Lines and Angles

This is an MCQ-based quiz on Lines and Angles.

This includes Sides, Vertex, Angles, and Lines

Start Quiz

A line joining two endpoints is called:

Line segment A ray Parallel lines Intersecting lines

A straight angle is equal to:

90° 180° 360°

Two angles whose sum is equal to 180° are called:

Vertically opposite angles Complementary angles Adjacent angles Supplementary angles

Intersecting lines cut each other at:

One point Two points Three points Null

Two parallel lines intersect at:

One point Two points Three points Null

If one angle of triangle is equal to the sum of the other two angles then triangle is :

Acute triangle Obtuse triangle Right triangle None of these

Given four points such that no three of them are collinear, then the number of lines that can be drawn through them are:

4 lines 8 lines 6 lines 2 lines

How many degrees are there in an angle which equals one-fifth of its supplement?

15° 30° 75° 150°

Sum of the measure of an angle and its vertically opposite angle is always.

Zero Thrice the measure of the original angle Double the measure of the original angle Equal to the measure of the original angle

In a triangle ABC if ∠A = 53° and ∠C = 44° then the value of ∠B is:

46° 83° 93° 73°

An exterior angle of a triangle is 80° and the interior opposite angles are in the ratio 1 : 3, measure of interior opposite angles are

30°, 90° 40°, 120° 20°, 60° 30°, 60°

One of the angles of a triangle is 75°. If the difference of other two is 35°, then the largest angle of other two angles has a measure

80° 75° 70° 135°

Each angle of an equilateral triangle is

50° 90° 54° 60°

If AB = x + 3, BC = 2x and AC = 4x – 5, then for what value of ‘x’, B lies on AC?

2 3 5 8

The diagonals of the rectangle ABCD intersect at O. If ∠COD = 78°, then ∠OAB is:

35 degree 51 degree 70 degree 110 degree

If two complementary angles are in the ratio 13 : 5, then the angles are:

13 degree, 5 degree 25 degree, 65 degree 65 degree, 25 degree 65 degree, 35 degree

A line joining two endpoints are called:

Line segment A ray Parallel lines Intersecting lines

The angles in a linear pair are:-



Not adjacent angles

Vertically opposite angles

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Lines and Angles
Questions: 18
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