Midpoint Formula and Distance Formula

This is an MCQ-based quiz for GRE on Midpoint Formula and Distance Formula.

This includes how to find midpoints of any two given points and as well distance between them using the distance formula.

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What is the midpoint between the points (1,3,7) and (–3,1,3)?

(5,2,4) (3,1,2) (2,–1,5) (–1,2,5) (2,2,5)

What is the midpoint of (2, 5) and (14, 18)?

(16, 23) (8, 11.5) (1, 2.5) (7, 9) (–10, –13)

A line which cuts another line segment into two equal parts is called a ___________.

midpoint bisector transversal horizontal line parallel line

find the distance between points x and y X: (6,3) Y: (11,15)

8 12 19 5 13

Quantity A: The distance between the points with rectangular coordinates (6,0) and (10,0) Quantity B: The distance between the points with rectangular coordinates (1,1) and (–2,4)

The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Quantity B is greater. The two quantities are equal. Quantity A is greater.

What is the distance between the two points, (1,1) and (7,9)?

7.5 5 51/2 3 10

A man travels north 40 meters, while at the same time his wife travels south 20 meters from his initial starting place. He then travels west 100 meters, and his wife travels east 60 meters, followed by him backtracking east 30 meters while his wife stays in the same spot. Find the approximate value for half the distance between them.

72 56 144 220 110

There is a line defined by two end-points, (4,3) and (a,b). The midpoint between these two points is (7,15). What is the value of the point (a,b)?






There is a line defined by two end-points, (11,−5) and (a,b). The midpoint between these two points is (−6,−21). What is the value of the point (a,b)?






What is the other endpoint of a line segment with one point that is (6,8) and a midpoint of (14,1)?






What is the other endpoint of a line segment with one point that is (−15,14) and a midpoint of (−19,4)?






What is the distance between (2,3,4) and (4,6,5)?






Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Midpoint Formula and Distance Formula
Questions: 12
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