This is an MCQ-based quiz on Public Facilities and Services.
It includes Sanitation, Transport, Road, Basic needs, NDMC, Water, and other Public Facilities.
Mumbai suburban ………………………………. is well functioning public transport system.
The census 2001 put rural household electrification at.
Porto Alegre is a city in ………………………… .
Which companies provide public facilities but at price that only some people can afford.
What are Public facilities?
Which areas in Chennai faces severe water shortages?
Which of the following is a water related disease?
How can we prevent water related diseases?
Which facility, besides safe drinking water, is necessary to prevent water-borne disease?
What is the main sources of water?
Wherefrom the government gets funds for providing Public facility?
Which of the following is most important public transport?
Who carries the responsibility of providing public facility to the people?
France passed a law banning students from wearing any conspicuous religious signs or symbols in year
For what purpose bore well water is not used?
What is special about Porto Alegre?
Equity in the schooling facilities available to all children is an important aspect of
In which year Bengal was divided into two parts?