells
—Demosthenes, “The First Philippic” in what he thinks will happen if the Greeks
Orations of Demosthenes ignore Philip?
CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization 175
file photo
27. However, by the time the Greeks saw the
danger, it was too late. The Peloponnesian
Alexander Builds an Empire
War had left the Greeks weak and divided. In Alexander the Great conquered the
many Greek city-states, the population had Persian Empire and spread Greek culture through-
declined after the Peloponnesian War. out southwest Asia.
Fighting had destroyed many farms and left Reading Focus What will you be doing at age 20?
people with no way to earn a living. As a Read to learn what Philip’s son Alexander achieved.
result, thousands of young Greeks left Greece
to join the Persian army. Many who stayed Philip planned to conquer the Persian
behind began fighting among themselves. Empire with the Greeks’ help. Before Philip
The city-states grew weaker. could carry out his plan, however, he was
Although the Athenians joined some murdered. As a result, the invasion of Asia
other Greek states to fight Philip’s army, they fell to his son.
could not stop the invasion. In 338 B.C. the Alexander was only 20 when he became
Macedonians crushed the Greek allies at the king of Macedonia. Philip had carefully
Battle of Chaeronea (KEHR • uh • NEE • uh) near trained his son for leadership. While still a
Thebes. Philip now controlled most of Greece. boy, Alexander often went with his father to
Summarize Why did Philip II the battlefront. At age 16 he rose to com-
invade Greece? mander in the Macedonian army. After his
Alexander’s Empire 323 B.C. In
D a nube R. E
W 40°N
Black Sea S
334 B.C.
Chaeronea Sea
338 B.C. MINOR Issus Sea
Athens 333 B.C. Gaugamela
331 B.C.
Mediterranean Sea hr Babylon PERSIA
ate Susa
s R.
Alexandria Persepolis .
Extent of empire n
Alexander’s routes Gu
0 500 mi.
of conquest
500 km
0 Major battle
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection Sea
The Region Today
Alexander the Great’s empire 20°N BULGARIA
stretched across three continents. TURKMENISTAN
1. Near what river was the Battle of GREECE TURKEY
Gaugamela fought? IRAN AFGHANISTAN
2. What modern countries make up LEBANON IRAQ KUWAIT
the eastern borders of the empire? ISRAEL
Find NGS online map resources @ SAUDI
28. father’s death, Alexander was ready to ful-
fill his father’s dream—the invasion of the Alexander the Great
Persian Empire.
Alexander’s Conquests In the spring of
334 B.C., Alexander invaded Asia Minor with
about 37,000 Macedonian and Greek foot sol-
diers. He also took along 5,000 mounted
warriors. With Alexander at their head, the
cavalry destroyed the forces of the local
Persian satraps at the Battle of Granicus.
By the next year, Alexander had freed
the Greek cities in Asia Minor from Persian
rule and defeated a large Persian army at
Issus. He then turned south. By the winter
of 332 B.C., he had captured Syria (SIHR • ee •
uh) and Egypt. Then he built the city of This carving of Alexander the Great on his horse
Alexandria (A • lihg • ZAN • dree • uh) as a cen- decorated the side of a tomb. Was Alexander
ter of business and trade. The city became able to fulfill his plans of conquest? Explain.
one of the most important cities in the
ancient world. Alexander was as good as a drink for every
In 331 B.C. Alexander headed east and man in the army.”
defeated the Persians at Gaugamela, near In 323 B.C. Alexander returned to
Babylon. After this victory, his army easily Babylon. He wanted to plan an invasion of
overran the rest of the Persian Empire. southern Arabia but was very tired and weak
However, Alexander did not stop at Persia. from wounds. He came down with a bad
Over the next three years, he marched east fever. Ten days later he was dead at age 32.
as far as modern Pakistan. In 326 B.C. he
crossed the Indus River and entered India. Alexander’s Legacy Alexander was a
There he fought a number of bloody battles. great military leader. He was brave and
Weary of continuous war, his soldiers even reckless. He often rode into battle
refused to go farther. Alexander agreed to ahead of his men and risked his own life.
lead them home. He inspired his armies to march into
On the return march, the troops crossed unknown lands and risk their lives in dif-
a desert in what is now southern Iran. Heat ficult situations.
and thirst killed thousands of soldiers. At The key to Alexander’s courage may
one point, a group of soldiers found a little have been his childhood education.
water and scooped it up in a helmet. Then Alexander kept a copy of the Iliad under his
they offered the water to Alexander. pillow. Most likely his inspiration was
According to a Greek historian, Alexander, Homer’s warrior-hero Achilles. In the end,
“in full view of his troops, poured the water Alexander’s reputation outstripped even
on the ground. So extraordinary was the Achilles’, and today he is called Alexander
effect of this action that the water wasted by the Great.
CHAPTER 5 Greek Civilization 177
Robert Harding Picture Library
29. The Empire Breaks Apart Alexander the
(l)Yan Arthus-Bertrand/CORBIS, (r)Archives Charmet/Bridgeman Art Library
A legacy (LEH • guh • see) is what a person
leaves behind when he or she dies. Great planned to unite Macedonians,
Alexander’s skill and daring created his Greeks, and Persians in his new empire. He
legacy. He helped extend Greek and used Persians as officials and encouraged
Macedonian rule over a vast area. At the his soldiers to marry Asian women. After
same time, he and his armies spread Greek Alexander died, however, his generals
art, ideas, language, and architecture wher- fought one another for power. As a result,
ever they went in southwest Asia and the empire that Alexander had created fell
northern Africa. Greeks, in turn, brought apart. Four kingdoms took its place:
new ideas back from Asia and Africa. Macedonia, Pergamum (PUHR • guh • muhm),
Alexander’s conquests marked the Egypt, and the Seleucid Empire (suh • LOO •
beginning of the Hellenistic Era (HEH • luh • suhd). Look at the map on page 179 to see
NIHS • tihk). The word Hellenistic comes from where these kingdoms were located.
a Greek word meaning “like the Greeks.” It All government business in the
refers to a time when the Greek language Hellenistic kingdoms was conducted in the
and Greek ideas spread to the non-Greek Greek language. Only those Asians and
people of southwest Asia. Egyptians who spoke Greek could apply
Alexandria, Egypt Alexandria
Modern Alexandria
The lighthouse of Alexandria was one
of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient
World. A fire in its tall tower guided
ships into harbor. What was special
about Alexandria in 100 B.C.?