Introduction To Biology

This set of Questions on Introduction to Biology will come in handy when it comes to preparing for it. Don’t doubt yourself so much, do give it a shot and get to see which topics you need to concentrate more on. All the best and keep an eye out for other quizzes like it.

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What phylum are humans in?





What is an example of negative feedback?

Body temperature

Child birth

Both A and B

None of these

What is an indicator of a good experiment?

It uses a control

It uses an experimental group

It only changes one thing

All of these

What class are humans in?





If the transformation depicted in organelle B requires oxygen, what form of energy is represented by E IV?

Chemical energy released by glycolysis

Chemical energy in the form of ATP

Radiant energy in the form of photons

Chemical energy being stored as glycogen

What form of energy is represented by E II?

Chemical energy released by glycolysis

Chemical energy being stored in the bonds of glucose

Radiant energy in the form of photons

Chemical energy in the form of ATP

During photosynthesis,

Light reactions produce NADPH and ATP, while the Calvin cycle produces sugar.

Light reactions produce sugar, while the Calvin cycle produces O2.

Light reactions photophosphorylate ADP, while the Calvin cycle produces ATP.

The Calvin cycle produces both sugar and O2.

What species are humans?

Homo Erectus

Homo Sapiens

Homo Neanderthal

Homo Habilis

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Introduction To Biology
Questions: 8
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