Sequence Homology, Sequence Similarity, Methods and Significance of Pairwise Sequence Alignments

This quiz contains multiple-choice problems on sequence homology versus sequence similarity, methods and statistical significance of sequence alignment.

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Which of the following is incorrect regarding pair wise sequence alignment?

The most fundamental process in this type of comparison is sequence alignment

It is an important first step toward structural and functional analysis of newly determined sequences

This is the process by which sequences are compared by searching for common character patterns and establishing residue-residue correspondence among related sequences

It is the process of aligning multiple sequences

Which of the following is incorrect about evolution?

The macromolecules can be considered molecular fossils that encode the history of millions of years of evolution

The building blocks of these biological macromolecules, nucleotide bases, and amino acids form linear sequences that determine the primary structure of the molecules

DNA and proteins are products of evolution

The molecular sequences barely undergo changes

The presence of evolutionary traces is because some of the residues that perform vital functional and structural roles tend to be preserved by natural selection; other residues that may be less crucial for structure and function tend to mutate more frequently. True or false?



The degree of sequence variation in the alignment reveals the evolutionary relatedness of different sequences. In contrast, the conservation between sequences reflects the evolutionary changes as substitutions, insertions, and deletions. True or false?



It is highly __ that the extensive similarities between two sequences have been acquired randomly, meaning that the sequences must have derived from a common evolutionary origin.





It is possible in some cases that two sequences have derived from a common ancestor but may have diverged to such an extent that the common ancestral relationships are not recognizable at the sequence level. True or false?



Which of the following is incorrect regarding sequence homology?

Two sequences can homologous relationship even if have do not have common origin

It is an important concept in sequence analysis

When two sequences are descended from a common evolutionary origin, they are said to have a homologous relationship

When two sequences are descended from a common evolutionary origin, they are said to share homology

Sequence similarity can be quantified using __ homology in a __ statement.

percentages, quantitative

percentages, qualitative

ratios, qualitative

ratios, quantitative

Shorter sequences require higher cutoffs for inferring homologous relationships than longer sequences. True or false?



Sequence similarity and sequence identity are synonymous for nucleotide sequences and protein sequences. True or false?



Alignment algorithms, both global and local, are fundamentally similar and only differ in the optimization strategy used in aligning similar residues. True or false?



In a dot matrix, two sequences to be compared are written in the __ of the matrix.

Horizontal and vertical axes

Two parallel horizontal axes

Two parallel vertical axes

Horizontal axis (one preceding another)

When two sequences have substantial regions of similarity, many dots line up to form contiguous __ lines.

Crossings on




If the selected window size is too long, the sensitivity of the alignment is lost. True or false?



When comparing __ sequences using the dot matrix method, viz., the __, a problem exists.

small, amplification

large, amplification

small, high noise level

large, high noise level

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Sequence Homology, Sequence Similarity, Methods and Significance of Pairwise Sequence Alignments
Questions: 15
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