Introduction to Metabolism

Many processes occur within a living organism, and some we can only understand in AP Biology. The test below is based on chapter 8- Introduction to Metabolism. Give it a try and see what you understood and study up more on the areas you fail. All the best, and come back for more tests!

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How do allosteric enzymes become inactive?

Substrate attaches

Activator attaches

Inhibitor attaches

Nothing attaches

How do allosteric enzymes become active?

Activator attaches

Substrate attaches

Inhibitor attaches

Nothing attaches

Are enzymes proteins?

Some of them are, but not all proteins are enzymes

All of them are, but not all proteins are enzymes

All of them are, and all proteins are enzymes

None of them are

What is adenosine made of?

Adenine and phosphate

Adenine and pentose

Adenine and ribose

Adenine and deoxyribose

What is the part of the enzyme where the substrate is given an induced (tight) fit?

Activation site

Active site

Reactant site

Substrate site

How many high-energy bonds does ATP have?





The mechanism by which the end product of a metabolic pathway inhibits an earlier step in the pathway is called ___________.

Feedback inhibition

Metallic inhibition

Allosteric regulation

Irreversible inhibition

A degradative process such as cellular respiration can also be known as...

Kinetic pathway

Catabolic pathway

Endergonic pathway

Anabolic pathway

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Introduction to Metabolism
Questions: 8
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