Rational Numbers: A Ratio of p/q

In this quiz, you will be going to solve questions related to rational numbers, their comparisons, and operations on rational numbers.

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The numerator of the rational number 3/5 is

3 5 2 8

The denominator of the rational number 3/-7 is

7 -7 3 -3

The numerator of the rational number 0 is

0 1 2 3

The denominator of the rational number 0 is

0 1 -1 any non-zero integer

if -8/-9 = -16/? then ? =

18 -18 9 -9

The numbers used for counting objects are called :

Natural numbers Whole numbers Integers None of these

Reduce to standard form -36/24

6/4 -3/2 4/6 none of these

Rational number between -2 and -1.

3/2 3 -3/2 none of these

Write correct symbol -5/7 ▢ 2/3

< > = none of these

Additive inverse of 4/7 is :

-4/7 -4/-7 7/4 none of these
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Rational Numbers: A Ratio of p/q
Questions: 10
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