Population Composition

These MCQs are based on Population Composition.

Which includes the following topics Age Structure, Age-sex Pyramid, Rural-Urban Composition, Literacy, Occupational Structure, and many more.

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Which attribute does not distinguish people?

Age Sex Occupation Industries

Favourable sex ratio is found in how many countries.

109 119 129 139

In which continent, low sex ratio is found:



North America


In European countries, a deficit of males is due to:

Low Birth Rate

High Death Rate

Better status of women

Better status of men

The lowest sex ratio is found in:





Which one of the following has caused the sex ratio of the United Arab Emirates to below?

Selective migration of working population High birth rate of males Low birth rate of females High outmigration of females

Identify the age group from the options that is called the working population.

15 to 65 years 15 to 66 years 15 to 59 years 15 to 64 years

Which country has recorded the highest sex ratio in the world?

Qatar Latvia India France

According to the UNO, how many countries have sex ratio favourable for females?

139 192 168 123

According to the UNO, how many countries have sex ratio unfavourable for females?

13 92 72 23

The aging population has aged more than:

40 years 45 years 50 years 60 years

Expanding population Pyranrd Shows.

Wide Base Narrow Base Developed economy Uniform width.

Which type of age-sex pyramid is of Australia?

Expanding Constant Declining Negative

Which one of the following has caused the sex ratio of the United Arab Emirates to be low.

Selective migration of working population High birth rate of males Low birth rate of females High out-migration of females.

Which one of the following countries has the highest sex ratio in the world?

Latvia Japan the United Arab Emirates France.
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Population Composition
Questions: 15
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