Nationalism, Revolution, and Reform (c. 1750 - c. 1900)

The quiz will review concepts of Enlightenment thought and the impact its diffusion had on rebellions throughout the world. Questions will also assess the development of national identities based on shared religion, culture, language, and land, and how nationalism and a discontent with imperial rule could lead to rebellion. Some questions will examine the impact of demographic changes on social and political situations.

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The main argument of Marx and Engels' Communist Manifesto was that all nations should have developed communism instead of capitalism.



The purpose of labor unions, which developed in the early 19th century, was to

Provide workers with a unified body to hide behind when they went on strike

Help workers bargain collectively for better working conditions

Show employers that they were powerless against the sheer numbers of workers

Combine knowledge of specialized trades and promote apprenticeships

All of the following contributed to the American Revolution except,

Britain's decision to arm Native Americans and organize violent attacks against the colonists

Britain's reliance on mercantilist policies, which were unfair to the American colonies

Thomas Paine's argument that the monarchy encroached on Americans' natural rights

Britain's heavy taxation of the colonies in order to pay off war debt

Under the Declaration of the Rights of Man, the French National Assembly,

Gave the Third Estate of peasants and workers tremendous political power

Reorganized the French government into a constitutional parliament

Declared the monarchy a gross injustice that should be forcibly removed

Recognized man's natural rights, based on ideas put forth during the Enlightenment

Simon Bolivar's vision for South America in the early 19th century was____.

A unified country across the continent, independent from Spain

A collection of independent states that paid tribute to Spain

A violent revolution in which all Spanish descendants were expelled

An industrialized collection of countries that could compete with European powers

Following the Napoleonic Wars, the Congress of Vienna refused to allow monarchs to return to their thrones throughout Europe.



Under Alexander III's policy of Russification, Eastern members of Russia,

Were forced to work in collectivized farms

Were permitted to maintain their languages and religious traditions

Were forced to learn Russian and convert to Russian Orthodoxy, even though they shared no cultural background with Western Russians

Were expelled from the country because they shared no cultural background with Western Russians

Social Darwinism was used to justify all of the following exept,

Women's mental inferiority

The supremacy of the upper class

The natural evolution of the lower class to revolt against their oppressors

The domination of white Europeans over Africans

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Nationalism, Revolution, and Reform (c. 1750 - c. 1900)
Questions: 8
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