Integers: Numbers that can be Positive, Negative, or Zero

In this quiz, you will find questions based on integers, their definition, rules, and properties.

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(- 1) × (- 1) × (- 1) × …… 2m times, where m is a natural number, is equal to

1 – 1 1 or – 1 none of these

(- 20) × (- 5) is equal to

100 – 100 20 5

(- 30) × 20 is equal to

600 – 600 50 10

The product of three negative integers is

a positive integer a negative integer either a positive integer or a nega¬tive integer none of these

3 × 0 is equal to

0 3 1 -3

On a number line, when we add a positive integer, we

move to the right move to the left do not move at all none of these.

On a number line, when we subtract a positive integer, we

move to the right move to the left do not move at all none of these.

On a number line, when we add a negative integer, we

move to the right move to the left do not move at all none of these.

When two positive integers are added, we get

a positive integer a negative integer sometimes a positive integer, sometimes a negative integer none of these.

When two negative integers are added, we get

a positive integer a negative integer sometimes a positive integer, sometimes a negative integer none of these.

10 × (−3) = ?

7 30 -30 None of these

What is the absolute value of |-239|?

0 239 -239 1

Additive inverse of 10 is :

0 10 -10 None of these

2 × 4 = ?

8 -8 3 6

With respect to which of the following operations is closure property satisfied by the set of integers?





Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Integers: Numbers that can be Positive, Negative, or Zero
Questions: 15
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