Meiosis: Reductional Cell Division

This is an MCQ-based quiz on the topic of Meiosis: Reductional Cell Division.

This includes the following topics:-

  • Prophase 1

  • Metaphase 1

  • Anaphase 1

  • Telophase

  • leptotene

  • zygotene

  • pachytene

Start Quiz

The stage of prophase I wherein crossing over occurs is _______.

Zygotene Diplotene Leptotene Pachytene

Which of these events does not take place during meiosis ?

One successive division without any DNA replication Chiasmata formation and crossing over Segregation of homologous chromosomes Separation of sister chromatids

Meiosis I is reductional division and meiosis II is equational division because of

Separation of chromatids Crossing over The disjunction of homologous chromosomes The pairing of homologous chromosomes

The stage of prophase I wherein crossing over occurs is

Zygotene Diplotene Leptotene Pachytene

Mendelian factor (Aa) is segregated during

Anaphase I Anaphase II Diplotene Zygotene/Pachytene

Continuous variations are due to

Mutation Crossing over Polyploidy Chromosomal aberrations

Polytene chromosomes are formed due to _____________

Endomitosis Meiosis Mitosis Endomixis

Synapsis takes place between

Spindle fibre and centromere

mRNA and ribosomes

A female and a male gamete

Two homologous chromosomes

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Meiosis: Reductional Cell Division
Questions: 8
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