Potpourri of Multiple Reactions

This quiz contains multiple-choice problems on autocatalytic reactions, selectivity and reactor yield.

Start Quiz

Which of the following reactors is used for carrying out autocatalytic reactions?

CSTR PFR Batch reactor A combination of CSTR and PFR.

An example of an autocatalytic reaction is

The formation reaction of ammonia

The decomposition reaction of hydrogen peroxide

The reaction of permanganate with oxalic acid

The oxidation of copper

If the area under the curve of -1/r{A} versus X{A} for a PFR used to carry out an autocatalytic reaction is 5(m^3.s/mol), the ratio of change in volume to molar feed rate is





Selectivity in parallel reactions is defined as the ratio of

Moles of desired product formed to the moles of undesired material formed

Moles of undesired product formed to the moles of desired material formed

Moles of product formed to the moles of reactant consumed

Moles of reactant consumed to the moles of product formed

The final concentration of product is related to the yield as

Final concentration = Yield × Reactant fed

Final concentration = Yield / Reactant fed

Final concentration = Yield × Reactant converted

Final concentration = Yield / Reactant fed

Consider two parallel reactions A→B and A→C. If B is desired product and reaction A→B is of positive order n1 and C is undesired product and reaction A→C is of negative order n2, increasing the concentration of A would

Decrease the desired product selectivity

Increase the desired product selectivity

Initially increase then decrease the desired product selectivity

Not affect the desired product selectivity

The autocatalyst in microbial fermentation reactions is

Organic feed



Product chemical

Consider the parallel reactions A→B of order n1 and A→C of order n2. If B is the desired product, which of the following reactor/combination of reactors is used if n1 > n2?


CSTR followed by bubbling bed reactor


CSTR followed by PFR

If the reactions A→B and A→C are represented as (-rA) = k1CA{3} and (-r{A}) = k2CA{6} of activation energies 130 J/mol and 150 J/mol respectively, which of the following is the right selection of process parameters to increase the selectivity of B?

CSTR, high temperature

PFR, high temperature

CSTR, low temperature

PFR, low temperature

For the parallel reaction A→B, represented as (-r{A}) = k1CA{5} and A→C represented as (-r{A}) = k2CA{3}, the ideal reactor preferred is


CSTRs in parallel

CSTRs in series


Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Potpourri of Multiple Reactions
Questions: 10
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