Continuity and Innovation (c. 600 CE – c. 1450)

The quiz will examine the collapse of empires in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, as well as how new states adapted their forms to their circumstances. Questions will also assess understanding of how the increase in agricultural and industrial capacity contributed to major demographic and social changes.

Start Quiz

Which of the following best defines the difference between the Mongols and other empires in the 13th and 14th centuries?

The Mongol conquest led to a "golden age" of innovation in its vast territories

The Mongols ruled via a tribute system

The Mongols conquered regions in such a brutal manner that local rulers often refused to submit to them

The Mongols, a nomadic tribe, could not and did not enforce a unified culture or religion on conquered regions

In contrast to women in Asia and Europe, African women in this period,

Served as the repositories of culture and passed on traditions to future generations

Enjoyed great freedom through matrilineal and matriarchal societies

Needed to amass valuable dowries in order to find suitable husbands

Were confined to the home and were virtually powerless

The greatest effect of the Parisian universitas, which developed around 1300, was

The organization of scholars and the dissemination of Arab and Christian thought

The tremendous growth of higher education among Western Europeans

The spread of printed books

The confirmation of Paris as the intellectual center of Europe

The Aztec Empire became an incredible force in the Americas because of,

The spread of Aztec missionaries throughout Central and South America

Its exploitation of local resources, such as gold

Its expansionist policy and professional army

The development of an extensive trade network with other American empires

The Swahili language, a combination of Bantu and Arabic, exemplifies the extensive trade network that developed between Muslims and East Africans in the 10th century



Which of the following best describes the impact of the Black Death on Afro-Eurasia?

A huge decrease in population

Major losses in food production

Economic unrest, characterized by strikes and inflation

All of the above

The inclusion of ____ in Europe is a Cultural Change.





What major factors contributed to an increased volume of trade between 600 C.E. and 1450 C.E.?

Improved transportation technologies

Commercial practices

Both of these

None of these

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Continuity and Innovation (c. 600 CE – c. 1450)
Questions: 8
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